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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    GUI Help

    addEventHandler ( "onElementClicked", ped1, function ( ) outputChatBox ( "Clicked ped1!" ) end )
  2. Castillo

    GUI Help

    You can use onElementClicked as well.
  3. Your problem is that you attach the event handler to a non existing function.
  4. Castillo


    Debe ser algo del MTA/GTA.
  5. Castillo


    Los slothbots no pueden disparar con rocket launcher.
  6. Still doesn't really make much sense, I recommend to start from the basics.
  7. His script is client side, that function is server side as it uses account names.
  8. We don't accept requests here, you must learn to do it, then if you have problems, you can ask for help here.
  9. The resource: "gang_system" uses "gang" element data as TAPL used on his code.
  10. That code has many errors. 1: "playeraccount" is not defined anywhere @ "onPlayerQuit". 2: At @ "setAccountData" you are using variable "kills", but your variable is "score". 3: What is this for: "setPlayerScoreboardForced"?
  11. If there's no such resource on the MTA community, then you'll have to make it by yourself.
  12. You can use the function: setElementInvulnerable from my "extra_health" resource. Download link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5195
  13. I know this is already locked, but this guy and MOJRM-511 is the same one. He sent me PM's asking for unban, that's how I know.
  14. There's number 1 and 2, your question just makes no sense. P.S: Problem is solved as he said above.
  15. Just create the colshape manually and then use the same position for the radar area.
  16. I don't think it's possible yet. Topic moved to "Scripting" section.
  17. You can't use negative values on colshapes.
  18. 1: Post your code with [lua] tags. 2: Maybe telling us what's wrong with it could help us help you.
  19. Castillo

    Points problem

    Lemme try to understand: When a player joins the game, he'll win the points/money, which is wrong, and when all players die and one is alive, that one won't get anything?
  20. Use the same code but to close it?
  21. You must bind the key when a player joins ( onPlayerJoin ), also loop all online players when resource starts ( onResourceStart + getElementsByType ).
  22. Castillo

    How to use addons?

    Well, first you must add your account to Admin group, you can read how here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ser ... nistrators
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