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  1. If you're having issues with models or are looking for help on how to achieve certain results, feel free to ask in here. Note: Please check the Guide section before asking questions in here. Frequently Asked Questions on GTA modding the FAQ is on 3DS Max, though can be applied for various app's Lighting and Shading #1 Why can't I change the smoothing of my model? Your model contains duplicate vertices - this is a typical issue within GTA importers. They tend to break the vertices/split the edges on import, requiring to be welded. View the spoiler for a potential fix. #2 My map model is overexposed in day and night time. Your model lacks vertex color and illumination respectively. The GTA engine uses vertex color information to define lighting which is baked into the model. View spoiler for a potential fix. #3 Why is my Infernus model so bright? GTA engine calculates brightness of vehicles based on map objects collision brightness (that it's standing on) and the vehicle surface properties. View the spoiler for a potential fix. #4 My striped Bullet has different brightness for primary and secondary colors. GTA engine uses different lighting techniques for vehicles than map objects. Some of which are specular lighting, which in short brings a fake highlight onto the vehicle surface, illuminating it. View spoiler for a potential fix. Modeling #5 Certain polygons are not visible ingame, but looks fine on 3D editor. GTA engine among most other game engines uses backface culling, which kills the faces that are not facing/are blocked by ones facing the camera. This procedure is done to save memory. View the spoiler for a potential fix. #6 Can I make scissor doors for my vehicle without requiring scripts? It is possible to modify how vehicle doors appear in their open phase. It involves changing the rotations of dummies and their children objects, the doors. View the spoiler for a potential method. #7 How does vehicle reflections and chrome work? GTA vehicles uses 2 UV channels; first for diffuse, second for env and chrome mapping. If the secondary UV channel is not unwrapped properly, the env/chrome will either not work or flashes too often. View the spoiler for a potential method. #8 I can see through my vehicle chassis when looking at the police decals, why is that? Materials that are responsible for alpha needs to be last in the multimaterial list. If this is not done, textures like police decals will not render parts of the vehicle behind the alpha. View the spoiler for a potential fix. #9 How do I make a vehicle paintable? GTA SA requires models to have a certain colorcoded material applied to the surface of vehicles that needs to be paintable. It also needs (optionally if using textures) a texture that is not black. As anything that isn't black will be. If parts of the texture is grey, the color ingame will look sort of dirty or old. View the spoiler for a method. Miscellaneous #10 I have imported des_sherrifsgn1.dff into 3ds and extracted the textures into a folder, but they aren't displayed. It is not enough to extract the images, you'll have to tell the program where your textures are stored for it to apply them on the model. View the spoiler for a potential solution. #11 I want to remove Wuzimu's glasses and export it to my game. How do I do this? You're going to need a GTA formats importer. I prefer Kam's vanilla tools for skins due to its decent support for bones and skinned models. View the spoiler for a potential method. #12 What file types are worth to know about? GTA has many, many file types, and a lot of them are not natively available in MTA unless you modify your server's anti-cheat system to allow locally custom data files etcetera. So if we're going with MTA friendly files, there are a few. View the spoiler. #13 Where do I find shared vehicle textures, and what's each their use? You can locate the .txd for shared textures in GTA SA dir\models\generic\vehicle.txd. It