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2 points
دآم فكرة كويسة , بآذن آلله ببحث عنهآ وآطبقهآ .. تسلم علي ردك آلجميل آبشر مآ عليك , فقط آلتوزيع دآ عشآن آلآفتتآح + عشآن آلرتب سآعآتهآ عآلية تسلم علي ردك آلجميل تنور حيآك آلله تسلم , بآلتوفيق لك آن شآء آلله + آتمني تزور آلسيرفر وتقولي رآيك :D2 points
OK so after many requests from people asking me to install discord bots to their servers I have decided to make the simplest tutorial on setting up a bot for your servers. [NOTE]: THIS IS A VPS TUTORIAL. IF YOUR SERVER ISN'T RUNNING ON A VPS THIS WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND HOW NODE.JS WORKS. Part 1: Bot creation Part 2: Files Configuration Part 3: SSH commands That should be all now go have fun annoying players in your server. Some feedback would be appreciated Good luck1 point
سلام عليكم ورحمة آلله وبركآته # تم بحمد آلله آفتتآح سيرفري طآرآت آلعرب [Q.6] ــــ فكرة آلسيرفر : آول لمآ تخلص تحميل , بتخش بغرفة تختآر وش تبي , مهمآت ولآ هجولة لو دخلت هجولة , بيكون لك آلفري آلروم آلعآدي ( وزنيآت - موآتر - آلخ ) نظآم آلهجولة آلعآدي لو دخلت مهمآت , بيظهر لك تآيمر علي آلشآشة كل 6 دقآيق , يشغل مهمة .. طبعآ لو آنت دآخل متآخر مثلا , وآلمهمة لسآ مآ بدآت بينقلك فيهآ تلقآئي ــــ عدد مهمآت آلسيرفر : 6 ــــ آهدآف آلسيرفر : بآذن آلله لو في دعم , بكثر في آلمهمآت مرة وآن شآء آلله , بسوي نظآم آلتيمآت في كل آلمهمآت .. وآلتيم آلي يفوز يآخد نقطة وهكذآ .. ( آحتمآل )ء ــــ رتب آلسيرفر : Player , ModerAtor , SuperModerator , Support , Admin , Console ــــ آلتوزيع بآلسيرفر : 100 سآعة ــــ معلومآت آلسيرفر : Ip : mtasa:// Server Name : ● طارات العرب [Q.6] هجولة , مهمات , حرب ● Server id : Q.6 GameMode : Missions + Hjawllah ــــ بعض من صور آلسيرفر : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - وآلبآقي تكتشفوه بنفسكم آن شآء آلله ــــ يآريت آرآئكم وآقترآحتكم , بآلسيرفر وآسف آني طولت وشكرآ1 point
Hi there! Time sure flies fast, doesn't it? It has been a while since the last post from us so we would like to give you an update on what has been going on recently with MTA:SA. We have got two highlights for you this time. The community Do you remember our Community website? It has served us well over the years but has also caught some rust in the process. Therefore, we would like to re-visit it and improve your experience with discovering and publishing resources. Our plan is to build a new community website from the ground up using modern technologies, and we would like to hear from you what you would like to see on the new platform. Please respond to this thread with your ideas and suggestions. Technically inclined users can take a look at the first pass of our specification document. Development progress As for the mod itself, we have received many pull requests (patch contributions) on our GitHub from open source contributors lately. One of such contributions is a brand new feature: custom IFP animations support, coming from one of our community members, Saml1er. He managed to get this to work nicely in MTA:SA, while ensuring that our coding standards are met so we could include it without too much hassle. Saml1er even made a video which showcases what this feature is all about. You can find it below: We intend this to be a part of our upcoming 1.5.6 release which we hope will come soon, but you can try it out now by using a nightly build: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ Tips for using this can be found on our wiki: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineLoadIFP That's all for now. Take care and enjoy the summer! — MTA Team1 point
If you are still experiencing problems, follow the instructions: Hi, We are aware of the recent issues with heavy game lag (tied to mouse input) which is a problem independent of the MTA build revision for reasons known to us. Because knowing where it is related to doesn't mean we can pinpoint the exact cause immediately, please bear with us while we try to resolve this high-priority problem; we understand that while not everyone is affected, it can make the game near-impossible to play for those affected. In the meanwhile, you can try a work-around that has proven to be a temporary fix for those eager to play despite the issues: set MTA to Windowed mode (settings > video > Fullscreen mode). We realize that this looks ugly and for sure isn't a proper fix, but it may help you on the short-term. Please understand that resolving these issues is our top-priority at the moment. Note: this thread should serve for data collection and sharing possible temporary solutions with your fellow MTA players. Tens of users have raised a support case with us either on the Client support section or Discord in the past week, please continue to post about your situation in this topic, it may prove to be helpful for us to pinpoint and fix the underlying problem quicker than we would otherwise be able to. For the same reasons, any functional work-around can also provide us more insights. You can help by linking anyone experiencing the mentioned issues to this topic, and posting the link in any separate client support topic made about it. Also, the most voiced workarounds (which we know of from earlier reports on the issue) that however, do not work out for everyone, are; - running MTA 'as Administrator' (right-click) and/or setting compatibility mode to earlier Windows versions such as Windows 71 point
Hey MTA Team, I've tested this to make sure before creating this topic to save you guys time. On version mtasa-1.5.5-full_rc-14219-20180903.exe I'm having a black screen issue. Then I tried version mtasa-1.5.5-full_rc-14217-20180902.exe and then it works all fine. Log from 14217: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/412926348 Log from 14219: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/141506782 Note: I tested multiple servers to make sure the server ain't blocking anything for some odd reason. But that's not the case.1 point
