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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/01/19 in all areas

  1. About the community; - Welcome to San Andreas Extreme Gamers (SAEG) We are a dedicated RPG server in MTA with a rapidly growing player base ever since our launch in March, 2017. We have accomplished many things, such as having a 30+ daily player count. We focus heavily on the RPG aspect of MTA, which is not to be confused with RP (Roleplay). We attempt to have a friendly and fun community for everyone to enjoy. - Everything began at 30.3.2017, after being slaves of server full of unfair admins, unfair players which are looking forward to scam you three guys got sad that they are part of such community, one of them gave the idea to create their own server, they thought about it and here we are, the server exists.They didn't know if the server will go well or they will spend their money for nothing but they took the right choice and now they have an awesome server with great players which i am sure you will enjoy to play with and have staffs available at your aquantace anytime. Show and Tell; Trade Market: An global market, it makes it easier for players to trade there items or sell them. Login panel: An advanced dx UI and simple interface to make it easier for the players to enter the server. Ammunation: An advanced UI and simple interface to make it easier for players to buy guns and explore the world!. Business: this is a simple system that allows players to run there own business and earn money. Gas: this is a simple system that allows players to refuel there cars or buy gas cans incase your far away and need gas. Weapons Training: this is a simple systems that allows you to train your weapons to be ready for combat. Owned Vehicle Spawner: this systems allows you to spawn your vehicles that you bought from a vehicle shop. Banking System: Realistic banking system, the banking system is synchronized with players' accounts using a specific PIN Code that the player should enter. Vehicles System: An advanced vehicles system that allows players to either rent or buy vehicles. User Interface: An advanced UI that allows you to acess your job information or your clan information and vehicles information and achievements. Teleportation: this simple system allows you to teleport anywhere over the map and the bus driver will take a small fair if you know what i mean :<). Objectives; Reach a decent amount of players. Make realistic scripts and improve the gameplay. Make this community to the top. Create a funny and enjoyable atmosphere for the players. Connection; SAEG:RPG IP Adress: mtasa:// SAEG:RPG Forum Link: saegrpg.com Record: 87 players Daily players: 10-30 Gamemode : RPG / CnR Updates; Contact; Facebook Page https://web.facebook.com/groups/372114670033363/?ref=bookmarks Discord server ;https://discord.gg/avdBvsj Join us now ! We'll be glad to have you !
    1 point
  2. :[ إسم السيرفر ]:. [Crazy Algeria] || سيرفر مهابل الجزائر - رتب وتوزيعات [DZ+KSA] @ T.D :[ ايبي السيرفر]:. mtasa:// .:[ إصدار السيرفر ]:. [ 1.5.6 ] .:[ نوع القيم بالسيرفر ]:. [ Hajwalah واقعية بنفس الوقت ] .:[ عدد لاعبين السيرفر ]:. [ 100 ] .:[ نوع الخادم ]:. [ خادم خاص الماني ] .:[ أصحاب السيرفر ]:. - 1 Mr.M | مسترام - 2 Viper Beyaz فريق مهابل .:[ قوانين السيرفر ]:. 1- عدم السب و النشر 2- عدم التلفظ بالالفاظ الخادشه و القذره 3- عدم التكبر على الادمنيات او التلميحات لسيرفرات اخرى ادخلو اليوم بنوزع رتب للكل
    1 point
  3. الله يأخذ من أسس المنتدى .. ويأخذ مشرفين وأعضاء وعضوات المنتدى ....السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ::لو أن السلام مو سنة كان ما سلمت ..!! قولوا ...آمــــــــــــييين الله ياخذ من أسس المنتدى ..ويآخذ مشرفين المنتدى...ويأخذ مشرفات المنتدى ...وياخذ أعضاء المنتدى ...ويآخذ عضوات المنتدى ...وياخذ زوار المنتدى ...وياخذ من يقرأ الموضوع ..وياخذني معاهم ..........:::: إلى ::::...........جنـــــــة عرضها السماوات والأرض ..لا هرم فيها ولا مرض لا تعب فيها ولا نصب ..لا هم فيها ولا وصب .. لا خوف فيها ولا هلعلا سأم فيها ولا جزع ......:: .. بعد عمـر طويـــــل مديــــد على الطاعة بإذن الله ..::.......آمــــــــــــــــــــيين ...
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. ههههههههههههههههههههه حبيبي قلبي ربي يسعدك اما مقلبي حب واحترام للأخرين
    1 point
  6. if weaponIndexByID[item_id] == 30 and weaponModels[item_id] -- Check if there is something at that index. (error prevention) and weaponModels[item_id][1] == 1254 -- then index twice to get access to the sub-table then outputChatBox("ko") end -- sub-table: {1254, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, rx = 0, ry = 0, rz = 0, scale = 1}
    1 point
  7. I feel deeply honoured when you say that. ? But even so, I am somebody with limits as well. I get the feeling that you are the same on your language section. ?
