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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Vas a tener que guardar si se abrio una vez o no con: setAccountData, luego cuando hagan login, usas: getAccountData para verificar si ya se abrio una vez.
  2. Castillo

    A way ?

    You mean DD rounds in "race" resource?
  3. exports [ "scoreboard" ]:scoreboardAddColumn ( "id", root, 10, "id", 0 ) Try that.
  4. No, there isn't such thing.
  5. addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin",getLocalPlayer(),function() setTimer(spawn, 5000, 1) end) That part is useless, since "onClientPlayerJoin" is triggered for remote players only, not the person who joined, and "onClientResourceStart" is already doing what this event would do.
  6. I don't know if it's stolen or not, but since it's already solved, I'm locking the topic.
  7. getServerPort That's to get the port ( obviously ), but there's no function to get the IP.
  8. Si, busca en: "s_main.lua": addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", g_root, function( ) fadeCamera( source, false, 4 ); setTimer( requestMenu, 5000, 1, source ); deleteAllPlayerBlips( source ) end ); Y quitale: setTimer( requestMenu, 5000, 1, source );
  9. Crea un script nuevo y agregale esto: addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) exports ["scoreboard" ]:scoreboardAddColumn ( "exp", root, 80, "experience" ) exports ["scoreboard" ]:scoreboardAddColumn ( "level" ) end )
  10. local weapons = { { fileName = "Misil2", model = 359 } } function cargar ( ) for index, weapon in ipairs ( weapons ) do engineImportTXD ( engineLoadTXD ( weapon.fileName ..".txd", weapon.model ), weapon.model ) engineReplaceModel ( engineLoadDFF ( weapon.fileName ..".dff", weapon.model ), weapon.model ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) setTimer ( cargar, 5000, 1 ) end ) Estoy seguro de que el problema era ese "if" para verificar la version, ya no es necesario.
  11. Tema movido a: "Ayuda relacionada al cliente/servidor".
  12. Tema movido a: "Ayuda relacionada al cliente/servidor".
  13. Maybe these ports are being used by another program?
  14. Castillo


    Multi-codes is not possible, indeed, maybe he wants to use just one color.
  15. Castillo


    There's no need to unpack anything, getPlayerNametagColor returns the nick color in R, G, B ( 3 arguments ) the required for guiGridListSetItemColor, but what he wants is to use the HEX color in his nick instead of the nick color.
  16. Yes, it is in the table, model ID: 577
  17. La funcion: getPlayerNametagColor obtiene el color del nick, pero no los colores HEX tipo: #FF0000
  18. guiGridListSetItemColor ( Tabla, row, column, getPlayerNametagColor ( player ) )
  19. marker = getElementByID ( "random" ) autos = { 602, 545, 496, 517, 401, 410, 518, 600, 527, 436, 589, 580, 419, 439, 533, 549, 526, 491, 474, 445, 467, 604, 426, 507, 547, 585, 405, 587, 409, 466, 550, 492, 566, 546, 540, 551, 421, 516, 529, 592, 553, 577, 488, 511, 497, 548, 563, 512, 476, 593, 447, 425, 519, 520, 460, 417, 469, 487, 513, 581, 510, 509, 522, 481, 461, 462, 448, 521, 468, 463, 586, 472, 473, 493, 595, 484, 430, 453, 452, 446, 454, 485, 552, 431, 438, 437, 574, 420, 525, 408, 416, 596, 433, 597, 427, 599, 490, 432, 528, 601, 407, 428, 544, 523, 470, 598, 499, 588, 609, 403, 498, 514, 524, 423, 532, 414, 578, 443, 486, 515, 406, 531, 573, 456, 455, 459, 543, 422, 583, 482, 478, 605, 554, 530, 418, 572, 582, 413, 440, 536, 575, 534, 567, 535, 576, 412, 402, 542, 603, 475, 449, 537, 538, 441, 464, 501, 465, 564, 568, 557, 424, 471, 504, 495, 457, 539, 483, 508, 571, 500, 444, 556, 429, 411, 541, 559, 415, 561, 480, 560, 562, 506, 565, 451, 434, 558, 494, 555, 502, 477, 503, 579, 400, 404, 489, 505, 479, 442, 458, 606, 607, 610, 590, 569, 611, 584, 608, 435, 450, 591, 594 } addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", root, function ( hitElement, matchingDimension ) if ( source == marker ) then local elV = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( hitElement ) if ( elV ) then setElementModel ( elV, autos [ math.random ( #autos ) ] ) end end end ) That's what you want?
  20. Eso no tiene el menor sentido. Para ejecutar una funcion en un tiempo usa setTimer.
  21. addEvent("cuenta", true) addEventHandler("cuenta", root, function ( username, password ) if ( password ~= "" and password ~= nil and username ~= "" and username ~= nil ) then if ( not getAccount ( username ) ) then local accountAdded = addAccount ( username, password ) if ( accountAdded ) then outputChatBox ( "Gracias " .. getPlayerName ( source ) .. ", Ya estas Registrado y loggeado", source ) local file = xmlCreateFile(username .." .xml","root") local node = xmlCreateChild(file,"stats") xmlNodeSetAttribute( node, "name", username ) local check = xmlNodeSetAttribute( node, "pass", password) xmlSaveFile(file) if file then outputChatBox ( "Tu Character se a creado con exito !.", source ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "closeLoginGUI", source ) logIn ( source, getAccount ( xmlNodeGetAttribute( node, "name" ), xmlNodeGetAttribute( node, "pass" ) ), xmlNodeGetAttribute( node, "pass" ) ) end else outputChatBox ( "Error creando la Cuenta por Favor contacta a un Admin.", source ) end else outputChatBox ( "Esta Cuenta Ya Existe..", source ) end else outputChatBox ( "Porfavor Pon tus datos Correctos.", source ) end end ) function loginHandler(username,password) if ( username ) then local acc = getAccount(username, password) if (acc) then logIn ( source, acc, password ) fadeCamera(source, true) setCameraTarget(source) triggerClientEvent ( source, "closeLoginGUI", source ) outputChatBox("Enjoy your time!", source) else outputChatBox("invalid username and password. Please re-connect and try again.", source) end end end addEvent("submitLoginEM",true) addEventHandler("submitLoginEM",root, loginHandler) addEvent("on:Visible:",true) addEventHandler("on:Visible:",root, function() local username = getPlayerName( source ) local file = xmlLoadFile( username .." .xml" ) if ( file ) then triggerClientEvent(source, "openLGUI", source) elseif not ( file ) then triggerClientEvent(source, "openRGUI", source) end end ) addEvent("archivo", true) addEventHandler("archivo", root, function( file ) local username = getPlayerName( source ) local file = xmlLoadFile( username .." .xml" ) end )
  22. Castillo

