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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo


    Copialo de nuevo.
  2. Castillo


    Copialo de nuevo, habias puesto "autos", pero tendria que haber sido "vehicle" en el for-loop.
  3. When is "towarTrociny" function executed?
  4. Castillo


    local models = { [ 431 ] = true, [ 574 ] = true, [ 420 ] = true, [ 438 ] = true } function openall ( player ) for index, vehicle in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) ) do if ( models [ getElementModel ( vehicle ) ] ) then local vehicleID = vehicles [ vehicle ] and vehicles [ vehicle ].vehicleID if ( vehicleID and ( vehicleID < 0 or exports.sql:query_free( "UPDATE vehicles SET locked = 1 - locked WHERE vehicleID = " .. vehicleID ) ) ) then setVehicleLocked ( vehicle, not isVehicleLocked ( vehicle ) ) end end end end addCommandHandler ( "abrircoches", openall )
  5. You mean San Andreas map objects? if so, then use: removeWorldModel
  6. Esas funciones sirven para ambos, SQLite y MySQL.
  7. dxDrawText, no dxCreateText.
  8. Castillo

    AFK System

    Usa: getElementPosition getCameraMatrix getScreenFromWorldPosition dxDrawImage
  9. Castillo


    Aca no ayudamos a los que roban el trabajo de los demas. Tema cerrado.
  10. Castillo


    Algun error en el debug? Postea la funcion: "give".
  11. playSound es client side, onPlayerLogin es server side.
  12. You must ask the server owner for it.
  13. You mean passwords to enter on some servers? if so, their owners have locked them.
  14. function rock ( ) sonido = playSound ( "" ) setSoundVolume ( sonido, 0.5 ) end addCommandHandler ("rock", rock ) P.D: Probre la URL esa en el MTA y tampoco funciona, asi que debe ser la URL el problema.
  15. policeVehicles = { [ 598 ] = true, [ 596 ] = true, [ 597 ] = true, [ 599 ] = true } copTeams = { [ "Police" ] = true, [ "Military" ] = true, [ "SWAT" ] = true } function enterVehicle ( player, seat, jacked ) if ( policeVehicles [ getElementModel ( source ) ] ) and not ( copTeams [ getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( player ) ) ] ) then cancelEvent ( ) outputChatBox ( "Only policeman can enter police cars!", player ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicle )
  16. Castillo

    Ayuda - Timer

    No se puede mover un objeto cuando esta pegado a otro elemento.
  17. Castillo

    Ayuda - Timer

    No podes usar moveObject con un objeto pegado a otro.
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