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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Is wrong, you must first get the player account with getPlayerAccount, then get the name of that account with getAccountName.
  2. Estas usando: math.random sin un numero. Ese no es el problema, en destroyElement pone 'source'.
  3. I don't understand what do you mean by "attach music", do you mean attach it to the player or something?
  4. createMarker onClientMarkerHit
  5. addVehicleUpgrade That?
  6. You're right, I replaced the images with another element and the lag is just 1 second now, thanks a lot.
  7. getVehicleCompatibleUpgrades
  8. They aren't pickups, they look like ones because they rotate with a script in the "race" game mode.
  9. Castillo


    onBan removeBan
  10. That's what I thought, I guess players will have to wait some seconds to see the GUI, thanks for your answer.
  11. Hello everyone. I've got a question about creating many GUI elements at once. Well, recently I've started working on "Achievements", and I need to create many GUI elements at once ( 28 right now ), and when I open the "Achievements" GUI, the game freezes for many seconds. Now my question is, is possible to fix the "lag" when I open the GUI? Thanks in advance. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, JUST DON'T REPLY. ( I'LL REMOVE POSTS THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS )
  12. Castillo


    That's not possible as far as I know.
  13. You must be editing a temp file or something. Path: "\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\[gameplay]freeroam"
  14. They aren't "pickups", they are an object and a colshape. The element type is: "racepickup", you can loop and compare if the "pickup" is "Nitro".
  15. function nodamage ( attacker, bodypart ) if ( attacker and getElementType ( attacker ) == "vehicle" ) then cancelEvent ( ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, nodamage ) Has to work.
  16. No es tan dificil, si queres te ayudo atraves de "Team Viewer".
  17. I'm glad that it helped. You're welcome.
  18. You can use element data to save the "infected" status. And for the event which would set the "infected" data, it could be: onPlayerDamage, although I'm not sure if zombies will trigger this event when damage you.
  19. Y cómo pensas vos que nosotros podriamos saber cómo funciona tu game mode?
  20. A tu pregunta le falta lo más importante... de que game mode estamos hablando?
  21. I don't want to sound rude, but maybe you should start with easier scripts.
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