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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/19 in all areas

  1. API: https://vp9lluyksc.execute-api.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/mtasa?ip= Pode usar por enquanto, mas o ideal é você buscar algo próprio seguindo o caminho informado pelo DNL291, pois depender de terceiros (ainda mais em serviços free) você não tem garantia de segurança, estabilidade, etc.
    1 point
  2. "backspace" only works for the "onClientKey" event, my bad. In this case, add this event for the "backspace" key and it should work.
    1 point
  3. Both the section description and information topic mention that automatic temporary bans (as a result of trying to use a detected cheat or method) cannot be appealed individually. So unfortunately there won't be early unban. Let me guess.. you were preparing for the tournament by trying to find a working cheat So, this is what happens.
    1 point
  4. well, from what i see here you don't really need the round method math.floor(12345/1000) = 12 math.floor(19999/1000) = 19 math.floor(999/1000) = 0 also for more optimization, avoid using the OOP on render events, since it uses double the resources (from my experience) also you can make some value setters outside the render events (that changes the value after something is happened) and use the final results only on rendering
    1 point
  5. By editing the offset values of this function: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AttachElements
    1 point
  6. Using a variable in this case might boost a very little performance. But not in a way that it will matter too much. A case where it will actually have a significant effect: local table = {value = 12000} -- onClientRender local value = table.value dxDrawText(value) dxDrawText(value) -- boost ! These steps will be reduced to 1x instead of 2x. (1. Using the table reference to find the table object. Not sure if this actually takes more time than a numeric value.) 2. Searching in the table. Which takes time.
    1 point
  7. مود جميل بس راي من راي نصور يستحسن انك متقلدش لان مش هيجبلك غير المشاكل اما بالنسبة للطريقة والمود حقك فاهنيك ابداع موفق
    1 point
  8. onClientCharacter Example: local text = "" addEventHandler( "onClientCharacter", root, function ( character ) text = text .. character end )
    1 point
  9. @Jackdolirol021 você usará: givePlayerWeapon takePlayerWeapon givePlayerMoney takePlayerMoney
    1 point
  10. v1.50.0 Link . <!-- Version 1.40.0+!--> <export function="create3DImage" type="client"/> <export function="create3DImageBut" type="client"/> <export function="create3DImageWithBut" type="client"/> <file src="dot.png"/> <export function="create3DRadioBut" type="client"/> <export function="get3DRadioButState" type="client"/> <export function="isMouseInPosition" type="client"/> Also big thx "Yann" for 5$
    1 point
  11. Hello guys! In this video, I'll show you how to make a quick userpanel(also tabs,gridList,buttons and etc). Video Discord: NaGaFo #8298 FB: www.facebook.com/yan.nagafo if u want help me - Donate: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/nagafo
    1 point
  12. function givePlayerCarSkin ( player, skin ) if Skins[skin] then local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM CarSkins WHERE account = ? AND skin = ? ", account, skin), -1) if type(result) == "table" and #result == 0 then dbExec ( db, "INSERT INTO CarSkins VALUES (?,?,?)", account, skin, Skins[skin][1]) end end كان فيه end زايده
    0 points
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