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  1. تخيلو الى الان باقي ماخلصنا شخصيه الرجل لان اهتمينا بكل التفاصيل بمعنى الكلمه , بيعجبكم
    2 points
  2. Welcome to the topic of West Side:RPG. West Side:RPG has been created in the early stages of RPG servers in 2012. The server got closed due scripts not made by the current owners and so they got striked. It led to them closing West Side:RPG. Now, almost 6 years later, we decided to revive West Side:RPG again. There are multiple reasons why we revived West Side:RPG, the main reason for bringing it back is because the fun that we used to have back in the days. Nowadays, people are fighting over scripts, over groups and over basically power. Back in the days, everyone was having fun, there were no fights and no one complaining about people creating other servers. Times went by and people were randomly ddosing servers and people because of 'creating other servers with stolen scripts' but they all had one task: Bringing the fun back. So here it is. I (Mediate) with alot of knowledge about MTA and having experience being an MTA clan member, decided to bring it back with three others. - Thelaser - Equis - McLazy West Side:RPG creates it's own scripts, thanks to Thelaser and Equis for scripting and putting alot of time into it. This topic will give you an overview about what we've done so far and what we're based on. ________________________________________________________ Dynasty 8 Housing This housing system is based on the GTA 5 housing. It works like a regular housing system in RPG servers. You request an icon on the forum > you wait patiently for an admin to sort it out > buy your house and look what you can do. This is the house and garage system. You are able to atleast store 2 vehicles in your garage (depends if you have a low-end house, medium-end house or a high-end house). There are also multiple interiors. Dynasty 8 Agents will be choosing the best suitable interior for the house in question. We currently have 15 interiors available for houses and 3 for garages. When you bought your property, you are able to control it with this panel. - "Remove from Sale" (If your house is on sale, you can just remove it from being sold.) - "Lock House" (Locks your house so people cannot enter your house.) - "Lock Garage" (Locks your garage so people cannot steal your cars or unwillingly enter your garage.) - "Set House Price" (If you want to sell your house, you can enter a custom amount of money.) - "Set House Owner" (If you want to give away your house, you can enter the username of another player.) - "Change House Info" (This can change your house information.) The housing system is really complicated but you will get used to it once you get some knowledge about it. ________________________________________________________ Maze Bank Banking System Just like the housing system, it is based on GTA 5. We've got two seperated panels for the banking system. One for the ATM and one for the panel inside the bank. This is the ATM panel: This is the bank panel (when you enter a bank interior in LV, LS or SF.) At the ATM panel, you can fill in a custom amount of money that you either want to deposit or withdraw. ATM's can be found all around the map, this makes it easier to get your hands onto your money or to get your hands off your money. The bank panel is alot more complicated. You cannot withdraw money from the bank, only deposit IN your bank account. Choose between custom amounts untill you deposited the amount you wanted to deposit. ________________________________________________________ Server is still under development! This is it for now, I'll keep on updating this topic to keep the community updated about the stuff happening right now. Feel free to join our discord and forum: https://discord.gg/T8KH3Cq www.westsiderpg.com Best regards, Mediate West Side:RPG Team