stores textures which are used for SA vehicle lights, lighting and many more textures, which are used across hundreds of vehicles. As these textures are found in your local files, none of them are required to be added to custom vehicle .txd files, making for potentially very low file sizes. View the spoiler for a full list. #14 I have downscaled my model, but in-game it remains the same size as before. If your model's scale values says something like 76,144, 76,144, 76,144, it will reset to 100, 100, 100 on export. To correct this, go to Utilities panel, click Reset xForm, Reset selected, then right click the modifier and collapse to. Now your model will have its new scale applied. #15 I have converted a Counterstrike map and turned the main mesh into a collision which is 250kb. I am getting invisible walls, why is that? GTA has a very low polycount limit in regards to collision models. Not to be confused with collision primitive models, which are spheres or boxes, but the CM itself. If it is above or around 5000 (needs additional sources...) polygons, issues will occur, such as invisible walls or as if there's a large box blocking the entire model off. Another culprit for collision issues is the pivot point and position that the collision is exported at. You need to set the collisions to 0, 0, 0 and pivot point needs to resemble that of the main model, otherwise they will not line up properly. #16 My character movement is bugging on custom modeled stairs. GTA III, VC and SA do not have support for advanced staircase collisions, and so they require a different approach, which is a planar ramp or slope if you will. This may not look very good when the character steps on the stairs, however it is the most performance and bug-less method around. **Please feel free to contribute to the FAQ by leaving a comment here or through PM. It will be greatly appreciated.** little note for colors #B8E0B6 #4A4A4A
    2 points
  2. منورين موضوع @i,xAhmed @Kareem Amer @SuperXساقوم بتغيير الشكل كل فترة ان شاء الله @DABL @+Source|> اسم المود تقدر تغيره وتكتب اي شئ ارقام كلمات اي كان يعجبك لكن لما تفتح المود اللعبة والملف والمجلدات كلها ستصبح فارغة وشكرا لك على ردك فقد حدثت لك تصميم جديد "قروب المسؤولين " انا مصممه مشفر لكن لا تقلق محمي بالكامل
    2 points
  3. local CommandSpam , AntiTeleport , AfterDamageTeleportTime = {} , {} , 5000 teleportes = { {"drift",-296.92343139648, 1539.3560791016, 75.5625,"Foi para a Pista de Drift"}, {"floresta",-1292.8233642578, -2159.5888671875, 22.212591171265,"Foi para a Floresta"}, {"bairro",770.75983886719, -673.3233032226, 366.39999389648,"Foi para o Bairro"}, {"mount",-2338.4633789063, -1623.2933349609, 483.70858764648,"Foi para o Mount Chilliad"}, {"praia",324, -1779, 5,"Foi para a Praia"}, {"pistals",1994, -2446, 14,"Foi para o Aeroporto de LS"}, {"pistalv",1498, 1528, 11,"Foi para o Aeroporto de LV"}, {"pistasf",-1339, 52, 15,"Foi para o Aeroporto de SF"}, {"favela",2249, -1047, 55,"Foi para a Favela"}, {"rampa1", -1594.1474609375, -254.13656616211, 476.79843139648,"Foi para a Rampa #1"}, {"paraquedas", 989.94641113281, -1621.0570068359, 2251.9091796875,"Foi saltar de Paraquedas"}, {"rampa2",1078.3706054688, 972.89129638672, 266.59530639648, "Foi para a Rampa #2"}, {"arena1", 3344.7109375, -2548.6672363281, 258.46493530273, "Foi para a Arena #1"}, {"arena2",-2280.0202636719, 2308.8525390625, 4.9635863304138,"Foi para a Arena #2"}, {"x2",1330.7166748047, 2136.0305175781, 11.015625,"Foi para a Arena X2"}, {"x1", -5307.2294921875, -205.81309509277, 4956.482421875, "Foi para a Arena X1"}, {"arrancada",406.13702392578, 2537.8151855469, 16.546295166016,"Foi para a Arrancada"}, {"rampa3",1461.7163818359, 341.52435302734, 665.28228759766,"Foi para a Rampa #3"}, {"cj",2488, -1670, 14,"Foi para a Casa do CJ"}, {"hospital",1178.1077880859, -1323.4639892578, 14.103762626648,"Foi para o Hospital"}, {"mount",-2338.4633789063, -1623.2933349609, 483.70858764648,"Foi para o Mount Chilliad"}, {"topo",860.58880615234, -2287.9299316406, 