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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Do they have "lctrl" key pressed?
  2. Castillo

    zombie kill

    I loaded "zombies" definition without problems.
  3. Castillo

    zombie kill

    Is the "zombies" resource at the same server your map editor is?
  4. Castillo

    zombie kill

    I don't remember right now, but there's a button called "definitions" or something like that.
  5. Castillo

    zombie kill

    Did you load the "zombies" definition?
  6. Castillo

    zombie kill

    Scroll the mouse down.
  7. Castillo

    zombie kill

    You're welcome.
  8. Castillo

    zombie kill

    You can make spawnpoints inside the colshape, then set the spawn method at the "meta.xml" of "zombies" to spawn only on spawnpoints.
  9. Castillo

    zombie kill

    addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", theColshape, function ( leaveElement ) if ( leaveElement and getElementType ( leaveElement ) == "ped" ) then if ( exports [ "zombies" ]:isPedZombie ( leaveElement ) ) then killPed ( leaveElement ) end end end )
  10. That was the error I supposed you had .
  11. Castillo


    You're welcome.
  12. Post how you trigger the event: "CTheVehicle".
  13. Castillo


    function getServerMaps ( ) local mapsTable = { } for resourceKey, resourceValue in ipairs ( getResources ( ) ) do local name = getResourceInfo ( resourceValue, "name" ) local type = getResourceInfo ( resourceValue, "type" ) local game = getResourceInfo ( resourceValue, "gamemodes" ) local author = getResourceInfo ( resourceValue, "author" ) if ( type == "map" and game == "race" ) then table.insert ( mapsTable, { resName = getResourceName ( resourceValue ), mapName = name, mapAuthor = author } ) end end return mapsTable end
  14. Castillo


    bindKey guiSetVisible
  15. Castillo


  16. engineImportDFF Esa funcion no existe, es: engineReplaceModel
  17. I just wake up, forgot the 'end' as well. You're welcome.
  18. Copy my code again, I forgot a comma.
  19. Yeah, it's wrong. buses = { } function StartBusJob ( ) setPlayerTeam ( source, busteam ) local gX, gY, gZ = getElementPosition ( source ) if ( isElement ( buses [ source ] ) ) then destroyElement ( buses [ source ] ) end buses [ source ] = createVehicle ( 431, gX, gY, gZ ) setTimer ( warpPedIntoVehicle, 200, 1, source, buses [ source ] ) end addEventHandler ( "StartBusJob", root, StartBusJob )
  20. There's no need for that blazy, as I said before, he can make a table and store the vehicles of each player. Like this: --Outside function buses = { } --Inside function if ( isElement ( buses [ source ] ) ) then destroyElement ( buses [ source ] ) end buses [ source ] = createVehicle ( arguments... )
  21. In MySQL you can export the table and import it back with PHPMyAdmin.
  22. What do you mean? by SQL you mean SQLite or MySQL? in MySQL you can export the table and import it back with PHPMyAdmin.
  23. Castillo


    Usa este evento para detectar cuando le cambia el skin a un jugador: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnE ... odelChange
  24. Ese archivo contiene las cuentas creadas por el sistema de cuentas original del MTA, copiandolo deberia funcionar.
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