Glad I could help! Edit: Leave this topic open so I can let you know if it's fixed in the next build.1 point
Thank you very much for reporting this, and thank you 10x more for testing this. It should be fixed in the next build. https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/commit/9889cef03e3158aa80eccc266d90e724d06923751 point
1 point
That's good to know. For now, just consider this to be a workaround and not a full fix. That means you should keep an eye out for updates still, please.1 point
THIS HAS NOW BEEN FIXED IN LATEST BUILD Available NOW! at https://www.multitheftauto.com If you are still experiencing the problem, please follow these instructions: Please provide a copy of your MTA diag report Tell us: whether you encounter lag in the menu, in game, or both. Tell us: when you think this problem started happening Tell us: what antivirus you use Read the below workaround if you are using Avast antivirus. For now, consider this as a workaround and not a fix. We still need you to provide an MTA diag if this works. Please give us generate a link before trying the workaround. Tell us if the workaround is actually successful and tell us if it isn't. Follow instructions here:1 point
Hi @CssMartin — please can we have your MTADiag results? https://qais.jp/mta/diag1 point
Hello @qaisjp, The game lag in the menu when you move the mouse, It looks like 1 fps, and ingame the fps are between 10 and 20, but when you move the mouse load circle appear and the game stuck for a second. It only happend in fullscreen. In window mode don't happend. It didn't work for me :/1 point
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Adicionar resource na ACL - SERVERSIDE: function onCountryStart() for i,thePlayer in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do getPlayerCountry(thePlayer) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,onCountryStart) function getPlayerCountry(thePlayer) if thePlayer then local playerIP = getPlayerIP(thePlayer) if playerIP then fetchRemote("http://www.geoplugin.net/json.gp?ip="..playerIP, setPlayerCountry, "", false, thePlayer ) end end end function setPlayerCountry(countryTable,errorCode,thePlayer) if thePlayer and countryTable and errorCode == 0 then local countryTable = fromJSON("["..countryTable.."]") if countryTable then setElementData(thePlayer,"country",countryTable.geoplugin_countryCode) setElementData(thePlayer,"countryName",countryTable.geoplugin_countryName) end end end function listarJogadores(thePlayer,cmd) local br = 0 local players = getElementsByType("player") for _,p in ipairs(players) do if getElementData(p,"country") == "br" then br = br + 1 end end outputChatBox("Jogadores Brasileiros: #889123"..br,thePlayer,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("Jogadores Gringos: #889123"..(#players-br),thePlayer,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("Total: #889123"..#players,thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end addCommandHandler("players",listarJogadores)1 point
1 point
زي آنجل لمآ سوآ ض1 - لآ فقط تكتب تحويل بآلشآت وتخش مآركر آلهجولة - تنور وآلله , منتظرينك ..1 point
آرآئكم , آقترآحتكم ؟ @N3xT @#DesTroeyR @Trefeor @#[K]iLLeR<3 @+1HidroNex @+Source|> @MARIY @Rakan# @#,xiRocKyz #َxLysandeR @Sha67 @iMr.Wifi..! @Abdul KariM @*AnGeL @#SnpêŘ ــ جميع آلمنتدي عمومآ .1 point
1 point
Se não me engano, quando testa localmente ele não retorna a localização correta do jogador, faz o seguinte no painel do Admin, veja se ele mostra o seu país.1 point
function listarJogadores(thePlayer) local br, gringo = 0,0 for _,p in ipairs (getElementsByType ( "player" )) do local pais = call(getResourceFromName("admin"), "getPlayerCountry", p) if (pais == "BR") then br = br + 1 else gringo = gringo + 1 end end outputChatBox ( "Jogadores Brasileiros: #889123" .. br, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( "Jogadores Gringos: #889123" .. gringo, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( "Total: #889123" .. getPlayerCount(), thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) end addCommandHandler("players", listarJogadores)1 point
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كلنت for i = 0,guiGridListGetRowCount(gridlist) - 1 do outputChatBox(guiGridListGetItemText('اسم الجريد ليست',i,'اسم الكوليمن')) end1 point
Sobre o loop, usar a função exportada, etc: function getPlayerCountFromCountry( c ) local players = 0 for _, p in pairs( getElementsByType("player") ) do country = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry( p ) if country == tostring(c) then players = players + 1 end end return players end1 point
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MTA's default "info" chatbox outputs (including this connect message) use RGB 255, 100, 100 (#FF6464) https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/blob/40118f7875516304ff585c4c9ef360a7e887ca41/Client/mods/deathmatch/logic/CClientCommon.h#L521 point
It's just the first day i had a server here but i'm not facing any big issue, i had a problem with ftp client which weren't connecting to the server but it got solved. The ping is pretty stable, maybe the only bad thing is that the support sometimes is really slow at replies, other than that seems a good service, gonna see if my server gets deleted like a service that i tried almost 1 week ago...1 point
1 point
سيرفر سيء و مابي ادخله امزح امزح سيرفر جميل و رائع و اتوقع فكرته جديده بالنسبة لهجولة المهم بالتوفيق لك0 points
اكثر فكرة عجبتني حقت الدائرة ذي حقت الجائزة العشوائية شكلي بسوي مثلها ولاكن للزومبي ض والله فكرة رهيبة0 points