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حي الله اللي انضمو معنا @justboy @#CroSs @!#DesTroyeR_,) @Rakan# @*RayaN-Alharbi. @ibrahim# @Abu-Solo @iMr.WiFi..!5 points
1- ماهو أسمك (يفضل كتابة الاسم الحقيقي) ابراهيم 2- كم عمرك 20 3- :الرجاء كتابة تخصصك في مجال التصميم, على سبيل المثال Photoshop, Illustrator, Web Designer, etc.. web developer 4- الرجاء ارفاق بعض الصور (الفيديوهات) التي قمت بتصميمهم https://codepen.io/xibrahim/ 5- معلومات اخرى (تستطيع كتابة بعض المعلومات عن نفسك او عن الموهبة, المهنة التي تجيدها) مبتدئ في مجال اختبار الإختراق4 points
الله يأخذ من أسس المنتدى .. ويأخذ مشرفين وأعضاء وعضوات المنتدى ....السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ::لو أن السلام مو سنة كان ما سلمت ..!! قولوا ...آمــــــــــــييين الله ياخذ من أسس المنتدى ..ويآخذ مشرفين المنتدى...ويأخذ مشرفات المنتدى ...وياخذ أعضاء المنتدى ...ويآخذ عضوات المنتدى ...وياخذ زوار المنتدى ...وياخذ من يقرأ الموضوع ..وياخذني معاهم ..........:::: إلى ::::...........جنـــــــة عرضها السماوات والأرض ..لا هرم فيها ولا مرض لا تعب فيها ولا نصب ..لا هم فيها ولا وصب .. لا خوف فيها ولا هلعلا سأم فيها ولا جزع ......:: .. بعد عمـر طويـــــل مديــــد على الطاعة بإذن الله ..::.......آمــــــــــــــــــــيين ...3 points
المنظمين حاليا في مجتمع العرب : @justboy @#CroSs @Rakan# @!#DesTroyeR_,) @Abu-Solo3 points
2 points
Hi there. The Winter Holidays are here, so as usual we have got a new recap and status update post for you. Here is the summary of what has happened this year. ? 2018 in Recap We made efforts towards the new release through the first half of the year, so there was not much to talk about. There was an incompatibility issue with the 360 Total Security software which we advised you about and later in the year, there was a similar issue with McAfee. Late July, we have asked you about your thoughts about refreshing the community.multitheftauto.com portal. We have received some interesting feedback from you and we are still thinking about ways of implementing it, while considering our current resources. Also in July, we have migrated our bug tracking services to GitHub Issues, making it easier to track specific issues and link them to GitHub commits and pull requests. This has also allowed us to clean up our bug tracker - the old system had nearly 8000 tracked issues, some of which were 13 years old or so. On 7th of September, we have released Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.6. This release added support for custom IFP animations among other things, like fixing the input and FPS lag reported by some of our users. Then a few days later, we have advised you to upgrade your MTA:SA servers to the latest version due to a server crash exploit that was discovered. There were some additional issues with this hotfix that were spotted later, but they have been all fixed within few days. If you have not yet upgraded your servers though, we still urge you to do so. ? A bunch of interesting MTA:SA-related YouTube videos from this year nX_ Vol.18 - CodeNX™ - 첫 장 - video by ElCrowMvs / map by nX [GTA:DM] Wonder - Interstellar - by Wonder MTA [MTA] Vice City - Map Preview #1 (JStreamer v3) - by Liberty City Roleplay Multi Theft Auto - Tactics - by LoG4nTG Multi Theft Auto - MTA CIT / GTA SA - San Andreas Police Department's 7th Anniversary (Dance Show) - video by PeteyFTW / server: CIT Multi Theft Auto San Andreas Fail + Funny moments #1 - by Mr. Green Gaming Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas - MTA DD - Map: Orgazm Cross - video by Game Master / map by Orgazm MTA:SA Fast And Furious Paradise Trailer ! - by SDRIFTER Abdlmounaim ? Current player counts and version fragmentation statistics Type Amount of players Date / Time Recent peak number of concurrent unique players 30625 players 2018.12.16 (at 16.30 GMT) Highest recorded number of concurrent unique players 34653 players 2018.02.03 (at 17.30 GMT) Recent number of daily unique players 150390 players 2018.12.01 (Saturday) Highest recorded number of daily unique players 185818 players 2018.02.03 (Saturday) Recent number of monthly unique players 605834 players November, 2018 Highest recorded number of monthly unique players 805903 players January, 2018 Player counts were just slightly lower than last year, but we have also had some nice peak values at the beginning of the year. Good to see that there is still an interest in old but great games. MTA:SA Version or series Percentage of players using that version or series as of 24th of December, 2018 1.6.0 (alpha) 0.05% 1.5.6 97.20% 1.5.5 2.00% 1.5.4 (and older) 0.40% 1.4.x 0.20% 