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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Tambien puede usar: local str = "HOLA MUNDO" local str = str:rep ( "*", str:len ( ) )
  2. Ya se fueron de tema, mejor lo cierro antes de que continuen.
  3. Ese codigo esta mal, vas a tener que buscar cada palabra en el mensaje que escribio.
  4. Usa "onPickupHit" en lugar de "onMarkerHit".
  5. I think I get what does he want. He wants that you can use commands such as "bind", but he wants to disable some binds, example: say.
  6. El script tiene un archivo donde podes cambiar esas cosas.
  7. Errors: 1: You got an extra parentheses at the end of 'setTeam' function. 2: You got a missing 'end' at 'setTeam' function. 3: You are executing the function 'createTeleportWindow' but it doesn't exist.
  8. Castillo


    You could use the same XML file and load them content into a lua table.
  9. 100 milisegundos no son 1 segundo, son 0.1 segundos. 1000 = 1 segundo.
  10. Tambien deberias cambiar otras cosas, ya que los markers y los pickups funcionan diferente.
  11. Mind explaining what is the problem?
  12. El script solo lo reiniciara 1 sola vez, como esta especificado en el timer. setTimer ( startDelayedResource, 100, 1 ) Cambia ese '1' por '0' y se reiniciara infinitamente.
  13. Si a ese tipo de multi gamemode Sabes como podria hacerlo? Hacer algo como eso llevaria meses.
  14. Castillo


    You must create a table and specify each name for each model, you could get the names from the freeroam game mode.
  15. I'll translate as much as I can for spanish on my free time.
  16. I don't understand what do you mean.
  17. Yes, you could use a variable or a table.
  18. shopgrid = guiCreateGridList(9, 21, 288, 390, false, shopwindows) That grid list is not showing up? because I don't see any problem with it, so it should work, maybe you used wrong position to create it.
  19. This is what I found at: "race/racevoting_server.lua": function startMidMapVoteForRestartMap(player) -- Check state and race time left if not stateAllowsRestartMapVote() then if player then outputRace( "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, " .. getPlayerName(player) .. ".", player ) end return end displayHilariarseMessage( player ) exports.votemanager:stopPoll() -- Actual vote started here local pollDidStart = exports.votemanager:startPoll { title='Do you want to restart the current map?', percentage=51, timeout=15, allowchange=true, visibleTo=getRootElement(), [1]={'Yes', 'midMapRestartVoteResult', getRootElement(), true}, [2]={'No', 'midMapRestartVoteResult', getRootElement(), false;default=true}, } -- Change state if vote did start if pollDidStart then gotoState('MidMapVote') end end addCommandHandler('voteredo',startMidMapVoteForRestartMap) I would say that you must remove this part: -- Check state and race time left if not stateAllowsRestartMapVote() then if player then outputRace( "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, " .. getPlayerName(player) .. ".", player ) end return end
  20. Post your current script.
  21. The event "onPlayerCommand" only has one argument which is the command name, it doesn't include parameters. Plus, you can't use spaces on commands.
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