For more explanation, please read the comments I made in the scripts as well;
I am sorry, but I don't really understand how should I change my code. Could you please provide me a solution for this?
So I have a Highlight table, each time this table gets called, a new Highlight is being created for the given element variable (I would like to make it function like the default MTA OOP stuff, like Vehicle(model, position) instead of, position), so I have this setup here:
local Highlight = {}
Highlight.__index = Highlight
setmetatable(Highlight, {__call = function(_,...) return end})
function, style, color, flashSpeed, intensityOrThickness)
if not isElement(element) then return false end
if CREATED_HIGHLIGHTS[element] then return false end
local data = setmetatable({}, Highlight) -- this has something else to do with it I guess
-- set variables
-- data.element = element
-- and so on
return data
And I have methods for it like Highlight:update() and Highlight:destroy(), the way I did it for example:
function Highlight:destroy()
if not CREATED_HIGHLIGHTS[self.element] then return false end
if self.shader then self.shader:destroy() end
CREATED_HIGHLIGHTS[self.element] = nil
return true
When I create a new highlight for the localPlayer, like:
local playerHighlight = Highlight(localPlayer, "outline", {255,0,0,255}, 0, 1)
Now everything works fine above, highlight gets created, I can access the data with playerHighlight.thickness and such, BUT
I can then use the playerHighlight table (which should contain only data, like style, thickness etc) to create a new highlight on a totally different element like:
local dumpster = Object(1337, localPlayer.position + Vector3(0,3,1))
print(, "fresnel", {100,200,255,255}, 2, 0.5)) -- returns table, I don't want to use .new here
-- how can I make it return nil, or avoid calling of .new, but keep the :update() and :destroy() methods
-- I would like playerHighlight to contain only the data given before
Now I understand that the data table inherits from Highlight table at the function, so to the data table the methods get passed as well, but how should I change it so it won't inherit all the functions, I would like to access actual data and only methods with colon (:update, :destroy), not with dot (.new) . So my guess is that this line should be changed to something else instead of Highlight, I imagine
local data = setmetatable({}, Highlight) -- change Highlight to what? Am I missing the creation of another table?
Sorry if it looks like I am asking the same question twice, I am not ignoring your reply but I don't understand your explanation @IIYAMA, I mean I don't understand how should I implement it in this case.