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  1. veh = {} vehQuebrado = {} variasACL = {"CV", "PCC", "AQD"} -- Pode colocar quantas quiser. function inicio (hitElement) -- Função do primeiro marker if getElementType (hitElement) == "player" and not getPedOccupiedVehicle (hitElement) then local accName = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(hitElement)) local permission = false for i, acl in ipairs (variasACL) do if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup (acl)) then permission = true break end end if permission then if veh[hitElement] and isElement (veh[hitElement]) then destroyElement (veh[hitElement]) veh[hitElement] = nil end if vehQuebrado[hitElement] and isElement (vehQuebrado[hitElement]) then destroyElement (vehQuebrado[hitElement]) vehQuebrado[hitElement] = nil end x, y, z = getElementPosition (hitElement) Trabalho = true FBlip = createBlipAttachedTo (FMarker, 19) -- Bandeira veh[hitElement] = createVehicle (578, 2533.0673828125, -1465.904296875, 23.977584838867, 0, 0, 270) -- Caminhão warpPedIntoVehicle (hitElement, veh[hitElement]) -- Transporta o jogador para dentro do caminhão vehQuebrado[hitElement] = createVehicle (411, 2533.0673828125, -1465.904296875, 23.977584838867, 0, 0,270) -- Caminhonete attachElements (vehQuebrado[hitElement], veh[hitElement], 0, -2, 0.7) setElementVisibleTo (FMarker, hitElement, true) outputChatBox ("#00ccff[Emprego] #ffffffBem-Vindo ao emprego #00ccff[Reboque]", hitElement, 255, 255, 255, true) setElementFrozen( vehQuebrado[hitElement], true ) else outputChatBox ("[#ff0000AVISO#00ccff] #ff0000Gangues não pode trabalha!!!", hitElement, 0, 204, 255, true) end end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", PMarker, inicio) Espero ter ajudado.
    2 points
  2. TUTORIAL/GUIDE NO LONGER MAINTAINED This tutorial is no longer maintained and it's contents may be deprecated or no longer work. I created this tutorial in 2014, when I was very involved with MTA and the community around it. Due to the nature of life, I ended up leaving MTA to focus on more important things (work, family, life, etc). I believe this tutorial has helped a lot of people get into scripting for MTA over the years, and I'm happy I was able to do answer questions and help people get into coding! Hello! Welcome to my MTA PHP SDK tutorial! In this tutorial I'm going to be teaching you guys how to call your MTA server from your web-server, and call your web-server from your mta server. This tutorial may require a small amount of prior PHP knowledge Let's get started! Getting your web server Getting & installing the PHP SDK Great! Now you're ready to actually get started with using the SDK. Setting up an HTTP user Connecting the servers Creating an HTTP responsive resource Calling our function from the web Getting data from mta server Thanks for viewing this. I will be updating the topic later to show how to call the SDK from the server, get inputs, and do returns later, when I get a chance. Please reply with any questions, concerns, or errors.
    1 point
  3. https://backnite.com WHO ARE WE? We are a group of young developers known on the stage of Multi Theft Auto, who wants to throw in a few interesting and innovative plans for the development of our server. WHAT IS BACKNITE? Backnite is an international server based on the Battle Royale mode. This mode is known mainly from games like PUBG, Fortnite or the newest version of Call of Duty Black Ops 4. Probably your first question that comes to your mind will be: “Will the game be based only on Battle Royale?” Of course not, because it would be too boring for long-time playing. To prevent this, we added Story Mode. In this mode you must simply do quests and empathize with the story. BACKNITE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT Login and Register System System of logging and registration was designed to be simple and easy to use, because we want to create server that everyone will find in it easily. At the beginning, you can set your main language that will be supported during the game. All of your data that you leave with us is fully secured thanks to the latest encryption techniques, so nothing can get out of our database. GUI A simple interface can be found not only in the login panel, but in every place of our GUI. Whole concept of lobby design has been inspired by the PUBG and Fortnite. You can find many of similarities, but nothing was cloned 1:1. Friends system Don’t play alone! We create a brilliant friends system, which is a simply way to play with your friends After you add your friend to a friends list, you can see, is he online or in a game. If he is not in a game you can invite him to a lobby and play together against another people. Shop At the start of creating Backnite we won’t to create a another Pay2Win game. The only things you can buy on our server are visual changes It’s just only a skin customization including weapons, parachute skins and everlasting designs. You can find a lot of them in beautiful designs. The also have rarity lecels like most popular, epic and legendary. The don’t give you any bonus or advantage to be better at the game. Cabinet Here you can search and equip your purchased skins. The possibilities of customization are infinite. Each of our weapons may have a different skin, but nothing stands in the way to color all weapons same! Lobby settings In left down corner of your screen you can find lobby settings. There you can change game mode and number of players. After you setup the game lobby you can invite you friends to it and play together reliving amazing adventure. AFTER THE GAME START After the game start in Battle Royale mode, you will be moved to the waiting