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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Ese codigo es viejo, usa el ultimo.
  2. Para obtener los jugadores online en una tabla, si, esa.
  3. La manera que te dije es la unica para dar un arma a todos los jugadores.
  4. Because you are setting it wrong, "r, g, b" should be a table instead, like this: setElementData ( localPlayer, "color", { r, g, b } )
  5. getElementsByType Usa esa funcion para obtener una tabla con todos los jugadores, luego usa un for-loop para obtener cada uno.
  6. Maybe you got messed up indexs.
  7. The problem must be on your GUI then.
  8. No, actually forget all about that, you can disable weapons by changing this setting: "*weapons/enabled" value="true" /> -- Can players give themselves weapons? --> to: "*weapons/enabled" value="false" /> -- Can players give themselves weapons? -->
  9. Go to "play/broph.map" and you'll see this: "ranch" posX="-711" posY="957" posZ="12.4" rotation="90"> "pirate" posX="2005" posY="1543" posZ="13.5" rotX="270"> "grove" posX="2485" posY="-1667" posZ="13.3" rotX="0"> "hill" posX="-2405" posY="-598" posZ="132.6" rotX="128">
  10. So, it's only loading R and G colors?
  11. addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[1], function ( ) exports.cpicker:openPicker ( localPlayer, "#FFAA00", "Clan system" ) end ,false ) addEvent ( "onColorPickerOK", true ) addEventHandler ( "onColorPickerOK", root, function ( element, hex, r, g, b ) guiSetText ( GUIEditor_Edit[2], r ) guiSetText ( GUIEditor_Edit[3], g ) guiSetText ( GUIEditor_Edit[4], b ) outputChatBox ( r ..", ".. g ..", ".. b ) end ) See what it outputs to chat.
  12. No errors on your debugscript? you are clicking the "OK" button after choosing the color, right?
  13. Why it doesn't work? could you give us more information?
  14. @SuleymanM: There's a resource named: "shader_nitro" on the MTA community, you could download it and edit it to work with team colors.
  15. Castillo


    You can also use this resource: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=3016
  16. You forgot the addEvent function: addEvent ( "onColorPickerOK", true )
  17. Go to "freeroam/fr_server.lua" and search for this: function giveMeWeapon(weapon, amount) if weapon > 50 then return end if table.find(getOption('weapons.disallowed'), weapon) then errMsg((getWeaponNameFromID(weapon) or tostring(weapon)) .. 's are not allowed', source) else giveWeapon(source, weapon, amount, true) end end Then replace it with: function giveMeWeapon ( ) errMsg ( "Getting weapons is not not allowed", source ) end Or you can disallow all weapons on the meta.xml.
  18. Happy birthday to both of you, enjoy it!
  19. Aqui lo tenes el manual del cliente: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/index.ph ... Deathmatch
  20. I mean the vehicle, car as you say.
  21. What you must do is, trigger the event to everyone, send the vehicle element, attach it to the vehicle.
  22. No, you need to create the weapon on every client, that way, it'll damage vehicles.
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