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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Yes, but that will do the same job as guiSetInputEnabled.
  2. Well, the problem is that you aren't sending any "id", so on the server side, "id" is nil.
  3. Post how you trigger the event: "aw1".
  4. The function getRealTime client side, returns the local player's time. And about the "0" thing, you can use string.format
  5. Yes, but the thing is, Vector, is not a default textbox, he's creating his own, so I doubt guiSetInputMode will work.
  6. No, deberias pensar antes de postear.
  7. 1. No es dificil hacerlo. 2. Puede que el otro jugador este muerto. 3. No se si existe un recurso publico para eso, pero no es dificil hacerlo.
  8. Or when you don't restrict the runcode to admin only.
  9. How would it be used for "hacking"?
  10. Que la variable sea local, no hara que se oculte para los demas, ademas el script es client side, solo se creara en el cliente. Acordate de verificar si el que toco el marker es el local player, asi: if ( hitPlayer ~= localPlayer ) then return end
  11. No, ni me fije en esa parte.
  12. Es porque hiciste las variables locales, asi que no existen para tu 'elseif'. function Marker10 ( hitPlayer, matchingDimension ) if source == Marker1 then Marker2 = createMarker ( -2436.60, 2436.8, 15.5, "checkpoint", 2.5, 0, 255, 0, 255, hitPlayer ) setElementDimension ( Marker2, 10 ) destroyElement ( Marker1 ) elseif ( source == Marker2 ) then Marker3 = createMarker ( -2503.5, 2425.39, 16.6, "checkpoint", 2.5, 0, 255, 0, 255 ) setElementDimension ( Marker3, 10 ) destroyElement ( Marker2 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), Marker30 )
  13. Post the content of fr_client.lua, the file you edited.
  14. local isPlayerViewingPanel = false local sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize ( ) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, function( ) if isPlayerViewingPanel then dxDrawImage ( 400, 120, 560, 480, "Ventana.png" ) dxDrawImage ( 746.50, 144, 43.50, 43.50, "close.png" ) end end ) bindKey ( "f9", "down", function ( ) isPlayerViewingPanel = ( not isPlayerViewingPanel ) showCursor ( isPlayerViewingPanel ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientClick", root, function ( _, _, x, y ) if ( not isPlayerViewingPanel ) then --Checks if the panel's opening and if it is then stop the function return end --Checks if the cursor is over the mouse from x to the width and y to the height if ( x >= 746.50 and x <= 746.50 + 43.50 ) and ( y >= 144 and y <= 144 + 43.50 ) then isPlayerViewingPanel = false showCursor ( false ) end end )
  15. Well, you could make a check inside the function that shows the freeroam panel, to see if the player is in the safe zone or not, then don't show the panel.
  16. Only by editing the freeroam script.
  17. Castillo


    addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() fereastra = guiCreateWindow(1497, 317, 327, 67, "Experience", false) guiWindowSetSizable(fereastra, false) progressBar = guiCreateProgressBar(9, 16, 308, 41, false, fereastra) end ) function greetingHandler ( ) guiProgressBarSetProgress ( progressBar, ( guiProgressBarGetProgress ( progressBar ) + 1 ) ) end addEvent ( "gret", true ) addEventHandler ( "gret", getRootElement(), greetingHandler )
  18. You can use: createColRectangle toggleControl onColShapeHit onColShapeLeave
  19. We don't accept requests here.
  20. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GuiCreateGridList There are more than one example.
  21. Already exists. getVehicleComponentPosition getVehicleComponentRotation getVehicleComponentVisible resetVehicleComponentPosition resetVehicleComponentRotation setVehicleComponentPosition setVehicleComponentRotation setVehicleComponentVisible getVehicleComponents
  22. If the server uses a lot of element data, then it would be a problem.
  23. There's no native event, but you can build your own. Event: onClientPreRender Function: getElementDimension You store the current dimension on a variable, then you check, if it changed, you trigger an event with: triggerEvent
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