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3 points
سلام عليكم ورحمة الله اخواني واحبابي واصحابي ، اقدم لكم اخر كلماتي ، وان شاءالله ما احد يزعل اقولكم الوداع واقدم لكم اعتزالي ولى زعلان مني يتقبل اعتزالي ويترك اخر رده بلأخير موضوع ذا رح يجي اليوم او بكرا وما يدوم شيء بدنيه واشكر كل شخص وقف معي وانا راح ماني شايل هم احد والله ينجحكم ويقويكم الإهدادءات @Master_MTA @!#NssoR_) @#[K]iLLeR<3 @TAPL @KillerX @MR.Mosa @ععيونككء اخخر امممأليء ^ @#SnpêŘ @Tete omar @*AnGeL @iMr.WiFi..! @Abu-Solo @MR_Mahmoud @N3xT @Trefeor @Rakan# @Dr.Marco @,#Savage @KasaNoVa @#_iMr,[E]coo @Mr.Mostafa @MrKAREEM @ccz @Berko ولى ما حطيت اسمه بالله لا يزعل اسمك بالقلب يا صديق تحياتي لكم MR.TOUNSI2 points
السلام عليكم اخباركم ياشباب الزبده به واحد ناشبلي نشبه علي بالحرام تقول لزقه بريطانية فاابغا احظره من عندي يعني مايقدر يرسلي رسايل ولا شيء احد يعرف الطريقه وشلون ؟؟2 points
بالتوفيق لك ياعسل والله يستر عليك ومحد زعلان منك بالنهايه كلنا من الدنيا راحلين مايحتاج نشيل على قلوب بعض واذا اعتزالك مصلحه لك ان شاء الله ربي يسرها لك ونتمنى انك ماتنسانا وتحاول تزورنا تقبل تحياتي2 points
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته : بعد التواصل مع الإدارة كان الرد كالتالي ممنوع تقلد سكربت شخص آخر من ناحية التصميم, ولكن يحق لك تقلد الفكرة لذلك ياليت انك يا تونسي تغير تصميم لوحتك وبعدين تفضل انشر السكربت ختاماً, أتمنى تتركون خلافاتكم خارج المنتدى وكل سيرفر له قوانينه واذا خالفت تحمل العقاب اللي يجيك, لكن لا تحول الموضوع لخلاف وتقليد سكربتات وتضر شخص آخر بالتوفيق لكم جميعاً, ويغلق2 points
1 point
وحط اليوزر حقه في الفراغ واضغط انتر Ignored Users عليكم السلام , اضغط على اسمك بالزاوية راح تظهر لك قائمة اختر add user وراح تجيك خيارات تحت اسمه اختر الي تبيه واضغط وبس1 point
العالم الفارغ واللي يسوون فيه المابات هو الدمنشن وليس الانتيريور1 point
والله اخاف اقولك تتفاجأ.. فيه قرارات تغيرت: - نظام التصميم ماتأكدت منه هل راح استخدم فيه الي عرضته ولا بستخدم واحد ثاني حتى الان قاعد اشتغل على اشياء بسيطة وخفيفة لين ما اجهز نظام تصميم وعمل معين واباشر بالعمل الفعلي1 point
1 point
you added the same events on both scripts addEvent("openinf_kop", true) addEventHandler("get", resourceRoot, peremen ) addEventHandler("openinf_kop", root, windm ) and etc.. also remember to change the trigger events names too after you changed the handlers @AsianBR1 point
1 point
1 point
Dystopia 0.75 is here! New server IP: mtasa:// What's good this time? UI & UX improvements: remastered inventory: new item pickup mechanic, ammo section, storage window etc. added new overhead labels for most interactive objects like loot nodes, barrels, vehicles etc. added 'Abandon mission' button in the character panel (O). added context help messages. added new 'status display' for npcs, showing when they are hit, killed, alerted, panicked etc. New features: added a 'gadget' system, allowing you to equip projectiles, traps and other items and use them on the fly by pressing [X]. added NPC traders; you can buy and sell items; items sold by the trader are tied to your level. added mechanic shops offering repairs and functional upgrading: offroad wheels, hydraulics, body reinforcement, nitro and machine guns. Vehicle combat is a thing now! being wasted by Establishment bots with nightsticks means you are 'apprehended' and you will spawn in the Refugee Camp as a refugee (faction switch). (some) NPCs use laser pointer aiming. New content: new starting location missions for the Scavs in LS: "Make your way to the Refugee Camp and join the Establishment". Available from three different locations new mission in the Refugee Camp: "Bring fuel canisters to Sgt. Crisp to help burn the bodies". another 10+ new missions for Scavengers and CDF factions, all over Los Santos: deliveries, base raiding, item fetching, tow missions etc. added a new zombie type: the Rammer; when pinned down by a Rammer, escape by mashing space key. added new NPC types to raiders, bandits and CDF. added random ped accessories to some NPC types (vests, masks etc); toggle this feature off with /pedprops if it causes fps drops on your computer. NPC traffic, with a dystopian flavor! Watch out, because the roads just got more dangerous. Bandit pickup trucks, raider siege vehicles, army trucks and more will roam the world and rain fire upon their enemies. Tweaks and fixes: increased stamina pool. reduced sleep time necessary to gain a life. money saves. fixed a couple of long lasting bugs (utility panel ammo bug included). reduced download size with ~30 mb by zipping some resources (notably, the map went down from 11 mb to <1 mb). updated manual, help and title screens; removed one title screen to further reduce download size (1 mb). Join our Discord @ https://discord.gg/Zs5bWSX to stay up to date with news, plans & media. Come share your feedback and ideas!1 point