    1 point
  3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم -# السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته -# أخباركم عساكم طيبين وكل عام وانتم بخير -# https://b.top4top.net/p_869eo3s01.png زمان عالمنتديات وكتابة المواضيع صراحتا اكتشفت انها تطفش اكثر من انها تسلي لكن حبيت اليوم اعرضلكم بعض حصريات سيرفر سيرفر كنق الطاره وبغيت رأيكم بالسيرفر وملاحظاتكم . حاب اشرحلكم عن السيرفر شوي اهم ميزاته وحصرياته واعرضلكم بعض الصور من تصويري المتواضع طبعا تم تأسيس السيرفر عام 2012 شهر 10 ميلادي ومرت عالسيرفر ظروف واجد وينقطع مدة ثمن يرجع طبعا المؤسسين انا ونيوتن مبرمجين السيرفر صراحتا واجدين وش اقول وش اخلي لكن بقول اسماء بعض الي ساعدو ببرمجة هذا السيرفر وجعله افضل دائما #مستر سعد #مدير2014#ابو شنب # تابل # لوس # كنق عبادي #انا#ويزراد لهم تحية كبير مني طبعا بعضهم اعتزل بعضهم الى الان موجود والله اعلم مصممين المواتر #ولهم الفضل في نجاح السيرفر #كلاسيك تبوك # كاسر حاليا # وانا شوي خلونا نعرضلكم بعض الصور من تصويري . البداية : https://e.top4top.net/p_8690wz8l1.png بعض مابات السيرفر: ماب الاستراحه المطورة طبعا الاستراحه ثري دي https://e.top4top.net/p_86963k2w1.png بعض مابات السيرفر https://f.top4top.net/p_8698z6nr2.png زفلتة الدائري https://c.top4top.net/p_869tl79n1.png مود البقالة من قبل ويزراد وستور الله يذكرهم بالخير https://d.top4top.net/p_869s3p072.png بعض مودات السيرفر : اف1 من برمجة لوس https://d.top4top.net/p_869p7xpf1.png اف2 اف 3 اف4 https://e.top4top.net/p_869s48pb2.png اف5 اف6 https://f.top4top.net/p_869zjp9d3.png اف7اف10 https://a.top4top.net/p_869w77vj4.png اف12 https://b.top4top.net/p_869m6b2f5.png بعض مواتر السيرفر موكلها https://e.top4top.net/p_869xrodd1.png https://a.top4top.net/p_869fnnat1.png فعاليات السيرفر ضض https://e.top4top.net/p_86936rzz1.png اصحاب السيرفر جنتول - نيوتن - اوبس - كاسر -كلاسيك تبوك اعضاء قروب كنق الطاره: كحيلان - ليو - ديمور - فهد - تشارلي - بوتين - كنق عبادي - ابو رفعه - هسكر حسابات السيرفر: انستقرام jn_i - 4HDR - K6_de - server_king6arh TS3: discord: https://discord.me/_k6 ip server mta sa : حياكم الله وتشرفونا بزيارتكم وتنورونا بحضوركم اي ملاحظات عالسيرفر او سلبيات او اقتراحات ياليت تعلقو تحت خيكم احمد أو جنتول تحياتي لكم فامان الله ...
    1 point
  4. This is just something I'm attempting as an experiment. But give your thoughts on the video, project, or just opinions and concerns. Happy to hear them out.
    1 point
  5. Ne pare rău, dar acest forum este dedicat pentru comunitatea românească de MTA, încearcă să contactezi pe cineva din administrația respectivului server.
    1 point
  6. فاتح باقة - طلعت الدراسة شهر 9 لو عرفت اخش بخش بعد السفر خلاص عرفت - بس يوم تيجي تزرف اكواد علي الاقل غير المزروف موفق
    1 point
  7. function onPreFunction(sourceResource, functionName, isAllowedByACL, luaFilename, luaLineNumber, ...) local args = {...} if functionName == "setPedAnimation" and isElement(args[1]) then if isPedInVehicle(args[1]) then return 'skip' end end end addDebugHook("preFunction", onPreFunction, {"setPedAnimation"})
    1 point
  8. local t={} ; i=1 local inputstr = 12548 for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "%d") do t[i] = str i = i + 1 end print (t[3])
    1 point
  9. -- #Client i = 0 triggerServerEvent("Value",localPlayer,i) -- #Server test = function(i) i=i+1 triggerClientEvent(source,"Client:Value",source,i) end addEvent("Value",true) addEventHandler("Value",root,test)
