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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/18 in all areas

  1. أستطلاع اخر .. هل تفضل ان تكون السيارات مثل سيارات اللعبة الاصلية ام سيارات حديثة من طرفنا ؟ - سيارات اللعبة الاصلية ( Like ) - سيارات حديثة ( Thanks ) التصويت بالرياكشن !
    4 points
  2. مب ملاحظ انك اكثر واحد ينشر مواضيع بقسم البرمجة حاليا ؟ شوف القسم باله كله بأسمك
    3 points
  3. If you are still experiencing problems, follow the instructions: Hi, We are aware of the recent issues with heavy game lag (tied to mouse input) which is a problem independent of the MTA build revision for reasons known to us. Because knowing where it is related to doesn't mean we can pinpoint the exact cause immediately, please bear with us while we try to resolve this high-priority problem; we understand that while not everyone is affected, it can make the game near-impossible to play for those affected. In the meanwhile, you can try a work-around that has proven to be a temporary fix for those eager to play despite the issues: set MTA to Windowed mode (settings > video > Fullscreen mode). We realize that this looks ugly and for sure isn't a proper fix, but it may help you on the short-term. Please understand that resolving these issues is our top-priority at the moment. Note: this thread should serve for data collection and sharing possible temporary solutions with your fellow MTA players. Tens of users have raised a support case with us either on the Client support section or Discord in the past week, please continue to post about your situation in this topic, it may prove to be helpful for us to pinpoint and fix the underlying problem quicker than we would otherwise be able to. For the same reasons, any functional work-around can also provide us more insights. You can help by linking anyone experiencing the mentioned issues to this topic, and posting the link in any separate client support topic made about it. Also, the most voiced workarounds (which we know of from earlier reports on the issue) that however, do not work out for everyone, are; - running MTA 'as Administrator' (right-click) and/or setting compatibility mode to earlier Windows versions such as Windows 7
    2 points
  4. Someone is already doing the fortnite gamemode? or does anyone intend to create the gamemode? If anyone needs help creating this gamemode, I can help with 3D models like this.
    2 points
  5. ليش داتا ؟؟ الداتا استخدامها كثير لا ينصح به . يقدر يسوي "onClientPlayerCommand" ويتحقق اذا اللوحة مفتوحة يسوي كانسل إيفنت ..
    2 points
  6. A few days ago my MTA experienced severe FPS drops. I tried running it as an admin, I tried deleting the .asi files, I tried disabling the antivirus, I tried adding them as an exception to the firewall, I tried lowering the graphics, I tried defragmenting the hard drive, I tried deleting the contents of the folder which stores the server datas and I tried reinstalling it. None worked. If I run it on windowed mode the cursor doesn't lag anymore in the menu, but every server lags. Here are the important parts of my specifications: Windows 7 64 bit Intel i5 6400 2.70 GHz Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti This all started a few days ago.
    1 point
  7. افهمك وش معناهم string.upper دي تخليلك الحروف كابيتل يعني مكبرة مثل كدا local x = 'a' print(string.upper(x)) النتيجه هتبقي A و string.lower دي عكس اللي قبليها تخليلك الحروف مصغرة مثال local y = 'A' print(string.lower(y)) a النتيجه هتبقي يارب تكون المعلومة وصلت
    1 point
  8. اشوف أنك ناسي ')'
    1 point
  9. ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه
    1 point
  10. function OutMuted ( source, &--variable state ,&--varible tagsource) while( onPreEvent || source ) then bool OutMutedServer ( string text [, element visibleTo = getRootElement(), int r = 231, int g = 217, int b = 176, bool colorCoded = false ] ) bool OutMutedClient ( string text [, int r = 231, int g = 217, int b = 176, bool colorCoded = false ] ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), OutMuted) stepbystep.
    1 point
  11. MTA is aware and the server's owner and ISP hosting it has been contacted. Failure to remove our gamemode/scripts will end up with the server being blacklisted by MTA.
    1 point
  12. Doesnt work, checked compatibilty option, checked start as administrator and applied, got into the menu and heavy mouse lag again, I get off the game go back to the options to check if everything is correct and the compatibility mark has been removed, dunno what that has to do
    1 point
  13. Unfortunately I've tried running MTA with administrator rights but it did not work for me sadly
    1 point
  14. Thank you for your valuable comments. Our server is installed on the base of Windows Server. But until that time we are using 32 bit MTA-Server. We went to the x64 MTA-Server. Problem solved. Best regards, Query
    1 point
  15. Please refer to https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/111027-known-issues-with-input-lagheavy-fps-stutter/
    1 point
  16. هذي معادلات حسابية صعب الواحد يتعلمها .. مع مرور الوقت بيتعلم عليها لان ما اتوقع احد بيستخدم نفس الشيء مراراً وتكراراًُ بدون مايعرف ايش يسوي .
