I don't know what you're saying but it would look something like this:
local file = fileOpen("file.dff") --Open the file you want
local data = fileRead(file, fileGetSize(file)) --Get the data in it
fileClose(file) --Don't need it anymore
data = teaEncode(data, "secret") --Encrypt the data with the passkey "secret"
if fileExists("protected/file.dff") then --Check if it's there already
fileDelete("protected/file.dff") --If so, delete it
local newFile = fileCreate("protected/file.dff") --Create a new one in 'protected' directory (so the names don't collide)
fileWrite(newFile, data) --Write the encrypted data
fileClose(newFile) --Save & close
You would have to restart the resource after the encryption so that the HTTP cache is updated and players download the new ecrypted versions.
local file = fileOpen("protected/file.dff") --open the encrypted file
local data = fileRead(file, fileGetSize(file)) --Read the encrypted data
data = teaDecode(data, "secret") --Decrypt the data using the "secret" passkey
local dff = engineLoadDFF(data) --Load the DFF data
--Do your stuff here..
Now in meta:
<!-- Your scripts and stuff -->
<file src="protected/file.dff">
Don't put in the original files.
And of course, if it's not just a single file then rework it into a loop, this is just an example.