getElementsOnPlayerScreen الوظيفة تجيب لك الكائنات او الألمنتات الي ظاهرين على شاشتك Syntax: table getElementsOnPlayerScreen(string/table elementType = "all") Source code: function getElementsOnPlayerScreen(element) local elementTypes = {['player']=true, ['ped']=true, ['vehicle']=true, ['object']=true, ['pickup']=true}; local element = ((type(element) == 'table' and element) or (element == 'all' and element)) if element then if type(element) == 'string' then element = {} for value in pairs(elementTypes) do element[#element+1] = value; end else local elementsTable = {}; for index = 1, #element do if elementTypes[element[index]] then elementsTable[#elementsTable+1] = element[index] end end element = elementsTable; end local elementsTable = {}; local elements = {}; for index = 1, #element do local element = getElementsByType(element[index]) for key = 1, #element do elements[#elements+1] = element[key]; end end for element = 1, #elements do if isElementOnScreen(elements[element]) and elements[element] ~= localPlayer then elementsTable[#elementsTable+1] = elements[element] end end return elementsTable end end شرح الأرقمنتات للفنكشن: Optional Arguments: elementType: نوع الألمنتات الي تبي تحقق اذا كانت موجودة في شاشة اللاعب القيمة ممكن تكون جدول او سترنق اذا كانت القيمة سترنق ف لازم تكون 'all' او اذا كانت القيمة جدول تقدر تحط فيه هذي القيم player ped vehicle object pickup Example: --#Client Side function getElementsOnPlayerScreen(element) local elementTypes = {['player']=true, ['ped']=true, ['vehicle']=true, ['object']=true, ['pickup']=true}; local element = ((type(element) == 'table' and element) or (element == 'all' and element)) if element then if type(element) == 'string' then element = {} for value in pairs(elementTypes) do element[#element+1] = value; end else local elementsTable = {}; for index = 1, #element do if elementTypes[element[index]] then elementsTable[#elementsTable+1] = element[index] end end element = elementsTable; end local elementsTable = {}; local elements = {}; for index = 1, #element do local element = getElementsByType(element[index]) for key = 1, #element do elements[#elements+1] = element[key]; end end for element = 1, #elements do if isElementOnScreen(elements[element]) and elements[element] ~= localPlayer then elementsTable[#elementsTable+1] = elements[element] end end return elementsTable end end function getNearestElementOnPlayerScreen(player, elementType) local player = (isElement(player) and getElementType(player) == 'player') and player local elementType = type(elementType) == 'string' and (elementType == 'all' and elementType or {elementType}) if player and elementType then local element = getElementsOnPlayerScreen(elementType); local nearest local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(player) for index = 1, #element do if isElement(nearest) then local oldDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(playerX, playerY, playerZ, getElementPosition(nearest)) local newDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(playerX, playerY, playerZ, getElementPosition(element[index])); if newDistance < oldDistance then nearest = element[index]; end else nearest = element[index]; end end return nearest end end addCommandHandler('warpVehicle', function() local vehicle = getNearestElementOnPlayerScreen(localPlayer, 'vehicle'); if vehicle then triggerServerEvent('givePlayerVehicle.', localPlayer, vehicle) else outputChatBox('There\'s no vehicle on you screen', 255, 0, 0, true) end end) --#Server Side addEvent('givePlayerVehicle.', true) addEventHandler('givePlayerVehicle.', root, function(vehicle) if not isPedInVehicle(client) then warpPedIntoVehicle(client, vehicle) end end) المثال هذا اذا كتبت /warpVehicle ينقلك الى اقرب مركبة1 point
