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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركته اليوم رجعت لكم بموضوع جديد اول شيئ : ولان اطرح معكم وافيدكم بشيئ مميز واخذ مني وقت حيث قمت بجمع جميع الوظائف المفيدة التي تم طرحها في المنتدى او غير المنتدى في ملف واحد يجمعهم كلهم المهم مأطول عليكم اول شيء : أعتذر من @Master_MTA @#,xiRocKyz @killerProject @#x1AhMeD-09 @N3xT @KillerX @3NAD @PaiN^ @Tete omar @Booo @|Mr|-Talal07-| @WASSIm. @Default#^ @jafar @</Mr.Tn6eL> @#CroSs @iMr.WiFi..! @Abdul KariM @!#NssoR_) @Blaawee @iPrestege @#DRAGON!FIRE @[email protected]~#@LoOs@TAPL@Me[Z]oO@^iiEcoo'x_)@#[email protected]@#BrosS @ وأيضا كل من قام بدعم المحتوى العربي بالنشر لان نسيت احط حقوقهم المهم الي يبي احط حقوقه في أي وظيفة يكلمني او معه فكشن يبني اضيفه للمكتبة يروح على الرابط في GITHUB = https://github.com/MrPoper/Useful-World-Lua/projects/1 يضيف فكنشن حقه و يتبع و الطريقة الموجودة اسفل هذا الكلام و يغير Builder Name = your name https://pages.github.com/ = احد روابط مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي (المنتدى ’ فيس ’ وتس ’ ديسكور ...) -__**Function Info :**__ * info * -__**Function SYNTAX:**__ > Code HERE < - __**Function SOURCE CODE:**__ > Code HERE < - __**Function EXAMPLE :**__ > Code HERE < - __**Function TYPE :**__ - [ ] HELP - [ ] CONVERT - [ ] ELEMENT This Function BUILD By [Builder Name](https://pages.github.com/). المهم هاذا رابط تحميل كل الوظائف المفيدة: USEFUL FUCTION : 200+ LINES : 6500+ RECORD TIME : [12 November 2012] - [26 JUNE 2019] https://github.com/MrPoper/Useful-World-Lua/projects/1 ?لا تنسى الصلاة على سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم2 points
About SAPD:FR Online is mainly based on the popular GTA:SA SAPD:FR mod and it's aim is to bring the fun online and allow players to patrol together, assist other player officers, etc. This project has been going on for a few years already and has had it's ups and down, it also used to be known as FR:MP & 7Precint before receiving it's current SAPD:FR Online name. Originally it has been created by the original creators of SAPD:FR Palm Beach Games (previously known as FR Mods) and was officially taken over by Advanced Gaming near the end of 2016 through a signed contract. Our aim is to bring as realistic and fun at the same time police experience with the Non Player Characters (NPCs) spread around the map being potential fellas that are up to no good. The server gives ability for players to progress through the ranks by arresting criminals, respond to callouts that have different variety of possibilities to happen every time, patrol inside of the patrol zones, simply have fun with your friends or other players, pursuit suspects both on foot and in vehicles, do speed traps, etc. Features The server has quite a lot of features in store for the players to have fun with and the best part is that the features only keep expanding further and further with our weekly updates. Some noteable features are: Ability to patrol in 6 different departments, 3 Sheriff Departments and 3 Police Departments which have different ranking structure and each seperated into "saves" which save your progress in a specific department Callout system which contains a lot of different callout each which can have different outcomes when either you arrive on scene or try to interact with the Non Player Characters (NPCs), these vary from simple callouts such as injured person to somewhat big callouts such as armored truck robbery, street brawls, etc. A ELM system which lets you switch both your primary and secondary lights through different modes, 15 modes to be exact A neatly designed HUD which gives you the most cruical information such as your current level, exp amount, callout that you're in (if any), money, vehicle you're in, speedometer, zone that you're in, etc. Patrol zones which let you patrol around San Andreas for a small experience reward Multiple additional unmarked vehicles that have been designed by our outstanding modder ThatOneIowan Rank system which unlock different vehicles, equipment, etc. A dispatch (aka Central) with which you can interact to check for civilian's background, vehicle's information, request backup, inform that there's an armed suspect, request prisoner transport, etc. Ability to request special units which will assist you in different occasions, such as medics for injured civilians, towtrucks for vehicles that are in the way, etc. Ability to request backup to which other players can respond to Ability to see every unit's locations by opening the map on F11, each unit's number is displayed there Ability to