1.3.x 0.15% Similar to last year, two of our most recent releases are used by over 99% of our player base. It means that there is little fragmentation between our releases and that players in general upgrade to the newest release once it is available. Also, there seems to be some interest in the newest alpha version as well - that is nice too. ? Status updates Community-wise, our Discord has expanded this year - currently we have got 10 language-specific sections available for you there, as well as the active as usual English ones. We have also opened a new forum section recently to keep appeals for global game bans in one place. Over the next few weeks we intend to refresh our forum rules to better suit the current forum needs. As for mod's development, we will continue working on the next release. We are thinking of integrating a new version of the client installer to reduce amount of issues encountered when installing MTA:SA (as well as to make it easier to investigate the remaining ones). We will also consider adding new features provided by our community members, such as editing collisions and adjusting surface properties by CrosRoad95. That's it for now. ?❄Happy Holidays and all the best to you in 2019! ? -- MTA Team1 point
- *..ســكـــربــت جــمــيـــل , ابـــداع .. بــتــوفيــق يـ حــب -1 point
Can you post the script where you create the objects? I'd like to test it.1 point
1 point
local valor = 100 if valor < 1000 then print( "'valor' + 900: "..tostring((valor + 900)) ) -- saída: 1000 if valor >= 1000 then print( "maior ou igual a 1000" ) end end Basicamente você está cometendo esse erro, a variável continua retornando o mesmo valor que na primeira checagem, porque ela não foi alterada. Correção: if atualDrink and atualDrink < 100 then local drink_new = (atualDrink + 5) > 100 and 100 or (atualDrink + 5) takePlayerMoney(client, 200) setElementData(client, "thirsty", drink_new) outputChatBox("Drink comprado com sucesso", client, 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox("Você não está com sede", client, 0, 255, 0) playSoundFrontEnd(client, 6) end Ou use math.min: local drink_new = math.min( atualDrink + 5, 100 )1 point
I believe coroutines cannot be sent over via callback arguments, so you'll have to store the coroutine reference in a table t at some index i and then send i for callback, and resume t[ i ] in the callback function. gDatabaseConnection = --[[ this would be your database connection here ]] local coroutines = {} -- coroutines will be stored here function gCallbackFn(qh, id) -- this is called when dbQuery thread returns indicating the query is ready to poll local result = dbPoll(qh, 0) -- since it's ready to poll, timeout is irrelevant and can be 0 coroutine.resume(coroutines[id], result) -- resume the coroutine with query result data end function handleQuery(queryStr, ...) if not coroutine.running() then error("handleQuery can only be called from within a coroutine.", 2) end local id = table.maxn(coroutines) + 1 -- calculate next unused table index (not sure whether # or maxn is better here) coroutines[id] = coroutine.running() -- store this coroutine in that table index dbQuery(gCallbackFn, {id}, gDatabaseConnection, queryStr, ...) -- this splits into two threads, first one continutes over to coroutine.yield function, other is internal to MTA and handles the query, and continues from gCallbackFn afterwards. local qData = coroutine.yield() -- since we want to wait for the query thread to return, we need to yield/pause this coroutine execution, and let gCallbackFn resume it when the query thread returns return qData -- return the query result data end -- now call handleQuery at some arbitrary point, here, after 1000ms (1s) c = coroutine.wrap( -- coroutine.wrap creates a coroutine wrapped in a function that, when called, will start/resume the coroutine function() local result = handleQuery("SELECT * sometable WHERE id = ?", 2) iprint(result) end ) setTimer(c, 1000, 1) -- call the function-wrapped coroutine after 1000ms I've only tested this using timers instead of dbQuery but it should work. N.B. this handleQuery function must be called from within a coroutine. If you're calling this when an event happens, you can override addEventHandler to automatically wrap handlers into coroutines too. local addEventHandler_ = addEventHandler function addEventHandler(eventName, attachedTo, handlerFn, propagation, priority) return addEventHandler_(eventName, attachedTo, coroutine.wrap(handlerFn), propagation, priority) end1 point
