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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. That's what the code should do, have you tried it? You can also use element data.
  2. Login, then go to "New issues", and then the button will appear.
  3. I think you should, since I tried it and it also happens on my server.
  4. Nevermind my last post, I confused the arguments somehow.
  5. Where is the size in there? I only see R, G, B, A.
  6. Castillo

    Export Help

    exports [ "door" ]:setVehicleDoorType ( veh, scissor ) scissor has to be inside quotes. exports [ "door" ]:setVehicleDoorType ( veh, "scissor" )
  7. By any chance, you used a negative value in the size?
  8. Must be because 'source' in onClientPlayerStealthKill is the player that initiated the stealth kill, not the victim. Change 'localPlayer' in addEventHandler to 'root', and then inside "abortAllStealthKills" function, before cancelEvent ( ), put: if ( targetPlayer == localPlayer ) then end
  9. They use loadstring function to load the Lua code.
  10. Makes no difference, it's the same as comparing the team name.
  11. You want to remove SQLite toptimes tables if they are empty?
  12. Castillo


    What is this for? what is your goal?
  13. Nope, you can't cancel that event.
  14. Castillo

    Command Help

    Well, you can export the function "setVehicleDoorType" from the custom doors script and then use it like this: addCommandHandler ( "scissor", function ( ) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if ( veh ) then exports [ "doors_script" ]:setVehicleDoorType ( veh, "scissor" ) end end )
  15. I don't really know if you should sell this, maybe if you make something more complex, like using gridlists for example, and instead of showing a image, just show the car rotating or something.
  16. local xmlPath = "myXMLfile.xml" function getVehiclesInXMLByOwner ( owner ) local vehicles = { } -- Define a Lua table if ( owner ) then -- If the argument was passed to the function... local xmlFile = xmlLoadFile ( xmlPath ) -- Load the XML file if ( xmlFile ) then -- If the XML file is loaded for _, child in ipairs ( xmlNodeGetChildren ( xmlFile ) ) do -- Loop all it's children local attrs = xmlNodeGetAttributes ( child ) -- Get the children attributes if ( attrs.owner == owner ) then -- If the owner matches the passed argument table.insert ( -- Insert it into our 'vehicles' table vehicles, { id = attrs.vehicleid, r = attrs.r, g = attrs.g, b = attrs.b } ) end end xmlUnloadFile ( xmlFile ) -- Unload the XML file end end return vehicles -- Return the vehicles table end Try it.
  17. function test ( ) local data = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT account FROM names WHERE name = ?", tostring ( sourcename ) ) if ( data ) then -- If there is data local account = data [ 1 ] [ "account" ] -- Get the account from it -- stuck here end end
  18. Hay algo que esta impidiendo que el recurso inicie, capaz lo configuraste mal.
  19. local number = tonumber ( guiGetText ( myGUIElement ) ) if ( number ) then -- is a number end
  20. Have you tried updating your drivers?
  21. Any clue on when is this going to be implemented?
  22. No, you can't cut parts of an object.
  23. Copy the resources to: MTA directory\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\ and refresh the console: /refresh then you should be able to start them with /start
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