interact with Non Player Characters (NPCs), ask them for their IDs, frisk them, arrest them, perform requests such as sit, flee, pursue them (if they evade), and much more Ability to install mods by just dragging them into a folder (full explanation of the system is available on our forums) Edited vehicle handlings to match IRL acceleration and top speeds and let you travel through San Andreas faster than originally intended by the game Multiple translations for our non English speaking players Helper system which lets new players use /ask to ask a question Simple Pay 'n' Spray script which lets you fix your vehicles for free Inventory system which lets you hold multiple items, in addition to this each precint has a officer vendor at which you can buy (or take) items such as armor, medical kits, spikestrips, vehicle repair kits and more Multiple precints spread around the major cities which players can use to arrest their suspects or reach vendors NEW Ability to play as a medic unit And much more! Updates & community feedback The script itself is being updated weekly, every saturday to be exact. Due to the script being a few years old we're focused onto polishing it as much as we can while also adding more fun features for you guys to use. We respect our community's feedback and are quite happy with the fact that they've already gave us 4 forum pages worth of suggestions to deal with. We may not add those suggestions as fast as some would expect but that's because we either need other features for it to get added or we have some more important focuses onto them, but we can assure you any suggestion we like will be eventually added in, so far we've added in 30+ different suggestions into the server and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. In addition, the server tends to undergo some major changes sometimes and to prevent us from making a mistake with such ideas we create public polls on our forums and notify our members everywhere about it to let them give their vote and also post their opinion on that. If the majority votes against it then ofcourse, we scratch the idea and make something else instead. Media Ever since the server started our users have been posting media around youtube, our facebook inbox or the forums. We're also happy to say that we've inspired few people to start youtube channels as well as have an long active youtube member recording videos in the server actively. Therefore, before the media we'd like to point out some channels that you might want to check if you're interested in seeing more of the server: Unit23OnPatrol Unit 170 Officer371 Unit 28 Videos: **All of the following media is created by our users, full credits go to them** Screenshots: **Warning: a lot of pictures inside of the spoiler** Social Media SAPD:FR Online Website Forum Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/0sefStnGcNuXyA8u Where to join? IP: mtasa:// point
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You could've created another topic since this isn't related to the original subject. Try this: function kikarplayer ( theClient, commandName, kickedName, ... ) if isPlayerStaff(theClient) then if not kickedName then return outputChatBox ("#bf2e2e* Erro: /kick [nick] [motivo]",theClient,255,255,255,true) end local reason = table.concat({...}," ") local kickerName = getPlayerName(theClient):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") local kickedPlayer = getPlayerFromName(kickedName) if not isElement(kickedPlayer) then return outputChatBox ("#bf2e2e* Erro: Player Invalido!",theClient,255,255,255,true) end outputChatBox ( "#c9c9c9[#1a6cefFW-INFORMA#c9c9c9]O #1a6cef" .. kickerName .. " #c9c9c9Kickou o Player #1a6cef" ..getPlayerName(kickedPlayer):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").. "#c9c9c9 | Motivo #1a6cef" ..reason.. "#c9c9c9", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) banPlayer ( kickedPlayer, theClient, reason ) else outputChatBox ("#bf2e2e* Erro: Você Não tem Permissão!",theClient,255,255,255,true) end end addCommandHandler ( "kick", kikarplayer ) -- https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/IsPlayerStaff local staffACLs = { aclGetGroup("Admin"), aclGetGroup("Moderator"), aclGetGroup("SuperModerator"), } function isPlayerStaff(p) local acc = getPlayerAccount(p) if not acc then return false end if isGuestAccount(acc) then return false end local object = getAccountName(acc) for _,group in ipairs(staffACLs) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..object,group) then return true end end return false end Also, the command/function is supposed to kick the player but it's using 'banPlayer', so change it to kickPlayer.1 point
