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  1. Você consertou um erro e criou outro. ? Veja abaixo o que você deve fazer. Além disso, tente não usar nome de função igual do MTA. Você deixou a sua função com o mesmo nome da função do MTA. (stopSound) Não se esqueça também de alterar o nome do terceiro parâmetro do evento. Ele deve ter o mesmo nome da função escolhida.
    2 points
  2. Cara muito obrigado mesmo! Mudei os parametros de acordo como vc disse e funcionou perfeita mente - Client addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () sound = playSound("scary.mp3") setSoundVolume(sound, 1) end ) function stopSoundonLogin() if isElement(sound) then stopSound(sound) end end addEvent("stop", true) addEventHandler("stop", root, stopSoundonLogin ) - Server addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", root, function() triggerClientEvent (source, "stop", source) end) Bom domingo para você.
    1 point
  3. Hi, You could try using Patrick's map converter. It supports pwn, ipl, lua and map formats: https://converter.skycore.hu/pwn_to_lua
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. negativo ele vai pegar o nome BaseGroupName_ depois desse vem o nome da base, ja consegui aqui dessa forma eu tava errando pq coloquei a tabela era so colocar o nome da base que tem no XML
    1 point
  6. Merci! Cateva SS-uri noi: https://imgur.com/gallery/SWmBoIX Am sa deschid un server beta-test cat de curand, in care toti jucatirii vor primii 250€ in joc in fiacre zii pentru a incuraja PvP-ul pentru a descoperii eventuale buguri. consumati s-au nu bani si statisticile playerilor vor fi sterse la lansarea finala a serverului Cateva systeme la care lucrez in acest moment: sistemul de Iteme speciale/droguri; sistemul de misiuni; Serverul beta-test va fi deschis cand voi termina sistemele. Multumesc pentru timpul acordat.
    1 point
  7. apesar de haver erros no script, eu ainda não compreendi o que você esta tentando fazer. Dessa forma que foi feito, setará sempre a col "BaseSVSF1" em todos. o que eu faria (no meu entender do resource), salvar o nome da col, junto ao xml junto com as outras info, e logo depois apenas puxar esse informação. addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement( ), function( thePreviousAccount,theCurrentAccount ) local xml = xmlLoadFile("Bases.xml") for i, groupp in pairs ( xmlNodeGetChildren(xml) ) do for i, member in ipairs ( xmlNodeGetChildren(xmlFindChild(groupp,"AllowedPlayers",0)) ) do if xmlNodeGetAttribute(member,"Account") == getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) then local col = tostring(xmlNodeGetAttribute(groupp,"col")) --/> exemplo. / AGREGAR ao seu XML. local base = tostring(xmlNodeGetAttribute(groupp,"NomeBase")) local acc = tostring(xmlNodeGetAttribute(member,"Account")) local rank = tostring(xmlNodeGetAttribute(member,"Rank")) local joined = tostring(xmlNodeGetAttribute(member,"Joined")) setElementData( source, "config:"..col.."", { base, acc, rank, joined } ) local elementos = getElementData(source, "config_base:"..col.."") or {nil,nil,nil,nil) outputChatBox("BASE: "..elementos[1].." ==> "..base.." ", source, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end xmlUnloadFile(xml) end)
    1 point
  8. To be clear, there are two versions of GTATools, the one for a previous Blender version, and one with a updated API for 2.79. I had this issue way back too, but i learned how to properly edit GTA SA animations this way: When you're done doing a pose for the animation, add the pose to the timeline via the Key "i" , you can either add it as "Rotation", "BBone Shape" or "Available" (Available only appears if you're doing a pose on top of a existing frame, which will not cause any errors as well) adding a pose with any other option from that menu that isnt the three i mentioned makes the error appear. Be careful, if you get animation bugs in-game like; CJ with no mouth and eyebrows and/or other skins having their belly messed up, you need to add start and end frames to the Jaw, Eyelids, Toes and Belly because their timeline of frames are separate from the rest of the bones, they have their own timeline. You dont need to pose them, just select the bones i told you and add their frames to their timeline via one of the three methods i mentioned and you're good to go. If you still have any questions, dont hesistate to ask. PS: Delete a keyframe you added with other options that were not added with "Available", "BBone shape" or "Rotation" or else you'll still get the error 252, you can select all bones via pose mode and copy paste the pose so you wont have to redo it from scratch. PS(2): You can also view GTA Vice City animations with GTATools and export them to GTA SA. Here's a picture with my own custom pose in-game.
    1 point
  9. O nome do parâmetro dos eventos, está errado. Ele possui um nome diferente da função. Inclusive, por mais que sejam lados opostos (client-side e server-side), tente utilizar nomes diferentes para funções. function stopSoundonLogin() if isElement(sound) then stopSound(sound) end end addEvent("stop", true) addEventHandler("stop", root, stopSoundonPlayerLogin) -- Aqui está o seu erro. O nome desse parâmetro é diferente do nome da função. Isso também ocorre no server-side.
    1 point
  10. If you want to get the target in the center of the screen, you can use getCameraMatrix. It returns the camera position and lookat position, which is a unit vector from the camera position, so you can easily multiply it to get a point further out. Made the following so you can see if thats what you need. local scrW, scrH = guiGetScreenSize() local maxTargetDistance = 100 addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, function() local cx, cy, cz, lx, ly, lz = getCameraMatrix() local px = cx + (lx - cx) * maxTargetDistance local py = cy + (ly - cy) * maxTargetDistance local pz = cz + (lz - cz) * maxTargetDistance local hit, hx, hy, hz, hitElement = processLineOfSight(cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, localPlayer) dxDrawRectangle(scrW/2 - 5, scrH/2 - 5, 10, 10) if hit then dxDrawLine3D(hx, hy, hz + 1, hx, hy, hz) end end)
    1 point
  11. الوزارة الي بتتكلم عنها دي اصحابه الجداد خربوه ايام سعد ما كان في ظلم تراني بلعت مخالف 3 ايام ظلم رحت نشرت لهم الوزنيات ومودات اخري بلعت بلاك لست يعني يستاهلون الي يصير فيهم يحلو ترا كلنا كلنا معك وما قصرنا حتي الاخ @Doffy + @MrKAREEM ما كانو جايين يبرمجو كانو جايين يلعبون بالسيرفر وساعدونا بأشياء كثير حلوة لاكن بالاخير ما لقو منك غير الشر وتنشر الاملاك حقت كريم بدون اذنه وكمان تبي تنشر مود اللوق حق دوفي + بودا ما يعرف يبرمج نص كود واحد مود الادفيس حق الوزارة بغبائي اعطيته له من سيرفري وهو نشره والغرض كان دعس الوزارة فقط
    1 point
  12. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركته لوحة تسجيل لدخول للرولي بلاي تصميم جديد و ميجيب لاق رابط التحميل في الفيديو BY MR POP
    1 point
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