A coroutine is a function block which can be frozen with: coroutine.yield() This function has to be called during the execution of the block. It doesn't have to be in the same block, but within the code that is executed in the block. The resume function can be called from where ever you want. It can be used to start the executing the coroutine function. But also to resume a frozen(yield) coroutine function. coroutine.resume(co) When a coroutine function has been executed till the end, the status of the coroutine function is considered dead. It can't be resumed any more.1 point
You can do that, but the coroutine has to be placed around this: -- couroutine function local id = querydb("SOME DB FUNCS") local result = getQueryResult(id) -- function something () local co = coroutine.create(function () local id = querydb(co, "query") local result = querydb(co, "query") end) coroutine.resume(co) -- start the coroutine end function querydb (co, query) -- ... local callBackFunction = function () coroutine.resume(co) -- resume! end -- execute the query here! coroutine.yield() -- freeze! return results end Something like that.1 point
1 point
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ban addBan ( [ string IP, string Username, string Serial, player responsibleElement, string reason, int seconds = 0 ] ) string guiGetText ( element guiElement ) -- السبب string guiGetText ( element guiElement ) -- السريال bool triggerServerEvent ( string event, element theElement, [arguments...] ) --[[ reason = guiGetText( reason_edit ) serial = guiGetText( serial_edit ) triggerServerEvent( "onClientBanPlayer", localPlayer, serial, reason ) -- بعدين تسوي الحدث في السيرفر بنفس الحدث اللي بالترايقر -- و تحط الدالة اللي تحت addBan ]]--1 point
1 point
Tem alguns espertinhos que tentam burlar essa única verificação utilizando códigos do tipo ##000000000000 com isso aconselharia a utilização de algo similar a isto: while(msg:find("#%x%x%x%x%x%x")) do msg = msg:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") end Outro jeito simples seria alterar o 6º parâmetro da função outputChatBox para false, que então os códigos de cores não funcionarão (mas também não irá oculta-los). outputChatBox("texto",root,255,255,255,false)1 point
امـــــــــــــــــــــــيــــــــــــن يـــارب الــعــالـــمــيـن ..*ء1 point
@Chasinderess Em casos assim é muito importante você deixar o debug mode ativado (/debugscript 3). Você deve exportar a função no meta do recurso que ela está, nesse caso no resource Scripts_Dxmessages Use mensagens para depurar seu código. Ás vezes pode ser um erro impedindo a execução do trecho do exports Verifique se o resource com a função exportada está ligado e funcionando sem erros E outra coisa, indente o seu código por favor. O código devidamente indentado ficaria assim: function RobberUber (ThePlayer,seat) local id = getElementModel(source) if not getElementData(ThePlayer, "Habilitacoes:Carros", false) and seat == 0 then if id == 402 then setPlayerWantedLevel ( ThePlayer, 1 ) outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #69A7FFAuto Escola #FFA500Minas#B22222 Gerais #ffffff] - Você Não Tem CNH Para Dirigir #95FF00Carros",ThePlayer,255,255,255, true) outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #69A7FFAuto Escola #FFA500Minas#B22222 Gerais #ffffff] - Adquira uma na Auto Escola de BH ",ThePlayer,255,255,255, true) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(ThePlayer,"Você tomou multa por dirigir sem habilitação!",ThePlayer,255,255,255, true) end end end addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter",root, RobberUber) O código está indentado com tabulação no caso, é muito mais fácil usar a tecla 'Tab' do que espaços.1 point
1 point
1 point
No meta.xml do resource Scripts_Dxmessages, você precisa declarar as funções que estão sendo exportadas. Além disso ele precisa estar ligado para poder exportar a função.1 point
1 point
1 point
تدري كل السالفة بدأت بسببي انا المشكلة مدري وين كان مخي وانا اكبر الموضوع علشان لعبة واعترف اني الغلطان انا كنت حاقد عليكم علشان سيرفركم كان ناجح وانا اتمني انه يرجع ناجح مثل اول وافضل ولاكن اللعبة انقرضت حاليا ومافي امل انها ترجع الا لو احد من اليوتيوبرز الكبار دعم اللعبة ففي احتمالية لرجوعها مثل اول ولاكن مافي اقبال علي اللعبة ومافي احد يلعبها واللعبة صارت كلها رولي بلاي ادري اني طولت بكلامي بس معليش واسف لك ولمانستر . وياريت تقوله اني اتأسفله .1 point
يا اخي بدون ما تعتذرلي انا مسامحك دنيا و اخرة عيب تعتذر للرجاله مشان لعبة تافهة ?1 point
والله ما كان له داعي الاعتذار اصلا نسيت السالفة وكل شي من زمان كلها كانت لعبة تافهة وهي سببت كل ذي المشاكل . بالتوفيق1 point
0 points