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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo


    Post the content of: "c2.lua".
  2. Solo los necesarios, porque esa era la cause de no poder parar la animacion.
  3. Ok, copialo de nuevo, lo probe y funciona.
  4. Lo pusiste como server side, no?
  5. function myped ( thePlayer ) setElementData ( thePlayer, "smoking", not getElementData ( thePlayer, "smoking" ) ) if ( getElementData ( thePlayer, "smoking" ) ) then setPedAnimation ( thePlayer ) else setPedAnimation ( thePlayer, "SMOKING", "F_smklean_loop" ) end end addCommandHandler ( "smoke2", myped ) Probalo.
  6. Estas intentando hacer que si esta haciendo la animacion, la deje de hacer, y si no, la empieze a hacer?
  7. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, function ( txt ) local txt = txt:gsub ( "#[%x][%x][%x][%x][%x][%x]", "" ) local len = 0 if ( txt:len ( ) > 48 ) then return end if ( txt:find ( "hey chuck" ) ) then local text = txt:gsub ( "hey chuck", "" ) setTimer ( outputChatBox, 100, 1, "#FF00FF|NcO|#FFFF00Chuck: Hey!", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) end end ) Should work. The problem was that you created another function for the timer, instead of using just 'outputChatBox', so 'source' was not defined.
  8. SQL es una base de datos nada mas, el MTA Paradise usa MySQL para guardar todo ( cuentas, personajes, etc, etc... ).
  9. I can see the arrow object ( 1318 ) inside interiors.
  10. Creo que es: "bikeleap", "bk_blnce_in"
  11. Yes, you should report it on mantis.
  12. Castillo


    Any error in the debugscript?
  13. What you are saying is that is not saving the wanted level correctly?
  14. Castillo


    Not required, use my function, should work.
  15. Maybe with shaders, I'm not sure though.
  16. Castillo


    getAlivePlayers is a server side function. function getAlivePlayers ( ) local players = { } for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( getElementHealth ( player ) > 0 ) then table.insert ( players, player ) end end return players end function make ( ) label = guiCreateLabel ( 0, 0.9525, 1, 1, "ALIVE: ".. #getAlivePlayers ( ), true ) guiSetFont ( label, "sa-header" ) guiLabelSetColor ( label, 255, 175, 0 ) end
  17. You can try detecting both commands with the event: onPlayerCommand, I'm not sure if it'll work with these two though.
  18. Castillo


    dbConnect dbExec dbQuery dbPoll dbFree These functions work for MySQL and SQLite, every function has one or more examples.
  19. I have the same problem, I created a pickup in an interior and it didn't show up at all, then I created it outside and it worked. Could be a MTA 1.3.1 bug maybe?
  20. You want to punish these who use "/reconnect" or "/quit"?
  21. createMarker createObject moveObject onMarkerHit
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