function kikarplayer (theClient, commandName, kickedName, ...) local account = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount (theClient)) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..account, aclGetGroup ("Admin")) then if not ... then return outputChatBox ("#bf2e2e* Erro: /kick [nick] [motivo]",theClient,255,255,255,true) end local reason = table.concat({...}," ") local kickerName = getPlayerName(theClient):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") local kickedPlayer = getPlayerFromName(kickedName) if not isElement(kickedPlayer) then outputChatBox ("#bf2e2e* Erro: Player Invalido!",theClient,255,255,255,true) end outputChatBox ( "#c9c9c9[#1a6cefFW-INFORMA#c9c9c9]O #1a6cef" .. kickerName .. " #c9c9c9Kickou o Player #1a6cef" ..getPlayerName(kickedPlayer):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").. "#c9c9c9 | Motivo #1a6cef" ..reason.. "#c9c9c9", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) banPlayer ( kickedPlayer, theClient, reason ) else outputChatBox ("#bf2e2e* Erro: Você Não tem Permissão!",theClient,255,255,255,true) end end addCommandHandler ( "kick", kikarplayer )1 point
Pelo que estou vendo, acho mais válido vc estudar lógica de programação.1 point
Try making the command on server side, check if player is not a guest then send a trigger to client side to open the menu.1 point
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته جملة مهمة إلي جميع مبرمجين للغة ( Lua ) جميع مجتمعات الويكي او المنتدي لاحظت: إنها تساهم في تعلم البرمجة وتطويرها بأسهل طريقة ممكنة وأساسيات وكل شئ بها إلا المنتدي العربي وأيضاً تلاحظو حماس لتعلم اللغة من بعض الزوار للمنتدي ولاكن ما في أي تفاعل من أي مبرمج وألي ييأس الزائر ان المبرمج يقول له تعلم جميع اللغة وذا شئ مو صحيح والمصيبة الاكبر الي شفتها أن الويكي العربي نصف مترجم ونصف أنجلش ههه أعذروني ولكن اريد ان اقول لكم MTA : لم تمت ولن تمت بل مطورينها من يقتلونها مبتدأ البرمجة يبي مساندة يبي روح تشجيعية مو روح أتعلم كل البرمجة وتعال افهمك برمجة اللعبة لالا هذا مو شئ صحيح البرمجة تبع اللعبة لها اسسيات ومحدودة التعليم والمبرمج المبتدأ ماله دماغ يحفظ ويذاكر كل البرمجة لذا أحب اقول لكل مطورين اللغة ياريت ما تحبطو المبتدئين المساندة والتشجيع أهم وبدون مقابل ولله في الله وأقسم بالله من يعلم مسلماً بدون مقابل له أجر كبير العلم لا يقدر بالمال يا سادة العلم لصاحبه ( وليس لمن تريده ) وأهم شئ التحدد وان يكون المبتدأ في اللغة ان يكون محدد داخل برمجة اللعبة بكل ما تحتاجها وأقسم بالله لو أني متعلم اللغة لساعدت كل مبتدأ بها يبي معلومة وبدون مقابل مو لأني ابي شئ لا أنا ابي الحسنة تعليم المسلم لأخاه حسنة وتذكرو يا اخواني العلم لا يقدر بالمال والرجاء المساهمة في تعليم المبتدئين وليس كل مبرمج يريد أن يثبت نفسه ان يبرمج مود بحقوق مشفرة ويكون يهبل وينزله عشان يعجب الناس مو اكثر وما رح يستفيد منه اي شخص لأن جميع السرفرات باللعبة بتكون معها نفس المود وكذا يا حبيبي انت تقتل مستقبل اللعبة ما ترفعو بمعني أعطيني سنارة اصطاد ولا تعطيني سمكة أطفحها وشكراً .. الرجاء تكون معلومتي وصلت والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته1 point
Sobre a modelagem 3D, eu uso o Blender. Ele é muito poderoso, gratuito e leve. Muito superior aos programas comuns de modelagem do GTA SA como o Zmodeler. Mas para abrir os arquivos DFF dos modelos, vc vai precisar baixar um plugin chamado GTA tools e instalar ele no Blender. Com esse plugin vc consegue importar os modelos pro Blender, editar eles normalmente e depois exportá-los de volta no formato DFF.1 point
I'm not expert at this, but yes, compiling with highest level of obfuscation. Since i don't get answer yet for my topic, one more possible way is sending client scripts with loadstring and triggerClientEvent, i've saw it somewhere, but i don't know if at the moment is worth to add this kind of protection, or if it's working at all.1 point
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Try this -- client addEventHandler("onDgsMouseClick", root, function() if source == askbt1 then local text = DGS:dgsGetText(askEdit) playSoundFrontEnd(1) triggerServerEvent( "askPlayer", localPlayer, text) end end) -- server function askPlayer (text) outputChatBox ( "#DC143C[SYS] #ffffff["..hours..":"..minutes..":"..second.."] #FFA500ASK: #FFFFFF"..tostring(text), client, 255, 100, 200,true ) end addEvent("askPlayer",true) addEventHandler("askPlayer",root,askPlayer) I have basically just sent "text" with the trigger and received it with the function askPlayer (text) then used ..tostring(text) in the outputChatBox.1 point