    1 point
  10. يالله بالتوفيق وان شاءالله تغطون على ريزدنت ايفيل ههههههه
    1 point
  11. ياصاحبي كل الاحترام لك احترم طريقه تفكيرك وعقلك , لقد اثرت اعجابي
    1 point
  12. it is a button updatedgs and then you can use dgsWindowGetCloseButton
    1 point
  13. مسكين هرب عليك ههههههه
    1 point
  14. What does that 'log' function do?
    1 point
  15. INTRODUCTION: Nexus Games is a host provider founded by Deeihim and Powerful which primary aim is to ensure the best server hosting quality for the player.Additionally this company has launched a server in MTA.The idea of this server is hopefully appealing the players whom we are trying to ensure that they enjoy the fun while playing.You might be claiming that this server is way similar to other servers yet it is far from being so, it contains 3 gamemodes, CnR , battle royale and last but not least shooter gamemode.We are soon going to launch the beta version since we are currently scripting and implementing scripts in game and fortunately everything is going smoothly,therefore if you want to have a deeper idea of our server, check out our forum/discord. FORUMS: https://forum.nexusgames.ir/index.php DISCORD: https://discord.gg/yJtTFN DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS Our development team is doing the best to come up with unique and appealing ideas and yet we are not rushing things since we want to script ideas that are worth it and any suggestion posted below is appreciated. We have a bunch of experienced scripters starting from Swagy, Tahseen and Fenix. We are also using DGS GUI in our server since we find it convenient and easy to use. Development Block N°1 Login Interface ALPHA Updates for this Resoruce - Updates and News will show on the panel (below the login cordinates) - E-mail retrievial and E-mail verification - FAQ and Feedback Option Vehicle Spawners ALPHA Updates for this Resoruce - Adding more vehicles in the spawners. - Adding more spawners all over SA. ALPHA Updates for this Resoruce - Softer Camera view. - Adding More places to reach using teleport. - Fixing teleporting fees. SMALL NOTE: this topic is going to be regularly updated depending on the development progress.
    1 point
  16. انا لو فاضي استحاله اكتب كل ذا موضوعك جدا مفيد و في وقته و الظاهره دي صراحه ما كانت موجوده زمان بس طلعت جديده و يا ريت الكل يصحح من نفسه بس عندي نقطه انا الحين فاكر اول جدال معك اظن ان عشان اختلاف في طريقه الفهم أدي انك تقول انتو ما تفهمو انتم تحفظو فقط , انت شكلك مبرمج جديد و داخل ساخن يعني بلاش نستعمل المفاهيم ذي لانها مو حلوه و تأدي لبداء صراعات بقا و يجي نصور و يطيرنا مخالفات المهم يعني الي ابي اقولو لك ان المفروض نحسن شوي من طريقه كلامنا مع البقيه
    1 point
  17. Update - replaced old custom scroll pane, what I didn't understood to new, more easily for using - Fixed bugs with removing elements in combo boxes
    1 point
  18. Oh yes my bad thanks
    1 point
  19. function fixAllVehicles ( thePlayer ) if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer ) ) then for _,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if ( veh ) then fixVehicle ( veh ) end end outputChatBox("The Admin " .. getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) .. " fixed all the vehicles!", root, 0, 255, 0 ) else outputChatBox("You don't have access to this command!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addCommandHandler("fixall",fixAllVehicles) Line 10.
    1 point
  20. Update - added all information of functions with examples on wiki. - Fixed bugs with Tab Panels - Fixed bugs with Number Scrollers - Fixed event of Combo Boxes
    1 point
  21. @TheOtherSide انت طولتها مره وعقدتها سويتها بأخف وابسط الطرق function StrMultiLine ( theStr , theNum ) local FunCheck = ( assert ( type ( theStr ) == "string" , "error StrMultiLine arg 1 got " .. type ( theStr ) ) and assert ( type ( theNum ) == "number" , "error StrMultiLine arg 2 got " .. type ( theStr ) ) and theNum > #theStr and error ( "error StrMultiLine arg 2 num larger than string" ) ) return split ( theStr : gsub ( ( "." ) : rep ( theNum ) , "%1ㅀ" ) : sub ( 1 , -1 ) , "ㅀ" ) end مثال print ( table.concat ( StrMultiLine ( "HiHeIsOr" , 2 ) ) )
    1 point
  22. السلام عليكم انا كازانوفا مصمم DFF , TXD , Col دارس وواخد دبلومات في ال 3ds Max بصمم اوبجت باي شكل تريده مهما كان و بصمم بدون فلوس كنت عايز اصمم للسيرفرات المشهوره بدون مقابل بدي بس افكار اسويها مو اكتر شكراً
    1 point
  23. Update: - Now for all widgets do not want to use functions Window:getFrame and Window:addElement(s). Just put as parent window widget (look at the example, or documentation) - In function GuiStaticImage.create now you can use as parent argument window widget. - Fixed bugs with relative objects and with side bar of window. - Added more information in documentation.
    1 point
  24. Update: Added link for Wiki Documentation of resource. All information about functions will be created soon.
    1 point
  25. Look at the comments, I'm not forget about them, and I won't to create them.
    1 point
  26. معليك سيرفوري مفتوح وحط فيه مسؤولين والمفروض لما اشوف ناس مثلك م اعتزل نورت الموضوع
    0 points
  27. الناس كلها عارفة انه المود مزروف نصفقلك يعني ؟ او تبي جائزة مالك دخل احطه بحقوقي او لا و المرة الجاية علق تعليق نظيف و لا تتمسخر علي لاني اكره الناس السامجة (:
    0 points
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