    1 point
  17. شف انت كلامك غلط بمعنى الكلمة الفرق بينا و بين الاجانب هو الفكر الي عند الحكومه و التأسيس عند المعلمين لو ما في واسطه و تحكم غربي بلعرب كان الحين ما زلنا مثل زمان و تذكر ان العرب و المسلمين هم من طوروا البشريه من عباد حجر الى خير الامم
    1 point
  18. I think it's because you're using setPedControlState to set the control state to walk. I got the same issue, then i turned that resource off and it works perfectly.
    1 point
  19. 1 - تقدر تنقص عدد التايمرات بشكل كبير, كذا يعتبر هدر للمال العام, والطريقه كالآتي : سطر 10 وسطر 32 نفس التايمر بالضبط, تقدر تسوي وظيفه وتخلي التايمر بداخلها وتستدعي الوظيفه فقط. - - سطر 12 وسطر 29 تقدر تختصرها بشوية متغيرات بدل كل هالتايمرات. بخصوص مشكلتك هي بسبب أنه التايمرات أنت مخليها لانهائيه من خلال وضع قيمتها صفر عندك خيارين : 1- تحط عدد مرات تكرار محدده . 2- تستخدم وظيفتين التحقق من التايمر + قتل التايمر ( isTimer, killTimer ) . 3- عندك تايمرات بنفس المسمى وهذا يمكن يسبب لك مشاكل .
    1 point
  20. وضح نوعية التعامل؟ كل اللي عليك تعدل الجدول وتضيف الإحداثيات وإسم التيم فقط. وإذا بتضيف تيمات جديده سوي كذا : local info = { [0] = { teamName = "Red" , pos = {0,0,3} } , [1] = { teamName = "Blue" , pos = {100,100,3} } , [2] = { teamName = "Green", pos = { 0, 0, 0 } } } * الأفضل تخلي مفتاح الجدول يبدأ العد من الرقم 1 وأعلى عشان تقدر تعدل وظيفة جلب الرقم العشوائي بحيث تخلي أصغر قيمه صفر وأكبر قيمة عدد العناصر بالجدول local Random = math.random(0,#info)
    1 point
  21. 1. onClientPedDamage (2-nd parameter). cancelEvent() will disable damage 2. element data . You can store it into database by using triggerServerEvent triggerServerEvent("your_event_name",localPlayer,getElementData(localPlayer,"name") ) 3. I can't undestand this question a little bit. @wlasser
    1 point
  22. أستطلاع اخر: ماذا تريد ان يكون تصميم السيرفر معتمد على ؟ - GUI كافة الاشياء تكون بتصميم الجيو (Like) - DX كافة الاشياء تكون بتصميم الدي اكس (Thanks) - DX & GUI الاشياء المهمة تكون دي اكس لكن الاشياء البسيطة تكون جيو (Hahaha) التصويت يكون بالرياكشن حتى لانطيل الموضوع -
    1 point
  23. I think this can help you (change it to false) @Samking
    1 point
  24. رول بلاي ضض .. ــ علي آلعموم روح للمود حق كومآند /call وفي بدآية آلموود سوي تحقق آن آللوحة مب مفتوحة , ولو مب مفتوحة يشتغل آلكومآند عآدي
    1 point
  25. وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته, اذا بمقابل انا راضي بعد بس المفروض تطرح المودات الي تبيها عشان يجيك الشخص الصامل مب تتعب نفسك وتملي الخاص يسألونك عن فكرة المودات..
    1 point
  26. وش المودات اللي تبغى لو أقدر عليهم انا و خويي نسوي لك بمقابل طبعا
    1 point
  27. Are your queries limiting the search result? (Just check it if you haven't done it yet, because not doing it can improve the performance with 0 t/m 1000% depending on the situation) 1. Limit search results Your situation: queries are taking too long to complete and your lua memory is waiting for the results.(because you didn't use callbacks) 2. Use callbacks instead of pause the lua memory. 2.1 See also coroutines: https://www.lua.org/pil/9.1.html 3. Last resort You have to queue your queries and let it better work with your internal lua memory.
    1 point
  28. engineLoadIFP has already been added as of 1.5.5 r12195 and is available in-game. The current latest version as of now is 1.5.5 r12411
    0 points
  29. كلامي طبيعته يكون عصبي مدري ليش اللغة العربية تحب تخلي كلامي عصبي او زعلان.. المهم ماننحرف عن مسار الموضوع ومايحتاج تعتذر
    0 points
  30. -- Client addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() dxDrawText(tostring(getElementData(resourceRoot,'Timer')), 153, 304, 308, 371, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) end ) -- Server timer = setTimer( function () end, 10000, 1 ) setTimer( function() if isTimer(timer) then local timerMission = math.floor(getTimerDetails(timer) / 1000) setElementData(resourceRoot,'Timer',timerMission) else setElementData(resourceRoot,'Timer','Timer End') end end, 50, 0 )
    0 points
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