I'm not quiet sure that I understood you, do you mean like get text from dgsGetText and post it as an outputChatBox? if so: --client addEventHandler("onDgsMouseClick", root, function() if source == askbt1 then local text = DGS:dgsGetText(askEdit) playSoundFrontEnd(1) outputChatBox ("#DC143C[SYS] #ffffff["..hours..":"..minutes..":"..second.."] #FFA500ASK: #FFFFFF"..tostring(text), 255, 100, 200) end end) but that will only outputs to the player who triggered the event. If you want to show the message to everyone send it to server side.1 point
I implemented it in another project. Changing ColModels/Building limits working perfectly with MTA. But i don't tested it with engine functions.1 point
You can put line of code in every resource which does some damage to server if the resource isn't loaded by a specific serial.1 point
Hm, this code looks fine from what I see. Try copying the code from here: https://pastebin.com/c9jyKy5y1 point
function getPlayer(player, cmd, id) if tonumber(id) then local mx, my, mz = getElementPosition(player) local player2 = getPlayerFromID ( tonumber(id) ) if not player2 or not isElement(player2) then return outputChatBox( "player not found", player ) end local rand = math.random(1, 5) setElementPosition(player2, mx+rand, my+rand, mz + 1) end end addCommandHandler("pux", getPlayer) Try it P.S: You need to have getPlayerFromID function in your code.1 point
Olá. O portão e a cerca são o mesmo objeto. Por isso o mesmo ID afeta os dois. Sobre esse problema aí dele ficar com 1 lado invisível, já tentou arrumar com SetElementDoubleSided?1 point
Si se guardan solo los estas cargando mal Ej: setPedStat (source, 21, tonumber(stat21))1 point
Não é necessário passar pra server-side pra abrir o painel já que não necessita de permissão, você pode usar apenas onClientMarkerHit. Correção: local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize () local markerGuardar = createMarker (-2407.54, -598.33, 132.64, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 255, 50) addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () defaultWindow = guiCreateWindow (sX/2 - 185, sY/2 - 220, 370, 440, "Guardar Armas", false) guiWindowSetSizable (defaultWindow, false) guiSetVisible (defaultWindow, false) btnGuardar = guiCreateButton (10, 396, 112, 34, "Guardar", false, defaultWindow) btnFechar = guiCreateButton (247, 396, 112, 34, "Fechar", false, defaultWindow) defaultGrid = guiCreateGridList (9, 26, 350, 360, false, defaultWindow) guiGridListAddColumn (defaultGrid, "Arma", 0.7) guiGridListAddColumn (defaultGrid, "Munição", 0.20) end) addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", root, function (btn) if btn ~= "left" then return end if source == btnGuardar then outputChatBox ("Btn: "..btn, 0, 255, 0) elseif source == btnFechar then Abrir () end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), function (hitPlayer, matchingDimension) if hitPlayer and getElementType (hitPlayer) == "player" and matchingDimension then Abrir () end end) function Abrir () if guiGetVisible (defaultWindow) == true then guiSetVisible (defaultWindow, false) showCursor (false) -- guiGridListClear (defaultGrid) elseif guiGetVisible (defaultWindow) == false then guiSetVisible (defaultWindow,true) showCursor (true) -- guiGridListClear (defaultGrid) end end OBS: Não entendi o motivo de você usar centerWindow sendo que você pode calcular a posição do centro manual. (Fiz isso por você se tiver dúvidas sobre GUI pode dar uma olhada no tópico do @Lord Henry.) Tópico: Aqui1 point
Da próxima vez poste na seção de Programação em Lua. Você está tentando usar a função útil centerWindow (que vc trocou pro nome centerGUI) mas ela não existe no seu código. Funções úteis precisam ter seu código declarado para funcionarem, pois não são funções nativas do MTA. No seu client tem um triggerServerEvent de um evento que não existe no server. Você teria descoberto isso se usasse o comando /debugscript 31 point
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Não conheço outra alternativa que mexa na renderização à distância, imaginei que funcionaria com essa função... Mas por que você quer isso? sendo que a bala da sniper também tem um limite na distância.1 point
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اتهامات سرقة السكربتات بدون دليل ممنوعة, لاحظت في الفترة الأخيرة اتهامات بين أعضاء المنتدى بخصوص نشر سكربتات مسروقة وما شابه ولذلك اذا توفر لديك الدليل الكافي بأن السكربتات مسروقة وليست يملكاً للشخص الذي قام بنشرها قم بالتواصل مع المشرفين على الخاص وسيتم التعامل مع الموضوع. * ملاحظة: ليست لدينا أي صلاحيات تجاه السيرفرات التي تستعمل سكربتات مسروقة, فقط السكربتات التي تم نشرها على هذا المنتدى. تحياتي لكم1 point