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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Es porque no estas poniendo todos los argumentos requeridos de createColCuboid.
  2. Donde te "tira" error? en que linea?
  3. That doesn't make any sense. What are you trying to do?
  4. Castillo


    Well, it's really up to what you are trying to achieve.
  5. Castillo


    What do you mean by "set [DM] [DD] [Race] automatically"?
  6. Eso es porque el element data es "gang", ya que el DayZ usa mi gang system. Cambia "group_system" por "gang".
  7. So, that means that he never used my code at all, which has no errors.
  8. You must output them with the button on the guieditor panel, then create a script and put the GUIeditor code returned there.
  9. What do you mean by "save your GUI elements"? and to make them "work", you need to script that.
  10. Well, and what was the problem?
  11. Mind telling us why it doesn't work?
  12. force is the first thing I thought, but then I noticed there was also velocity arguments. Plus, he also had set the force to "100".
  13. The problem is that you put the path wrong. @Boro: That doesn't make any sense.
  14. addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch", localPlayer, function ( old, current ) local weapon = getPedWeapon ( localPlayer, current ) local level = getElementData ( localPlayer, "levelnum" ) if ( weapon == 31 ) then if ( level < 3 ) then setPedWeaponSlot ( localPlayer, old ) end elseif ( weapon == 34 ) then if ( level < 4 ) then setPedWeaponSlot ( localPlayer, old ) end end end ) Try it.
  15. No necesitas abrir el map editor mientras usas el MTA paradise, simplemente anda al menu del MTA y hace click en "Map Editor" y creas el mapa, luego lo instalas como un recurso en tu servidor.
  16. The question is... what do you need that function for?
  17. Yes, there's a function: removeWorldModel
  18. You can remove world objects, go to the map editor, I added the feature to remove them from editor some time ago.
  19. Castillo

    Police /tie

    You're welcome.
  20. Well, is not for that, there's also rotation arguments.
  21. That's because is not how you are supposed to add admins, read this manual: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Se ... nistrators
  22. No, I'm not, and by renaming the variables after I said it was from CSG, doesn't make it yours either.
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