Welcome to The Fade2Black Communtiy
Hello everyone, I'm Shady(Eren) I want to introduce you a new game mode,In this game mode, the GTA:SA map was completely removed and we made a new map instead.
Before I talk about the features of the server, I would like to explain our purpose.
I got support from many people before making these systems and thanks to their help I got a good system so I have to thank them.
As F2B managers, we are growing our staff.
What is DayZ: it is a survival game mode, you can find loot in front of houses or in front of ruins and loot them,When you improve yourself, you can fight with other players or zombies and survive,You have to create your own team, your own group, because DayZ is a very difficult game...
Contributors :
Server features :
Airdrop : (Once you have Road Flare loot, use the loot and it will airdrop to your area)
BaseBuild : (you should get a lot of loot and you can make a few objects)
Craft : (You can make weapons with unnecessary loot and strengthen yourself.)
Levels : (When you kill players or zombies you will gain experience points, then your Level will increase. You will have different loot for each Level)
Shop : (You can buy a new market panel a lot of loot and gift it to your friends.)
NPC : (There are NPCs in designated areas, when you go to these NPCs, they will give you tasks and you will earn gifts in return.)
For more information, you can join our Discord page. : Discord
As the Fade2Black team, I would like to share the images of the new maps with you,After the server is active, we will share in-server screenshots...
Server Mods ready : %98
Server Map ready : %100
Server tested : %50