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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    Panel Help

    No, it doesn't make much sense the opening part.
  2. Is that hard to read it on the code I posted? Animation.presets.guiMove(endX, endY, time, loop, startX, startY, speedUpSlowDown)
  3. Even though is not hard, I won't do it for you, because that is not helping. Maybe someone else wants to "help" you by making it.
  4. Castillo


    That's a problem, since you'll have to loop all accounts to get their clan data, then add them, and avoid adding duplicates.
  5. I don't understand your question.
  6. I'am helping you, but you seem not to understand the concept of learning.
  7. You can disable any of the anti cheat checks on the mtaserver.conf. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide
  8. They aren't "lines", they are functions, click on both of them and read their syntax, then try to implement them on the script. P.S: You'll need at least basic lua knowledge.
  9. Castillo


    Where are you storing these clans?
  10. getPlayerTeam getTeamColor
  11. Create a new .lua file ( client side ) and add this as content: --[[ Client animation library by arc_ Version 1.0.0 Licence ---------------- You are free to modify this file and redistribute it with your changes. However, always mention that you changed it (and eventually what changes you made) and keep the original author, version number and licence intact. Selling this script or a derivative of it is not allowed. Documentation ---------------- Terminology - Animation: a sequence of phases that act on one or more elements and follow each other sequentially in time. Multiple animations can be running at the same time. All defined animations run in parallel. An animation is in fact one phase with several subphases (see below), with animation specific functions available. - Phase: a part of an animation sequence. A phase consists of a paramater that linearly goes from a given starting value to a given ending value, over the specified amount of time, and is applied to one certain element. While a phase is running, its callback function will be called onClientRender with the following arguments: phase.fn(element elem, float param, table phase) Specifying time and callback function is optional. If no time is specified but a function is, phase.fn(elem) will be called once. If no function is specified but a time is, the phase consists of simply waiting during that time, doing nothing. A phase can be run once, repeated multiple times or loop infinitely. Phases can also contain phases. In that case the parent phase consists of completing all child phases, in order. This allows you to f.e. make an element move left and right continuously: define a phase for moving it to the left, followed by a phase for moving it back to the right, and encapsulate these two phases in a parent phase that loops forever. Phases can be nested to arbitrary depth. The element a subphase works on is inherited from its parent phase (or, if the parent phase doesn't specify an element, from the grandparent, etc). Definition of a phase A phase is simply a table containing properties and (optionally) subphases. Available phase properties are: (the values for the properties are examples, not default values) phase = { from = 0, -- the starting value of the parameter to = 1, -- the ending value of the parameter [time = 1000,] -- the time (in ms) in which to go from start to end [fn = callback,] -- the function to call on each frame update [repeats = 5,] -- how many times to run this phase before going on to -- the next. defaults to 1 [subphase1,] -- optional subphases. if one or more of these are included, [subphase2,] -- only the "repeats" property is valid for this parent phase ... } Available functions anim = Animation.create(elem, phase1, phase2, ...) Creates and returns a new animation. This means nothing more than creating a new phase, putting the specified phases in it as subphases, and making the functions of the Animation class available to it. Once an animation is created, it is not yet running. anim = Animation.createAndPlay(elem, phase1, phase2, ...) Creates a new animation and immediately starts playing it. anim = Animation.createNamed(name, elem, ...) If an animation with the specified name exists, returns that animation. Otherwise creates a new named animation. You can look the animation up again later with Animation.getNamed(name). anim = Animation.createNamedAndPlay(name, elem, ...) Self explanatory. anim = Animation.getNamed(name) Returns the animation with the specified name if it exists, false otherwise. anim:play() Start playing a newly created animation or resume a paused animation. anim:pause() Pauses the animation. Resume it later with anim:play() or delete it with anim:remove(). anim:remove() Deletes the animation completely. It can not be resumed anymore. anim:isPlaying() Returns true if the animation is currently playing, false if not. Animation.playingAnimationsExist() Returns true if there is any animation that is currently playing. anim:addPhase(phase3), phase2:addPhase(phase3) Appends a new subphase to the animation or phase. Can be done while the animation is playing. Note that to be able to use phase2:addPhase(), phase2 first has to be processed (default values filled in, made part of the Phase class) by being passed as an argument to Animation.create[AndPlay] or addPhase. Examples Fade in a picture: local pict = guiCreateStaticImage(...) Animation.createAndPlay(pict, { from = 0, to = 1, time = 2000, fn = guiSetAlpha }) Fade in a picture using a preset (for more presets, see the end of this file): local pict = guiCreateStaticImage(...) Animation.createAndPlay(pict, Animation.presets.guiFadeIn(2000)) Move a label to the right while fading it in: local label = guiCreateLabel(10, 100, 150, 20, 'Test', false) Animation.createAndPlay(label, Animation.presets.guiMove(200, 100, 2000)) Animation.createAndPlay(label, Animation.presets.guiFadeIn(2000)) Move a label left and right forever, without presets: function guiSetX(elem, x) local curX, curY = guiGetPosition(elem, false) guiSetPosition(elem, x, curY, false) end local label = guiCreateLabel(10, 100, 150, 20, 'Test', false) Animation.createAndPlay( label, { repeats = 0, { from = 10, to = 200, time = 2000, fn = guiSetX }, { from = 200, to = 10, time = 2000, fn = guiSetX } } ) ]]-- Phase = {} Phase.__index = Phase Animation = setmetatable({}, { __index = Phase }) Animation.__index = Animation Animation.collection = {} function Animation.create(elem, ...) local anim = setmetatable({ elem = elem, ... }, Animation) anim:_setup() return anim end function Animation.createAndPlay(elem, ...) local anim = Animation.create(elem, ...) anim:play() return anim end function Animation.createNamed(name, elem, ...) local anim = Animation.getNamed(name) or Animation.create(elem, ...) anim.name = name return anim end function Animation.createNamedAndPlay(name, elem, ...) local anim = Animation.createNamed(name, elem, ...) anim:play() return anim end function Animation.getNamed(name) local i, anim = table.find(Animation.collection, 'name', name) return i and anim end function Animation:isPlaying() return self.playing or false end function Animation.playingAnimationsExist() return table.find(Animation.collection, 'playing', true) and true end function Animation:play() if self.playing then return end if not table.find(Animation.collection, self) then table.insert(Animation.collection, self) end if not Animation.playingAnimationsExist() then addEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), updateAnim) end self.playing = true end function Animation:pause() self.playing = false if not Animation.playingAnimationsExist() then removeEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), updateAnim) end end function Animation:remove() table.removevalue(Animation.collection, self) if not Animation.playingAnimationsExist() then removeEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), updateAnim) end self.playing = false end function Phase:_setup(parent) self.parent = parent if self[1] then for i,phase in ipairs(self) do if type(phase) == 'function' then phase = { fn = phase } self[i] = phase end setmetatable(phase, Phase) phase:_setup(self) end self.curphase = 1 elseif self.time then self.from = self.from or 0 self.to = self.to or 1 self.speed = (self.to - self.from) / self.time end self.repeats = self.repeats
  12. We don't accept requests here, learn to do it or pay someone to do it for you.
  13. Castillo