room and wait for all players to be connected. Current status of the player you can find in upper right corner. Time to start the game is under the map. Game will not start until enough people connect. SERVER SUPPORT PAGE To better know some problem of our players we create a support website, on which you can directly inform us about your ideas, or found bugs or any kind of problems. You can always search our database to find needed solutions, or just simply create a new ticket to find a solution as fast as possible. SERVER STATUS PAGE Can not join the server? Have problem to reach our homepage? Go to status page to check current server status, planned maintenance work, or a latency between you and the server. HELP US TRANSLATE BACKNITE! Want to be part of our server and translate it on our native language? In that case, we need you very much! Backnite is a international serwer, that’s why we need translators to reach more people and countries all around the world! Current status of translation to other languages you can check clicking to this link. WANT TO BE PART OF THE BACKNITE TEAM? To create that big project like Backnite we still searching for new talented people, that can help us. If you are programmer, 3D modeler, graphic designer we are waiting for you! Simpy send us message on Discord and attach to it your portfolio. If you are not good at this things, you can also give us your propositions. At the end of the advertisement. If you reach to this part of our ad, and you read it all, we hope that you are now interested in our project. That’s not all things that we can offer you. We are reading all of your suggestions and we try to implement all of them to create server that will make you happy. If you want to follow our project and enjoy its community you need to arrive on our Discord, Facebook, Twitter and forum. See you in game! Backnite Team. © OUR BEST TEAM @Backer - CEO of the project, Lead LUA Developer @Pumelowsky - 3D Object Creator, Polish Translator @KingMoses - Web Developer, System Administrator @QuoVaids - Map maker, Story mode designer, Polish Translator @DHXtR - Graphic designer Stay tuned with our project, following us on our Social Media! https://backnite.com https://forum.backnite.com
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. تسلم حبي وهو مايحتاج تعديل هو كفوو كذا والله
    1 point
  6. شكراً لك على مرورك الجميل الثيم هذا فيه بعض الاشياء اللي ماهي كاملة طبعاً مثال لون الجريد ليست وكنت جالس اطور فيه لكن حدثت الويندوز و راح مني وما ابي اسويه من جديد او حتى اعدل عليه ذذ فهذا بالنسبة لي في الوقت الحالي اخر شي بسويه فيه وما اعتقد اسويه اصلاً مرة ثانية شكراً لك على مرورك وتعليقك الجميل :]
    1 point
  7. Não. O MTA só é compatível com SQLite ou com MySQL.
    1 point
  8. Não sei se é isso que você quer, não entendi muito bem mas se for por + de uma acl no comando ta ae: local veh = {} local vehQuebrado = {} function inicio (hitElement) -- Função do primeiro marker if getElementType (hitElement) == "player" and not getPedOccupiedVehicle (hitElement) then local accName = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(hitElement)) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ("ACL1")) or isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ("ACL2")) or isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ("ACL3")) then if veh[hitElement] and isElement (veh[hitElement]) then destroyElement (veh[hitElement]) veh[hitElement] = nil end if vehQuebrado[hitElement] and isElement (vehQuebrado[hitElement]) then destroyElement (vehQuebrado[hitElement]) vehQuebrado[hitElement] = nil end x, y, z = getElementPosition (hitElement) Trabalho = true FBlip = createBlipAttachedTo (FMarker, 19) -- Bandeira veh[hitElement] = createVehicle (578, 2533.0673828125, -1465.904296875, 23.977584838867, 0, 0, 270) -- Caminhão warpPedIntoVehicle (hitElement, veh[hitElement]) -- Transporta o jogador para dentro do caminhão vehQuebrado[hitElement] = createVehicle (411, 2533.0673828125, -1465.904296875, 23.977584838867, 0, 0,270) -- Caminhonete attachElements (vehQuebrado[hitElement], veh[hitElement], 0, -2, 0.7) setElementVisibleTo (FMarker, hitElement, true) outputChatBox ("#00ccff[Emprego] #ffffffBem-Vindo ao emprego #00ccff[Reboque]", hitElement, 255, 255, 255, true) setElementFrozen( vehQuebrado[hitElement], true ) else outputChatBox ("[#ff0000AVISO#00ccff] #ff0000Gangues não pode trabalha!!!", hitElement, 0, 204, 255, true) end end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", PMarker, inicio)
    1 point
  9. That are murderous tests :(, I wish you good luck!
    1 point
  10. Will do but probably in December as I'm attacked by tests almost every day in university now
    1 point
  11. @koragg The resource type isn't synced in the first place.(afaik) All below is just a guess: If you are not going to use a resource to sync that information, then there is a possible way to figure out if that resource is using map files. Technically it should be possible with this function: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetElementChildren https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Element_tree The element tree is attaching map elements on the mapRoot. The mapRoot should be attached to the resourceRoot. If this mapRoot is synced + synced before the resource starts clientside, then yes you might figure out if this resource can be considered a map. The only problem is that every resource can serve map files. Next to that, you can maybe find some element data leftovers from those (sub)root elements: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetAllElementData https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetElementID Let me know if you find something interesting!