We still call it 0.74, but many new things were added! What's new: Another large batch of new map content: San Fierro is a proper war zone, disputed between the Establishment and the Bandits. You will stumble upon raging street firefights, convoy ambushes, a new naval base, overrun checkpoints from the days of the crisis and more; Los Santos hill area is now the southern front line in the conflict between the Bandits and the Civilian Defence Force - watch out for the roof snipers; 30+ aircrashes, scattered around the whole of San Andreas, and a large bonus train wreck in Whetstone; the San Fierro crack factory is back in business, operated by Raiders; a large fenced community can be found in northern Las Venturas, taken over by looters; and more that's for you to discover. Raider slaves and meat NPCs can now be rescued: engage them through dialogue for an option to release them and score some karma points! Earthquakes: Remember how a catastrophic earthquake started it all? Years after the Incident, the San Andreas Fault is still not completely stable and strong earthquakes hit the land when you least expect them; stay crouched when the earthquake reaches it's peak, otherwise you will fall to the ground on random, taking damage and risking fractures; this also affects NPCs, they will run around in panic and fall to the ground just like the players. New mission for the CDF: an NPC found at Fern Ridge will send you in a dangerous mission to kill a Bandit gang leader in Montgomery. A simple group system added, press F4 to open the panel; group members will show on map as light blue blips. Cargo elevator added to CDF's Los Santos roof camp: use the key panels on the wall to control the elevator. You can now hold NPCs at gunpoint and rob them blind; it works even without ammo; depending on the NPC type, it will result in different behaviour; you can also intimidate melee enemies with your gun, buying a precious moment in a dodgy situation. Added working SAM sites to all relevant Establishment locations; Establishment pilots are of course allowed passage; SAM launchers can be destroyed with explosives, opening up the airspace until they respawn; use explosives for this. A whole set of 11 new missions added. Live the life of a bounty hunter! Missions are accessible from two locations (Ghost Town and Blueberry convenience store). Speak with the Bounty Hunter NPCs found there and they will send you to kill one of the many Raider warchiefs. Targets are randomly selected and missions difficulty varies from medium to very hard. Below is a map with all faction camps as per February 2018 (slightly behind the current version). Click it to see the large version. Note that there are much more neutral locations and encounter zones in the game, this map shows only the player faction spawn points. And finally, some screens with the new content: Join our Discord @ https://discord.gg/Zs5bWSX to stay up to date with news, plans & media. Come share your feedback and ideas!1 point
Hello again! Time for a new update: Version 0.74 is live on the server right now! What's new in Dystopia? Fifth faction (CDF) is now joinable, look for their recruitor NPC in the streets around the leaning skyscraper, near their main camp in Los Santos. Join the Free Folk Militia and shove it to the Establishment oppressors! New areas opened up for exploration; I want to mention here Myrfin from our community who contributed quality content, and also @RinkeDiaz from these forums, who kindly allowed us to use some of his work; thanks again guys! 7 new missions added; fight zombies, raiders, discover survivor camps, fetch items; I don't want to make a fuss around them just yet, since their number and scope is still limited, but go to the sewer exit on the beach near Grove Street and you can already start the 'main quest'. Camp building done and is fully playable; objects you build are permanent now, unless you choose to dismantle them. New fuel source points mapped; did it feel silly to refuel your car at the pump in an apocalypse? Well, not anymore, now you will find it in more immersive locations (not counting the movable fuel barrels that you can just transport to your camp for later use). Many other small tweaks, fixes and additions that didn't made it to this list. Join our Discord @ https://discord.gg/Zs5bWSX to stay up to date with news, plans & media. Come share your feedback and ideas!1 point
Sora where do u come up with these sexy ideas i am sure u have a SEXY BRAIN1 point
Also your latest posted crash is due to low video memory, please stop bumping as you clearly didn't take sufficient steps to fix the root problem. Your mods were pretty heavy as visible on the first MTADiag log, please provide a fresh log. If you did actually re-install GTA, maybe you should play on less demanding servers (with plenty of mods).. or buy a better video card/GPU with more memory and better performance. Also these crashes happen after a while playing with heavy mods, that's sure about the crash type, so you would know/have a feeling it has to do with something gradually eating up your video memory... (cannot be as you said while connecting)0 points