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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/22 in all areas

  1. Looks like it's the tyregrip property that you're looking for. Alternatively you could edit the vehicle's handling if you'd like the effect at all times. Handling settings to play around with are tractionMultiplier and tractionLoss. brakeDeceleration, steeringLock and engineAcceleration can also be finetuned as greater acceleration power means you would lose traction a lot easier, whereas less brake power would result in even less braking ability. Reducing steeringlock makes it harder to take turns at lower speeds. If you don't want to edit all vehicles' handlings, perhaps you could make a script that increases and decreases those handling properties by percentage of their original values.
    1 point
  2. It's not clear from the code and other info you've given what exactly the problem is. I mean if location is meant to indicate that the character is newly created, you need to pass it to this code when the player creates a new character. How creation/selection of characters is done in your script, that's another thing, we don't know that.
    1 point
  3. No need to report your post, we will look into your appeal when we find the time to do so
    0 points
  4. @joaovictormenezessila one appeal should suffice
    0 points
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