    1 point
  8. مش كفاية وقعتنا في مقلب هتوقعنا كمان في شخ حسبي الله
    1 point
  9. You are a respected and experienced man
    1 point
  10. I'm very grateful, thank you for help. I will test out it asap, and if something will be wrong i will inform you
    1 point
  11. Yea that should be fine as far as I can see.
    1 point
  12. You for 99% correct. But there is nothing `extra` to be stored, we only moved things around. If you do not set it's parent to soundContainer, it will not count. If we do nothing: (everything is parallel) <sound></sound> <sound></sound> <sound></sound> <sound></sound> <soundContainer> <!-- no children so we count 0 --> </soundContainer> If we use setElementParent: <soundContainer> <!-- 4 children, so we count 4 --> <sound></sound> <sound></sound> <sound></sound> <sound></sound> </soundContainer>
    1 point
  13. I don't understand element tree for now, so as far i understand this, it will store sounds, after sound will end, it will disappear from this. This should avoid playing more than 5 sounds in one time, i am right? If not, sorry, i'm new to this. But what if want "give" an immunited for a sound that is created by me, so it will not count to it? Thanks anyway.
    1 point
  14. @majqq hmm, maybe another way of making it would be easier for you to build it and it doesn't require any tables. It simply uses the element tree: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Element_tree -- on top local soundContainer = createElement("soundContainer") -- in your function if getElementChildrenCount (soundContainer) < 5 then local sound = [[ ... ]] setElementParent(sound, soundContainer) end If we would visualise this: <soundContainer> <sound></sound> <sound></sound> <sound></sound> <sound></sound> </soundContainer> And the cool thing about it, is that there is nothing you have to clean from a table.
    1 point
  15. 1. wav is an uncompressed format ogg is a compressed format. Before a compressed format can be played, your computer has to uncompress it first. A This cost time and memory. There are two very well known ways of compressing. The first one is removing information, which results in quality loss. ? A The second one is restructuring the data and removing spaces in between. But by doing this the format can't be read directly by the media player. It has to be restored to it's original state before it can be played. ? When playing audio repeatedly (for example while firing your weapon), your computer will be uncompressing a ogg file repeatedly, which can cause a bit of lag if your computer can't handle it. 2. You only have to destroy it, when your audio element doesn't stop by itself. For example when looped or streamed. element playSound3D ( string soundPath, float x, float y, float z, [ bool looped = false ] ) 3. local nextShootingTime = 0 -- on top of the script. --- in your function --- local timeNow = getTickCount() if timeNow > nextShootingTime then nextShootingTime = timeNow + 20 -- play audio end 4. You need to learn tables for that...
    1 point
  16. اسويه انا؟ علي خير ان شاء الله ??
    1 point
  17. Entendi. Mas deveria funcionar com o source, pode ser que você tenha definido uma variável global com esse mesmo nome e esteja dando conflito. Sobre o LIMIT 1 ele vai fazer retornar apenas 1 resultado da consulta; e valor do banco de dados, é retornado numa tabela definida com chaves (o datas["Diamantes"] por exemplo).
    1 point
  18. @Ryan Pablo Da próxima vez poste na seção em Português: Portuguese / Português Sobre o seu problema, use tabela para organizar os locais de spawn, exemplo: local spawnTorcidas = { ["flamengo"] = { spawnX, spawnY, spawnZ, spawnRot }, ["corinthians"] = { spawnX, spawnY, spawnZ, spawnRot }, } addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", root, function() if getPlayerTeam(source) then local x,y,z,rot = 0,0,0,0 local team = getPlayerTeam(source) if spawnTorcidas[getTeamName(team)] then x,y,z,rot = unpack( spawnTorcidas[getTeamName(team)] ) end spawnPlayer( source, x, y, z, rot ) end end )
    1 point
  19. بالتوفيق وش ذا الجرافيك اللي تستخدمه؟
    1 point
  20. Tenta isto: function loadDiamonds(player, acc) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) local datas = db:query("SELECT * FROM Diamonds WHERE Usuario=? LIMIT 1", accName) if (datas and type(datas) == "table" and #datas > 0) then datas = datas[1] db:query("UPDATE Diamonds SET Nick=?, Usuario=?, Serial=?, Diamantes=?", getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), accName, getPlayerSerial(player), datas["Diamantes"]) setElementData(player, "CRP:Diamonds", tonumber(datas["Diamantes"])) else setElementData(player, "CRP:Diamonds", 10) db:exec("INSERT INTO Diamonds VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), accName, getPlayerSerial(player), getElementData(player, "CRP:Diamonds") or 10) end end Edit: correção.
    1 point
  21. Não quero ser chato mas é questão de respeitar as regras, evite usar o tópico como chat ou com mensagens fora do assunto, você pode mandar mensagem em privado nesse caso.
    1 point
  22. Sem problemas. Quando for assim, use o comando debugscript 3 e mostre aqui a mensagem de erro, poderia também ter mostrado o código que você testou.