    Skins !!

    local marker = createMarker (1543.0826416016,-1678.3455810547,12.5,"cylinder",2,0,255,0,255) local marker2 = createMarker (1543.0826416016,-1678.3455810547,12.5,"cylinder",2,0,255,0,255) local skins = {"police 1", "police 2", "police 3", "police 4", "police 5", "police 6"} function createskinGui () window = guiCreateWindow(0.29,0.2117,0.3512,0.675,"police skins",true) skinsgrid = guiCreateGridList(0.0391,0.0938,0.9217,0.6222,true,window) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(skinsgrid,2) _skins = guiGridListAddColumn(skinsgrid,"Skins",0.-- s8) --> skibtn = guiCreateButton(0.242,0.7432,0.5338,0.0617,"take skin",true,window) closebtn = guiCreateButton(0.2456,0.8519,0.5302,0.0568,"Close",true,window) for index, skin in ipairs(skins) do local row = guiGridListAddRow (skinsgrid) guiGridListSetItemText ( skinsgrid, row, _skins, tostring(skin), false, false ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", marker, function ( hitElement ) if ( hitElement == localPlayer ) then createskinGui ( hitElement ) if ( window ~= nil ) then guiSetVisible ( window, true ) showCursor ( true ) guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) end end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function () if (source == skibtn) then local row,col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(skinsgrid) if (row and col and row ~= -1 and col ~= -1) then local skinName = guiGridListGetItemText(skinsgrid, row, 1) if skinName == "police 1" then setElementModel(getLocalPlayer(), 280) elseif skinName == "police 2" then setElementModel(getLocalPlayer(),281) elseif skinName == "police 3" then setElementModel(getLocalPlayer(), 282) elseif skinName == "police 4" then setElementModel(getLocalPlayer(), 283) elseif skinName == "police 5" then setElementModel(getLocalPlayer(),284) elseif skinName == "police 6" then setElementModel(getLocalPlayer(), 288) end triggerEvent("closeWindow", localPlayer ) else outputChatBox("Please,select a skin of the list.",255,0,0) end elseif (source == closebtn) then triggerEvent("closeWindow", localPlayer ) end end ) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerLeave", marker, function ( leaveElement ) if ( leaveElement == localPlayer ) then triggerEvent("closeWindow", localPlayer ) end end ) addEvent("closeWindow", true) addEventHandler("closeWindow", root, function () guiSetVisible(window, false) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end )
  23. Castillo

    Skins !!

    local vehicleName = guiGridListGetItemText(skinsgrid, row, 1) Should be: local skinName = guiGridListGetItemText ( skinsgrid, row, 1 )
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