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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. I would like to remind you that with that attitude, you won't achieve anything.
  2. Castillo

    I need Help

    Well, these error mean that the function ( e.g: setElementHealth ) expected a number, but instead, it got "nil", basically, the data is not there. You should make it so if the data is not available, use a default value.
  3. Castillo

    1.4 Beta Release

    I never heard of a GTA:SA PC update with better graphics, I think you are confusing the mobile version with a new PC version.
  4. Es el unico recurso que sirve para esto. Lo de inmortal solo pasa con las motos, nunca me paso con autos.
  5. Try to make it, then if you can't, post what you've tried and we'll help you fix it.
  6. Castillo

    Internet Speed

    P.S: I think the upload speed is bugged, shouldn't be more than 2.
  7. La funcion esa tiene un argumento que es para que se repita, ponelo en 'false'.
  8. Nope, I don't think there's anything you can do about this.
  9. Castillo


    I don't really understand the problem.
  10. You must use one of the following functions: getDistanceBetweenPoints2D getDistanceBetweenPoints3D
  11. No, but you could attach a colshape to the object and then use the colshape events.
  12. Castillo

    (S) kill

    You're welcome.
  13. Castillo

    (S) kill

    Yeah, it's because parentheses are used for paterns, copy my code again and try it.
  14. I'm using the MTA compiler for my server, so far, we got no problems.
  15. Castillo

    (S) kill

    addEvent ( "onRaceStateChanging" ) addEventHandler ( "onRaceStateChanging", root, function ( state ) if ( state == "Running" ) then -- If the new state is "running" for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do -- Loop all the ingame players if getPlayerName ( player ):find ( "%(%S%)" ) then -- Check if their nickname contains (S) local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) -- Get the player vehicle if ( theVehicle ) then -- If he/she is in a vehicle blowVehicle ( theVehicle, false ) -- Blow it up end end end end end ) Try it.
  16. Es raro, porque yo tambien uso OVH en mi servidor, y no tenemos ningun problema.
  17. Post the entire code.
  18. I don't think you can, since that delay is surely due to lag.
  19. No need to use attachElements. Use the function createBlipAttachedTo
  20. Still, your "tutorial" is a bit un-explained, you could explain it a bit more, so these who don't know can understand it.
  21. Yes, you can play normally, even drive vehicles underwater.
  22. Do you even know what is setElementData used for? You can disable the synchronization among clients using the fourth argument of the function.
  23. Lo bloquean en su dedicado, seguramente tampoco podes acceder a su sitio web.
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