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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    Zona de BOT

    No necesitas ningun evento, ya te explique como se hace.
  2. 1: You forgot the parentheses for the function. 2: You didn't define 'player'. 3: I recommend you to start from the basics of Lua.
  3. It's easier to get the players in the team using: getPlayersInTeam
  4. Castillo


    door = createObject ( 11327,1066.8000488281,1364, 11.800000190735, 0, 0, 270 ) function opendoor ( ) moveObject ( door, 2000, 1066.8000488281, 1364, 16.299999237061 ) end addCommandHandler ( "basepl1234abrir", opendoor ) function closedoor ( ) moveObject ( door, 2000, 1066.8000488281, 1364, 11.800000190735 ) end addCommandHandler ( "basepl1234cerrar", closedoor ) Ese script funciona.
  5. Castillo


    Must be another script which freezes the player on spawn.
  6. Castillo


    "X", "Y, "Z" no era necesario. door = createObject ( 11327,1066.8000488281,1364, 11.800000190735, 0, 0, 270 ) function opendoor ( ) moveObject (door, 5, 1066.8000488281, 1364, 16.299999237061) end addCommandHandler("BasePL5897Abrir", opendoor) function closedoor ( ) moveObject (door, 2, 1066.8000488281, 1364, 11.800000190735, 0, 0, 270) end addCommandHandler("BasePL5897Cerrar", closedoor)
  7. Esa es la parte mas facil, lo que necesitas es el codigo que crea la imagen en la scoreboard.
  8. How do you expect your script to work then?
  9. No me entendes, de ese recurso podes aprender a crear la imagen del rango.
  10. Castillo


    La verdad es que quiere decir que no pudo cargar el meta.xml.
  11. Castillo


    Postea tu script y meta.xml.
  12. Busca en el MTA community, ahi hay algunos recursos que ponen la bandera del pais en la scoreboard.
  13. Y que queres que "hagamos"? no tenemos control sobre los servidores, te banearon y no podes hacer una appeal, busca otro servidor.
  14. Para hacer eso necesitas editar el scoreboard.
  15. This is a server sided script? You should make a client side script which updates camera onClientPreRender.
  16. Hide the blip to everyone, then loop all players of that team and set it visible to them.
  17. Como ya dije, no es el foro del CIT, no podemos hacer nada.
  18. Este foro no es de CIT, no te podemos ayudar.
  19. getPlayersInTeam No necesitas esa funcion.
  20. Is what I'm thinking, as he doesn't even understand what I mean.
  21. Toptimes work with SQLite, you'll have to edit it completely.
  22. No, post the script which triggers the event: "settext".
  23. I don't really understand what do you mean.
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