    That's not a table, is a string. You are trying to get all clans that are currently playing on the server?
  14. Castillo


    Are you sure about that? show us where do you set the "clan" element data.
  15. Trigger an event to every player, and pass the vehicle element ( which will be used later to attach the weapon to it ), then on the client side, create the weapon, attach it to the vehicle element you passed with the event. Start with that, then you can go ahead and make them shoot.
  16. Castillo


    "clan" is a table?
  17. Castillo

    Panel Help

    Of course not, if you are clearing/adding items every render, you won't be able to click any of them. What you must do is: load them when the resource starts, then when a player joins/leaves/changes nick, update him on the grid list, this has been already asked on other topics, search for them.
  18. Samer's code of course it won't work, he's using an "else" without an "if". addCommandHandler ( "dp", function ( player ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) if ( vehicle ) then setVehicleDamageProof ( vehicle, not isVehicleDamageProof ( vehicle ) ) end end )
  19. Lo que pasa es que vos no tenias nada para mostrar la experiencia del jugador, osea que no sabias si funcionaba o no.
  20. Usa: getElementData ( localPlayer, "exp" ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() dxDrawText("#878787Exp : #FF7700".. tostring ( getElementData ( localPlayer, "exp" ) ), 0, 195, 183, 351, tocolor(0, 255, 251, 255), 1,"pricedown", "left", "center", false, false, true, true, false) end )
  21. Podrias decir cual era el problema? podria ayudar a alguien en el futuro.
  22. Como sabes que no funciona? tenes algun script que diga tu experiencia?
  23. Castillo


    Post the script and meta.xml.
  24. Is it that hard to remove this line? setPedAnimation(thePlayer,"SMOKING",anims[math.random(#anims)],theTimex/2)
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