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A picture tells more than a thousand words, a video tells more than a thousand pictures. Older videos from different stages of development:1 point
1 point
تمام اخوي كشرا عل أفادة كذا الي يطلع خطأ مب يقول و يمشي احييك حسون ♥ من يومك بطل من اول م كنت تساعدني زمان ض1 اجل عشان نمسحهم كلهم لازم نجيب كل ماركرات السيرفر ونسوي تحقق لو كانو بالجدول نمسحهم وكذا يختفون كلهم1 point
Você terá que abrir o DFF do seu veículo em um programa de modelagem 3D para editá-lo. Dai lá dentro vc adiciona as partes variantes, nomeia elas como extra1, extra2, extra3, extra4 ou extra5. Depois vc faz essas partes serem "filhas" da parte chassi_dummy que já vem no modelo original e pronto. Exporta tudo em DFF e usa normalmente no MTA.1 point
1 point
بالنسبة لمشكلتك الاولى local myTable = {"TEST", "1", "2", "3"} function test() for i, v in ipairs(myTable) do dxDrawText(v, 158, 135, 20, 10, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, test) الي ف اللوب i بس كذا الكلام بيجي فوق بعضه طبعاً ، لو تبي الكلام ينزل تحت بعضه او جنب بعضه العب الاحداثيات باستغلال الـ1 point
function commitSuicide ( sourcePlayer ) if isTimer(stmr[sourcePlayer]) then killTimer(stmr[sourcePlayer]) outputChatBox("تم الغاء طلب الأنتحار",sourcePlayer,255,0,0) return false end if isPedDead(sourcePlayer) then return false end stmr[sourcePlayer] = setTimer(killPed, 10000, 1, sourcePlayer) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", sourcePlayer, function () if not isTimer(stmr[sourcePlayer]) then return end killTimer(stmr[sourcePlayer]) triggerClientEvent(sourcePlayer, "stopKillM", sourcePlayer) showCursor(sourcePlayer, false) end) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", sourcePlayer, function () if not isTimer(stmr[sourcePlayer]) then return end killTimer(stmr[sourcePlayer]) triggerClientEvent(sourcePlayer, "stopKillM", sourcePlayer) showCursor(sourcePlayer, false) end) triggerClientEvent(sourcePlayer, "showKillM", sourcePlayer) showCursor(sourcePlayer, true) addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), function() showCursor(source, false) end) else outputChatBox("لا يمكنك ان تقتل نفسك الان!",sourcePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end addCommandHandler ( "kill", commitSuicide ) اعتقد انت م وضحت من البداية وش تبي المهم في end زياده بالفنكشن يلي تحت مدري كيف كان شغال معاك لكن لو م شتغل ضيف انت زي م تبي انا عملت لك كود التحقق لو التايمر موجود يكنسل التايمر وخلاص1 point
You can use a youtube api converter to convert youtube videos into mp3 files, however generally these api's only convert music videos. To do this you'd need to do whats called string parsing. Where you take the youtube url and change the string a bit to match what the api needs in order to work, these api's are called web api's and can be used using fetchRemote however it is not ideal because it requires each player to verify access to the url. Alternatively you can use/make your own api with something like nodejs that I don't know much about, but it is a faster, more flexible alternative. There is one other way that doesn't require api's or verifying urls, you can run a browser to a youtube link to play the sound however you'd have to find some way to sync it up with other players and also check the distance between the player or where you created the sound and the elements around it for that 3d effect. I hope this helped, good luck to you mate.1 point
bom, como geralmente os id são salvos como "ID" use isso no chat: getElementData(source, "ID") Pode não funcionar com essa parâmetros dependendo de como está o seu sistema de ID e CHAT1 point