    1 point
  12. Cara, isso é programação. Se você já souber Lógica de Programação, então basta estudar a Wiki do MTA. Caso contrário, estude Lógica de Programação e Algoritmos antes de tentar programar algo.
    1 point
  13. That's sympatic that your friend gave you a cool login panel but he didn't gave us So we can not guess the code
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. عندك انا كاتب في اكواد تتحط في ملف الكلينت واكواد في ملف السيرفر لغا تحط كلة في ملف علشان بيخرب -- Server Group = "Console" -- قروب addEvent("SHOW_s",true) addEventHandler("SHOW_s",getRootElement(), function() if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup( Group )) then triggerClientEvent ( source, "SHOW", source) else outputChatBox ( "مخصص لـ الكونسل", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end) دي في ملف السيرفر -- Client guiSetVisible (wnd, false ) function OpenWin() if guiGetVisible (wnd) then guiSetVisible (wnd, false ) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) else triggerServerEvent("SHOW_s",localPlayer) end end bindKey("/", "down", OpenWin) addEvent('SHOW',true) addEventHandler('SHOW',root, function () guiSetVisible (wnd, true ) showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) end ) ودي في الكلينت
    1 point
  16. برستيج = انسان محترم و حبوب والله يحفظه ي رب ما شفت منه غير السعادهـ killerX = ماشاء الله عليه مع اني ما اعرفه كثير بس من اشياء بيني وبينه لاحظت انه حبوب م حترم و يحب يساعد الجميع الله يحفظه ي رب فديته والله بويكا = شخص طيب جنتول = زي ما يقولون هو الي من زمان معي بالعبه مواصل ماشاءالله عليه طيب وعسل هالولد الله يطول بعمرهـ وبس والله هذيلي اخر ناس تكلمت معهم بمنتدى وباقي عاد مشوار اكتبهم المعذرهـ من الجميع * @KillerX @بويكا @iPrestege @JN[T]OoOoL
    1 point
  17. guiSetText(GUIEditor.label[2],"Level ".. getElementData(localPlayer, "level")) Like this
    1 point
  18. Sempre tive esse mesmo problema, hauahuahaua. Meus resources funcionam perfeitamente em server local, mas dai quando eu coloco em server público, entope de erros e bugs. -------------- Quanto ao seu primeiro problema, sugiro que crie os markers client-side e dai verifique se o hitElement == localPlayer. Caso não queira fazer isso, então sete uma data no marker identificando o jogador que criou aquele marker como "dono" usando setElementData no marker, então crie uma condição que verifica se o hitElement == getElementData do marker. O primeiro jeito tem melhor desempenho, mas você precisa tomar cuidado ao fazer o triggerClientEvent e depois o triggerServerEvent ao colidir naquele marker. Quanto ao seu segundo problema, primeiro resolva o problema anterior antes de pensar em implementar ele. Mas já vou logo adiantando que você precisará criar uma table com todas as posições de caixas, por exemplo assim: boxPositions = { [1] = {-1200.62, 522, 10}, -- Coordenadas x, y, z. [2] = {-1222.22, 530, 10}, [3] = {-1224, 515, 10}, }
    1 point
  19. amazing, congratulations for the work
    1 point
  20. That's honestly pretty :Oing amazing.
    1 point
  21. لا ما يعتزل بس هو يحب كل فتره يكتب اعتزال و يقعد يلعب > تشوفه فيه سيرفره موجود بس مغير نكه هههههههههههههههههه
    1 point
  22. تم اضافة قيم مود حصري الصور : مع حفظ البينات الخاصة بك ايقاف الاغنية تسجيل التلقائي وتم اضافة فري روم جديد الصور : وتسريع تحميل السيرفر وازالة اللاق نهائيا وتم اضافة سيارات جديده وحديثه وتطوير مستمر وشكرا لكم
    1 point
  23. Nothing you have done here is yours. This is, in fact, my old server, which was leaked by a rogue scripter who goes by the name of Maxxe. I created all of the mapping and features that isn't already Owl Gaming for this, along with my scripter Junx. Close up and make your own community. "BCRP is back and online!" Yeah no, it's not, this is fake.
    1 point
  24. @#DesTroyeR لازم يكون عندك صبر ايوب لما تكلمه و تحاول ما تسب @KillerX حبوب و بس ذول تقريباً الي اعرفه كويس بالمنتدى
    0 points
  25. Donde te vine a encontrar xdxd, buen trabajo
    0 points
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