892.32263183594,"Foi para o Topo"}, {"arena4", 2287.1967773438, 672.9337685547, 10.671875,"Foi para a Arena #4"}, {"ammu", 2119.7568359375, 957.57293701172, 10.81298828125,"Foi para a Ammu"}, {"avenida", 2058.6020507813, 837.92016601563, 6.8843750953674,"Foi para a Avenida"}, {"banco", 2435.8037109375 , 2377.1762695313, 10.8203125,"Foi para o Banco"}, {"arena", 580.9580078125, -3076.4384765625, 10.0703125,"Foi para a Arena"}, {"corrida", 1006.9000244141, 2473.8000488281, 10.800000190735,"Foi para o Racha"}, {"condominio", 2212.9479980469, 218.67300415039, 492.70068359375, "Foi para o Condominio"}, {"rampa4", -681.61298, -331.70407, 1065.12817, "Foi para a Rampa #4"}, {"rampa5", 1580.10986, 1016.11517, 1336.80627, "Foi para a Rampa #5"}, {"batebate", -1416.758666992, 988.67651367188, 1024.0202636719, "Foi para a Pista de Bate-Bate"}, {"rally", -1435.75, -652.66406, 1054.9375, "Foi para a Pista de Rally"}, {"barco", -2303.12183, 1557.78577, 1.56776, "Foi para o Barco"}, {"racha", -4065.4763184594, -854.5, 454.79611206055, "Foi para a Pista de Racha"}, {"stunt", -696.53137207031, 1666.1668701172, 22.40781211853,"Foi para a Pista de Stunt"}, {"ausente",1431.7767333984, 1412.8642578125, 10.812978744507,"Foi para a Area de AFK"}, {"descida2", -1080.0048828125, -2505.6228027344, 511.46875,"Foi para a Descida #2"}, {"descida1", 156.01455688477, -2614.0886230469, 965.25469970703,"Foi para a Descida #1"}, {"topo2", 1487.5988769531, -2748.4904785156, 219.82795715332,"Foi para o Topo #2"}, {"parkour", 834.79278564453, -2048.9521484375, 12.8671875,"Foi para o Parkour"}, {"vila", -2942.1770019531, 469.8955078125, 4.9410625,"Foi para a Vila"}, {"x3", 429.4794921875, -2109.4052734375, 211.12655639648, "Foi para a Arena x3"}, {"tunel", 2585.1896972656, -1492.2657470703, 22.713787078857, "Foi para o Tunel"}, {"ilha", 565.68475341797, -3047.8254394531, 9.0342044830322, "Foi para a Ilha"}, {"descida3", -614.44104003906, 548.31243892484, 356.88537597656, "Foi para a Descida #3"}, {"x4", 1517, -1468, 64, "Foi para a Arena X4"}, {"garagem", -2012.9562988281, 292.6872253418, 34.390727996826, "Foi para a Garagem de Veiculos"}, {"duelo2", 1483.4633789063, -2395.7033691406, 553.82781982422, "Foi para a Arena de Duelo #2"}, {"arenalv", 2785, 912, 11, "Foi para a Arena de LV"}, {"dropper", 3000.626953125, -460.890625, 346.75357055664, "Foi para o Dropper"}, {"labirinto", 170.8897857666, -2834.3898925781, 442.42840576172, "Foi para o Labirinto"}, {"duelo", 3720.2368164063, 2941.6826171875, 297.2843629297, "Foi para a Arena de Duelo"}, {"praia2", 2856.8269042969, -1963.7368164063, 10.937321662903, "Foi para a Praia #2"}, {"basquete", 2782.2741699219, -2020.6383056641, 13.5546875, "Foi para a Arena de Basquete"}, {"fazenda", -1099.357421875, -1649.5495605469, 76.3671875, "Foi para a Fazenda"}, {"praia3", -2745.2783203125, -2575.21875, 3.8607654571533, "Foi para a Praia #3"}, {"arena3",211.42056274414, 1810.6236572266, 21.8671875, "Foi para a Arena #3"}, {"balada", 1053.4812011719, -1927.4565429688, 13.152410507202, "Foi para a Balada"}, {"arenadd", 3158.1001, -1990.1, 2.9, "Foi para a Arena DD"}, {"cinema", 1479.6149902344, -1705.2219238281, 15.5, "Foi para o Cinema"}, {"ar", 4874.4765625, -590.52325439453, 5709.6254882813, "Foi para a Arena no Ar"}, {"arena5", 2520.3178710938, -1504.2377929688, 23.82125, "Foi para a Arena #5"} , } addEventHandler ( "onPlayerCommand" , root , function ( Command ) if getElementDimension ( source ) == 0 and getElementInterior ( source ) == 0 then for _ , Value in pairs ( teleportes ) do if Value [ 1 ] == Command then if not AntiTeleport [ source ] then if not CommandSpam [ source ] then local Vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if Vehicle then setElementPosition ( Vehicle , Value [ 2 ] , Value [ 3 ] , Value [ 4 ] ) else setElementPosition ( source , Value [ 2 ] , Value [ 3 ] , Value [ 4 ] ) end if Value [ 5 ] then local playertag = getElementData ( source , "gang.tag" ) or "" exports["killmessages2"]:outputMessage ( "#ffffff" ..playertag.. "".. getPlayerName(source) .."