مدري لو صلحت الخبصة حقتك صراحة سويت سريع سريع stmr = {} function commitSuicide ( sourcePlayer ) if isTimer(stmr[sourcePlayer]) then outputChatBox("لقد قمت باستخدام الكومند يجيب عليك الانتظار",sourcePlayer,255,0,0) return false end if isPedDead(sourcePlayer) then return cancelEvent() outputChatBox("لا يمكنك ان تقتل نفسك الان!",sourcePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end stmr[sourcePlayer] = setTimer(killPed, 10000, 1, sourcePlayer) triggerClientEvent(sourcePlayer, "showKillM", sourcePlayer) showCursor(sourcePlayer, true) end addCommandHandler ( "kill", commitSuicide ) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function () if not isTimer(stmr[source]) then return end killTimer(stmr[source]) triggerClientEvent(source, "stopKillM", source) howCursor(source, false) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function () if not isTimer(stmr[source]) then return end killTimer(stmr[source]) triggerClientEvent(source, "stopKillM", source) showCursor(source, false) end) addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), function() showCursor(source, false) end)1 point
كيف مدخل الأحداث داخل وظيفة الأمر؟ خليها خارج وظيفة الأمر. انت خابص الدنيا صراحه، سطر ٢١ و ٢٣ ذي انت تبغاها تبع الأمر ولا كيف؟ ؟ else سطر ٣١ وين الشرط عشان تحط الأحداث ذي فيها شي اسمه سورس واللي هو sourcePlayer اللاعب نفسه، استخدمه بدل1 point
1 point
local cvskin = createPickup ( 354.128, 46.554, 10.281, 3, 1275, 1000 ) function setSkinOnPickupUse ( thePlayer ) if source == cvskin and isPlayerInACL(thePlayer, "nome_acl") then setElementModel ( thePlayer, 28) end end addEventHandler ( "onPickupUse", resourceRoot, setSkinOnPickupUse ) function isPlayerInACL(player, acl) if isElement(player) and getElementType(player) == "player" and aclGetGroup(acl or "") and not isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(player)) then local account = getPlayerAccount(player) return isObjectInACLGroup( "user.".. getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup(acl) ) end return false end1 point
Introduction Particles and lights are found many places in the game. Cars has corona lights for their tail, brake and headlights, exhaust fumes and tire smoke. These are effects and can help boost the atmosphere. Adding these effects can be done with ease, however, those who wish to use specific tools may have to incorporate more tools to transfer the data between files. This guide aims to introduce GTA modders to 2d billboard effects (lights, splashes) and particles through use of 3ds Max and relevant tools. To get started, user must obtain a selection of programs and 3D scripts available from this topic: Kam's 2018 scripts, The Hero's RW importer/exporter (optional if using for object export; harder), Dexx's 2dfx export script, RWanalyze and tools for setting up texture files. Table of Contents Working with lights using Kam's 2018 script Working with lights and particles using RW script (and Kam's 2018 for data exporting) Common uses of 2dfx Working with lights using Kam's 2018 script The upgraded Kam's script has an in-built 2dfx tool for quickly adding lights to models. Below is presented a step-step guide on adding a blinking light to a cone ID 1238. Import trafficcone.dff from gta3.img using the Kam's 2018 script importer. Navigate to Create Panel > Lights > Standard > Omni Light. Spawn one at the top of the cone. Link the Omni to the model, so it is a child of the model. As seen on the image below, expand '2DFX' on the script GUI. With the Omni selected, click 'Get'. Now the light parameters can be set to the user's likings. Below is a detailed explanation of config. Once done, select model and the child light and click Export to DFF. Time to test! The following config and export settings are ideal but may be adjusted to individual user's preferences: Each setting explained: Presets: presets for easy setup of lights Set to selected lights: needs be clicked each time changes has been made to a light. Get: copies the selected light's information, allowing one to paste that onto other lights. Color: the color of the light. Corona size: the size of the physical corona light. Draw distance: distance in which the light can be seen from (in SA units). Light range: distance in which the light illuminates peds and vehicles. Corona name: light texture e.g traffic light, blood splatter, corona star. Show mode: enable for flashing and other effects. Reflection: gives the effect of the sun shining into a lens when looking at the light source. Shadow size: the size of the round transparent shadow. Shadow distance: the distance in which the shadow