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  1. If you haven't already read this guide, I recommend you do so https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/122502-working-with-3d-maps/ This assumes you already have your map inside of Max. A few things to check. If the material type is not 'standard scanline (legacy)' or any of the GTA material types, then you'll have to convert to those first. Your map importer might also give you a few options to select material type. If your material type is 'physical materials' then you'll have to head up into the Customize menu at the top -> customize defaults switcher -> set to Max.Legacy and restart the app. Note that you will need to reimport the map. With materials out of the way, you'll now need to sort out any scaling issues. GTA objects can be within a 512m2 cube if the pivot is in center. If your map objects are any larger than that, then you'll have to split them up using Goldfish's object exploder script or topPlaneSlice script. With everything cut into their own meshes, make sure to set the pivot points correctly so that no vertex is further than 256 meters away from pivot point. You can now export to IPL, easiest to do us select every model and using Goldfish's EMAP tool, assign them an object ID starting from ID 0, and then decide which ID's to use when editing the IPL file later. Use Patrick's map converter to convert to .lua or .map Next up you'll have to prepare to export DFF and COL. It's important that you select all the meshes and move them back to scene origin (0, 0, 0) and then reset xform to preserve any rotations/scale/pivot changes. If you're going to be exporting to DFF using Goldfish's scripts, then be aware it has some bugs but it does support exporting 2dfx data if that is something that you need. The Hero's plugin is best for exporting meshes, but it lacks 2dfx support and batch export. However you can install Keens batch exporter if you'd like. For exporting collisions, install Goldfish's scripts, and in the Scripting menu at the top click that -> run script -> locate Goldfish's(GF) folder -> tools -> export_steve_col_script.ms -> locate a file save and it will save every model to a .cst file with the name of the model. Add all CST into Steve M's collision editor, then select all -> right click and choose export as single collision files, and it will save each model as a .col For .txd it can get a bit complex as your map probably uses shared textures, meaning some models has the same texture. So instead of making several txd's with the same textures, you may want to create txd's that work for multiple models to save on file/memory space. You can use Magic TXD to build TXD You should now have a .map, .dff, .col and .txd. You will of course need to edit your .map file to get working ID's, but a bit of PC utility scripting should help make that possible More on this explained in my beginner's guide to modding, among other user guides in that forum section.
    1 point
  2. can you try this please triggerClientEvent(root, "Emoji5:activarEfecto", source, OnEnmojiRender) or try this triggerClientEvent(root, "Emoji5:activarEfecto", root, OnEnmojiRender)
    1 point
  3. Banned for hardware spoofing, it looks like you were trying to work around a server ban. But if you think it's work of your friend that got you banned, then you will need to backup any files that you would like to keep (MTA screenshots and other important files) and factory reset your device (or to a date prior to when your friend used the device, if possible) to get rid of any malicious files downloaded by your friend
    1 point
  4. No sé si sea lo más correcto. Pero en todo caso lo que yo haría en lo personal seria usar un onClientRender. Puedes buscar un recurso tipo de nametag. Acá te dejo uno: mtasa-resources/nametags.lua at master · multitheftauto/mtasa-resources · GitHub Lo que puedes hacer es simple, detectar que la posición entre player y localPlayer sea a cierta distancia y menor a cierta distancia, entonces creas esa imagen. Puedes usar un PNG, lo que sea o moldearlo para que se haga. Si tienes más dudas puedes consultarme a mi privado: DaaNNMTA#1431 Buen día.
    1 point
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