    1 point
  23. De nada, qualquer dúvida, pode perguntar.
    1 point
  24. Você não definiu o getAccountName, ou seja, não definiu seu parâmetro. ~ O exemplo do @OverKILL deve servir.
    1 point
  25. Muito MUITO obrigado mesmo cara, graças a você meu script está funcionando 100% agora!! FICOU SHOW d+
    1 point
  26. function blockJoin (thePlayer) local acc = getPlayerAccount (thePlayer) if not isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..getAccountName(acc), aclGetGroup ("SAMU")) then if getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) then setElementPosition(getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer), 1983.74536, -1465.94702, 13.39063) end setElementPosition(thePlayer, 1983.74536, -1465.94702, 13.39063) exports.dxmessages:outputDx(thePlayer, "Você não pode entrar aqui!", "error") end end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", rBlock, blockJoin)
    1 point
  27. PontoRespawn = { {local1}, {local2}, {local6}, {local4}, } addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), function () setElementPosition(source, unpack ( PontoRespawn [ math.random ( #PontoRespawn ) ] )) end ) se quiser Colocar Mais Locais Basta Copia a Gaveta da tabela acima e colocar as coordenadas desejadas de onde quer que os players nascer!
    1 point
  28. Comece por aqui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2Af7gkbbro&amp;list=PLHz_AreHm4dmSj0MHol_aoNYCSGFqvfXV&amp;index=2&amp;t=20
    1 point
  29. Удали 6-ую строку и if getPlayerTeam ( player ) == "Машинист" then замени на: if getPlayerTeam ( player ) == teamjob then
    1 point
  30. local teamjob = createTeam ( "Машинист", 0, 255, 0 ) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement (), function ( player ) if getElementModel ( source ) == 537 then local teamjob = getPlayerTeam ( player ) if getPlayerTeam ( player ) == "Машинист" then outputChatBox ( "Есть ", player, 255, 0, 0) else cancelEvent() outputChatBox ( "Вы не состоите в Группе ", player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end end )
    1 point
  31. O que você quer são shader de markers, ou seja, texturizar um marcador. Eu tenho um aqui: mShader. Não é o listrado, mas é fácil de editar, se souber mexer com design. Print/vídeo do marker: YouTube @EDIT: Ah, já ia me esquecendo de falar sobre o seu script. Ele está quase correto, o problema realmente é o tamanho e a altura dele que, em server-side, a colisão é meio bugada, digamos assim. É sempre bom verificar o tipo de elemento que o marcador está recebendo, então sempre utilize o parâmetro 'hitElement' ou do jeito que você quiser, tipo assim: local theMarker = createMarker( x, y, z, "cylinder", 1.25, 0, 171, 0, 220 ); function someFunction( hitElement, d ) if ( getElementType( hitElement ) == "player" ) and ( d ) then -- getElementType() verifica o tipo de elemento. A letra "d" serve para verificar se o jogador está na mesma dimensão que o marker. local playerPos = { getElementPosition( hitElement ) }; someVeh = createVehicle( 411, playerPos[ 1 ], playerPos[ 2 ], playerPos[ 3 ] + 0.5 ); warpPedIntoVehicle( hitElement, someVeh ); end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", theMarker, someFunction )
    1 point
  32. Isso é bug da colisão do marker. Eu geralmente deixo ele um pouco mais alto. Se vc estiver se referindo aqueles checkpoints com quadriculado de corrida, só funcionam no gamemode race. Se vc estiver se referindo a outro, não sei de qual vc está se referindo.
    1 point
  33. السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتة  تعلن مجتمع العرب عن اقامتها مسابقة بسيطة في المنتدى الرسمي: للدخول اضغط هنا ولتحفيز الاعضاء على المشاركة ونشر المواضيع  حيث انه اذا قام العضو بمشاركة الكثير من المواضيع فسيحصل على جوائز معينة  الجائزة الاولى 500 ( مواضيع او مشاركات ) = Nitro Discord الجائزة الثانية 300 ( مواضيع او مشاركات ) = Nitro Discord Classic شروط المسابقة الوصول لاحدى المشاركات اعلاه الدخول لسيرفرنا بالديسكورد اضغط هنا المواضيع تكون منسقه مب تسليكيه بهدف زيادة المواضيع  الردود ايضا تكون غير تسليكيه بهدف زيادة المشاركات من مزايا النيترو ديسكورد كلاسيك  ومن مزايا النيترو ديسكورد مع تحيات فريق مجتمع العرب .
    1 point
  34. آمييييييييييييين انا جاي و آخذ معي هذي احسب فيه مضاربة
    1 point
  35. والله كنت جاي اسب بس كملت قراية الموضوع آمين يارب
    1 point
  36. Codeblocks :استخدم محرر ..تعلم اساسيات وهذه نصيحتي لك انك تكون صبور ولا تفقد الامل في اول محاولاتك كلنا نفشل في محاولات ولكن بالصبر وابذال مجهود نتطور بالتوفيق
    1 point
  37. مدام خليت الموضوع ضحك فلا داعي تقول كلام ثاني لا م تبكي افرح لـ آسرئيل ولا معي حل ثاني ارفع يديك وقول حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل مثل م قال هذا الطفل يمكن عمره اصغر من عمرك وشوف وش يقول وشوف انت وش تقول
    1 point
  38. ههههههههههههههههههههههههه, يعني عشان فلسطين دم ليل ونهار اترك حياتي واقعد ابكي ولا كيف بالظبط
    1 point
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