#ffffff(ID:" .. (getPlayerID(source) or "???") .. ")#AC0000 Foi Para "..Value [ 5].." #ffffff(/" ..Value [ 1].. ") ", root, 0, 255, 0, true ) outputChatBox( "#AC0000[TELE] #ffffff" ..playertag.. "".. getPlayerName(source) .."(ID:" .. (getPlayerID(source) or "???") .. ")#c4c4c4 você foi para /" ..Value [ 1].. "", source, 0, 255, 0, true ) end CommandSpam [ source ] = setTimer ( function ( source ) CommandSpam [ source ] = false end , 5000 , 1 , source ) else outputChatBox ( "Aguarde ".. (CommandSpam [ source ] and math.floor ( getTimerDetails ( CommandSpam [ source ] ) / 1000 ) or 5 ) .." segundos para se teleportar novamente!", source) end else outputChatBox ( "it is not possible to teleport in combat" , source , 255 , 0 , 0 , true ) end break end end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage" , root , function ( ) if AntiTeleport [ source ] and isTimer ( AntiTeleport [ source ] ) then resetTimer ( AntiTeleport [ source ] ) return end AntiTeleport [ source ] = setTimer ( function ( source ) AntiTeleport [ source ] = false end , AfterDamageTeleportTime , 1 , source ) end ) function getPlayerFromID(id) return call(getResourceFromName("game_id2"), "getPlayerFromID", tonumber(id)) end function getPlayerID(player) return getElementData(player,"id") end
    1 point
  4. addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerWasted' , root , function ( _ , Killer ) if ( getPlayerTeam ( Killer ) == getTeamFromName ( 'Police' ) ) then setPlayerWantedLevel ( source , 0 ) else setPlayerWantedLevel ( source , getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) + 1 ) end end ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientPlayerDamage' , localPlayer , function ( Attaker ) if ( Attaker ) and ( getElementType ( Attaker ) == 'player' ) and ( Attaker ~= localPlayer ) then cancelEvent ( ) setElementHealth ( localPlayer , getElementHealth ( localPlayer ) - 50 ) end end )
    1 point
  5. اخر اصدار اصلا بس البرنامج مليان بقات , لي 2 يوم شغال في سكربت فوق ال1000 سطر و اليوم و انا احفظه راح برنامج مو كويس صراحه صراحه Visual Studio افضل بكتير مشكور روك + للباقين ما قصرو
    1 point
  6. Visual studio code, و استخدم هذي الإضافة في البرنامج عشان اللعبة https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=subtixx.mtasa-Lua
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. حمل اخر اصدار
    1 point
  9. حصل خير بالتوفيق
    1 point
  10. للاسف الشديد بدال ماتتعلمون وتتعمقون باللغه اكثر واكثر , تفتحون مواضيع المنتدى العربي والمنتدى العربي ماحد راح يجي عندك ويدرسك ويعلمك لين تصير محترف بالبرمجة , تعلم حاول اغلط مره مرتين ثلاث مرات , اطرح محاولاتك مابنقصر معك لكن تجي تقول المنتدى العربي فيه والكلام الفاضي ذا ماينفع لاتجي تقولون سوو كذا وسوو كذا , سو انت كذا وكذا وغالبا بنجي معك جميع وسلامتك
    1 point
  11. رغم ردي المتأخر بس حبيت افيدكم ان اللعبة تقدر تبرمج في Lua وتقدر تبدع فيها لأن العرب فيها بس عندهم رول بلاي ماعندهم غير الرول بلاي او الهجولة وغير كذا المكتبة حق البرمجة كبيرة جداً بس تأخذ وقت بس عشان تبرمج كم مود فايحتاج تتعود لها أكبر عيوبها انها ماتستوعب اكثر من 100 لاعب في سيرفر واحد اكثر شيء 32 واذا بتخليه 64 بتصير مشاكل فهم يطورون على تقنيات تستوعب اعداد اكبر فيحتاج لها صبر اما بالنسبة للعبة احس تقدر تسوي كل الي في راسك لأن الجرافيكس يخليك تقدر تسوي العاب ثانية بنفس اللعبة فنعم فكرة جيدة انك تفتح سيرفر فيها --- عموماً لمتابعة الموضوع, العرب بالنسبة لهم اللعبه ميتة اما الاجانب في فتح مستمر للسيرفرات وانا اساعد اغلب سيرفرات الاجنبية لأن عندهم افكار واموال يعرفون يصرفونها صح مو يحطون كلها في الخادم ويحاول يجيب مبرمجين بدون مقابل واما بخصوص اللعبة فعلاً ممكن بتموت ولكنها قد ترجع أن حازت تطويرات قوية من المطورين حق اللعبة أو نهضة قوية من السيرفرات بتطوير قوي وترك التقليد
    1 point
  12. كلامك خاطئ المبرمج يقدر يستفيد منها كـ دخل مادي آخر وكلمة الغبي أسلوب غير جيد .
    1 point
  13. Not exactly what you want, but it might help. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=2542
    0 points
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