can be seen (e.g if object is 100 meters above surface, the shadow can be seen if set to 105 units) Shadow multiplier: intensity of the shadow. Shadow name: defines which texture is used for the shadow. Flags: defines light properties. Working with lights and particles using RW script (and Kam's 2018 for data exporting) Lights method The steps presented in Kams method needs be followed with export included. On 3ds Max with the RW version of the model (with Omni Light) ready, export the model with its child Omni Light using RW script. The RW version does not need any specific light data, it just needs a regular Omni Light as placeholder. The reason for having Kam's DFF version available is that it contains data that can be extracted from the Kam's file and imported into the RW file. With Kam's DFF and RW DFF in a folder, open RWanalyze. Open the Kam's DFF and spot the section named "2dfx [xxx bytes @ xxxxx] - [0x253F2F8]". To proceed, right click the highlighted section > Export Section Data (ctrl + e) > select project folder and name as 'cone'. Now, open the RW version and find the same section located approximately in same order in the hierarchy containing a Bin Mesh PLG. To proceed, right click the highlighted section > Add section > [0x253F2F8] 2dfx > Right click the new section > Import section data > Find and select 'cone' > save file. Particles method For adding particles to the model, Dexx's 2dfx tool is introduced to the user. This method is not tool specific and works with both KAM and RW exporters. In this case RW exporter is used. With the RW model in 3ds Max, go to Create Tab > Helpers > Dummy > create one at the top of the cone. Link it to the model so that it's the child of the model. Start Dexx tool. Click 'Add Particle Info (Dummy)'. Expand 'Setup / Edit Particles'. In 'Particle System' select 'Fire'. Click 'Apply to Dummy(s)'. Expand 'Export Effect Info'. Click 'Export Info' with only the dummy selected, not the model. Export to project folder and name file as 'fire'. Export the model with the dummy included. Now with RWanalyze, open the DFF that was exported and find the following section. To proceed, right click the highlighted section, click 'Add section' and find [0x253F2F8] 2dfx. Right click the newly generated section and click 'Import section data'. Find the file 'fire' and on RWanalyze click save. The model now contains a fire from the top of the cone. Common uses of 2dfx In GTA SA, lights and particles can be integrated into models regardless if they're world objects or vehicles. Thus it opens up a whole level and opportunities for modelers to improve visuals of their models. A few uses are compiled below. Street lamps Fireplaces Cars Sirens Fire simulations Structure lighting Aircraft blinking lights Traffic lights Fountains Cement mixers Farming utilities The possibilities are endless, although the rendering limits of corona images is 32. This explains why the Pyramid in Las Venturas has 8 lights on each 4 corners.1 point
local cvskin = createPickup ( 354.128, 46.554, 10.281, 3, 1275, 1000 ) function setSkinOnPickupUse ( thePlayer ) if source == cvskin then setElementModel ( thePlayer, 28) end end addEventHandler ( "onPickupUse", resourceRoot, setSkinOnPickupUse ) https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Character_Skins Movido para Portuguese / Português > Programação em Lua @V1RU51 point
1 point
كل كلامك غلط ماله علاقة على استضافة ولا على جهازك الخاص settings.xml مبرمج على انه ياخذ المعلومات من ملف mysql ومود settings.xml الأصل المعلومات تنحط في ملف mysql بس البعض من ابطال الديجتال الي مالهم اي خبره يحاولون يعدلون على ملفات مود get وطبعا بما انهم ابطال ديجتال (منوب) يروح يخرب الكود ويحط اليوزر داخل فنكشن username = get( "username" ) ? يسويه كذا ثم يجي يبكي لوحة التسجيل مو شغاله username = get( "root" ) البعض من ابطال الديجتال يكون شوي فاهم ويسويه كذا username = "root" على خادم لينكس ويتوقع ان السيرفر يشتغل .dll هذا غير ابطال الديجتال من بتاع تصنيف (سوبر منوب) الي يرفع ملفات ويندوز ? ثم يبكي السيرفر مو شغال كلمتني على الخاص وضبطت لك كل شي ماعدا شي واحد تحتاج تسويه بنفسك ما تبي تسويه شي راجع لك1 point