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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Si el archivo de la fuente existe y es una fuente valida, entonces hasta ahi deberia funcionar, ahora, el problema lo tenes aca: dxDrawColorText ('Map: ' .. g_MapInfo.name, 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(3.3, 'font')/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 2, 'font', 2, 'left') Cuando usas una variable no tenes que poner comillas, en este caso apostrofes.
  2. Castillo


    players = { } That would be the table where we'll store each player element and the current index of the table. players [ playerElement ] = 1 This would store a player element with the table index as 1, then you can do this: local index = players [ playerElement ] local x, y, z = unpack ( markers [ index ] )
  3. Castillo


    I'll show you a small example. --Global: players = { } --In your create marker function: players [ playerElement ] = tableIndex
  4. Castillo


    You can make a Lua table and store player current marker index.
  5. Castillo


    By "non-random" you mean like a route? P.S: local markers = { {1824.73217,-1852.47290,12.41406} {1824.53881,1675.97546,12.38281} {1855.18969,-1405.53662,12.39062} {1661.61486,-1295.06185,13,43967} } You have missing commas after each item.
  6. Castillo


    You're welcome.
  7. Castillo

    10,000 posts

    I won't "disappear", I'll be active as long as I have time to.
  8. Castillo


    You have a custom function called: "setInPosition"?
  9. Castillo


    That'll not work.
  10. Castillo


    1: I doubt it sets position, there's no such function: "setInPosition", it's "setElementPosition". 2: Your player argument is 'hitElement', but in "setElementFrozen" you're using "thePlayer". 3: "Unfreeze" function will never work, as you're not passing any player argument.
  11. I was going to suggest that, but maybe he needs to use it outside that resource, and it would been harder for him to make a function to export it after.
  12. The 'zombies' resource by slothman works fine. Try redownloading it: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ils&id=347
  13. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AclGroupList https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AclGroupGetName Si no me equivoco, con esas funciones lo podes hacer.
  14. Tu argumento es 'source', pero vos estas usando 'thePlayer' en el evento: 'onPlayerPrivateMessage'.
  15. Castillo

    10,000 posts

    I don't see anything wrong with posting: "You're welcome", also is not 95% of the posts, but 5%.
  16. Thanks SS14 Any Ideas on Simple Scripting, Thanks Lloyd You're welcome.
  17. We don't accept requests here.
  18. Aca no hacemos pedidos, aca te ayudamos a entender & reparar tus scripts. Las funciones que vas a necesitar son las siguientes: Client side: guiGetText triggerServerEvent Server side: addAccount logIn
  19. Castillo

    10,000 posts

    Thanks. I know is not a big achievement.
  20. That userpanel includes that if I remember well.
  21. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ils&id=811 That's a race userpanel I made long ago. If you can't find what you need, then you can either learn to do it or pay someone.
  22. triggerServerEvent(source,"abrir:It",source) 2 errores: 1: Es triggerClientEvent en el server side. 2: Tu argumento es 'thePlayer', no 'source'.
  23. Castillo


    What do you mean by help you with scripting? if you got problems with a script, just post and we'll help you.
  24. getPlayerFromName obtiene un elemento de jugador del nombre, no de otro elemento, borra eso y pone localPlayer en: setElementInvulnerable.
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