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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/02/20 in all areas

  1. We're currently seeking for faction leaders for the following factions: Los Santos Police Department Los Santos Fire Department Los Santos Towing & Recovery Mechanic workshop (vacant name - to be decided by applicant) If you're interested then please make sure to read our requirements and apply on our forums. And last but not least, Administrator applications are still open! Fore more updates, discussions and random talks with our community feel free to join our Discord.
    1 point
  2. local vehicles = {} local minutes = 10 -- Depois de N minutos, o veículo será destruído. function removeVehicle(vehicle) if isElement(vehicle) then destroyElement(vehicle) vehicles[vehicle] = nil end end function startTimer(vehicle) if not vehicles[vehicle] then vehicles[vehicle] = setTimer(removeVehicle, minutes * 60000, 1, vehicle) end end function stopTimer(vehicle) if vehicles[vehicle] and isTimer(vehicles[vehicle]) then killTimer(vehicles[vehicle]) vehicles[vehicle] = nil end end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, function(_, SEAT) if SEAT == 0 then stopTimer(source) end end ) addEventHandler("onVehicleExit", root, function(_, SEAT) if SEAT == 0 then startTimer(source) end end ) Você pode usar o meu código acima. Quando o jogador sai de algum veículo, começa uma contagem de 10 minutos (você pode alterar o tempo). Se ninguém entrar no veículo em 10 minutos, o carro será destruído.
    1 point
  3. Precisa informa o código do dinheiro sujo, apenas da função givePlayerDirty é o suficiente 1. Essa exportação apenas server basicamente para enviar o valor do roubo e calcular com o que já tem, isto é descompilado? 2. Você esta tentando utilizar-se de uma exportação de uma função para obter valores (Claramente a função não foi feita para isto). 3. Você esta tentando fazer de qualquer jeito, obviamente não vai funcionar, precisamos saber qual o elemento que seu dinheiro sujo é definido. 4. Eu fiz alterações no server-side e no client-side, ao fazer tais correções, informe elas, para saber se fez da forma correta. Vamos pelo inicio, precisamos saber qual elemento realmente seu dinheiro sujo fornece para obtermos os valores. Depois, verificar-lo, e adicionar no player que esta revistando. Faço isso que eu disse, que vamos ter resultados. Esta retornando em zero, por talvez, o elemento do lado server-side ao ser puxado com getElementData("Elemento"), pode esta incorreto e então ele é definido como 0.
    1 point
  4. OnVehicleExit DestroyElement
    1 point
  5. وجهة نظر تحُترم لكن انا عن نفسي اتعلمت عن طريق الأكواد الجاهزة بالتوفيق
    1 point
  6. -- Server Side function openbutton (player) if ( player ) then triggerClientEvent ( root, "openButton", root) end end addCommandHandler ( "Button", openbutton ) -- Client Side function enable ( message ) guiSetEnabled ( aaa, not guiGetEnabled ( aaa ) ) end addEvent( "openButton", true ) addEventHandler( "openButton", localPlayer, enable )
    1 point
  7. A little sneak peak posted by @tosfera on our Discord channel of something that's still WIP: For more updates & sneak peaks such as these please make sure to join our Discord channel and keep yourself up to date with the community at all times.
    1 point
  8. Hi there, everyone! We've been working hard on yet another update, since you're all stoked to hear about it, here goes: Finished rewriting the Express Courier (trucker) job For everyone that have played before, you will probably be happy about this. The job was way too complicated for most people, huge vehicles all over the roads and it was rather confusing. We've rewritten it entirely to make it a lot more userfriendly and easy to use. UI changes We've implemented a few new features in the UI system which were required to take the job selection screen to the next level! Which means that we've got 2 new reusable UI elements at our disposal for GUIs. We've used the new element in the redesign of the Job Selection screen, which has been rewritten. Map changes We've created 3 new maps for the All Saints Hospital which got a new parking lot, a new entrance hall and an entire new interior Things that get you moving! Over 40+ new vehicle handlings have been created, featuring old vehicles like a '69 Dodge Charger RT 426 V8 Hemi to a 2015 Bugatti Veyron. Which means we've now got over 180+ different vehicles, something for everyone! Besides that we got some other exciting news! We've been through 2 closed beta tests and have resolved quite a bit of feedback to take things up a notch. The system will be properly tested and easier to use thanks to these tests, special thanks to the team of beta testers! We've also resolved over 25 bugs in the meantime, which means we're getting closer and closer to launching. Stay tuned to get more news about the forums we're setting up, since they will play a vital part in your character's story and/or company! For more updates such as these please make sure to join our Discord channel and keep yourself up to date with the community at all times.
    1 point
  9. Comprado? Bom sem o código fica bem difícil lhe ajudar meu querido...
    0 points
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