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local what = { ['race'] = {ip = 'ip', port = 'port', password = ''}, ['shooter'] = {ip = 'ip', port = 'port', password = ''}, ['RL'] = {ip = 'ip', port = 'port', password = ''} } addEventHandler('onPlayerCommand', root, function(cmd) if what[cmd] and tostring(what[cmd].ip) and tonumber(what[cmd].port) and tostring(what[cmd].password) then redirectPlayer(source, tostring(what[cmd].ip), tonumber(what[cmd].port), tostring(what[cmd].password)) end end)2 points
I just made a character customization system in MTA with 3D GUI.1 point
MadnessReloaded's Objective Indicators Events have never been that easy to find. This resource lets you place on-screen markers that will describe the name or purpose of the indicator and the distance between you and the indicator. It's pretty customizable, lets you create markers with different positions (duh), names, colors, images and minimum and maximum display distances. It distinguishes between metres and kilometres (although I know distance is measured by units, it's just an extra) You can place multiple indicators: You can use these clientsided exported functions: createObjectiveIndicator (x,y,z,name[,maxdistance,mindistance,r,g,b,image]) --RETURNS THE INDICATOR'S ID destroyObjectiveIndicator (id) -- THE ID SHOULD BE RETURNED BY CREATEOBJECTIVEINDICATOR drawObjectiveIndicator (x,y,z,name[,maxdistance,mindistance,r,g,b,image]) -- DRAW IT ONCLIENTRENDER. Link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=150691 point
1 point
addEvent( "onZombieWasted" ); addEventHandler( "onZombieWasted", getRootElement(), function( killer ) money = math.random(100) givePlayerMoney( killer, money ); end )1 point
Just make a repost. Be ensure to include some description about what the issue is.1 point
FEATURES Compatible with all gamemodes. A monitor that allows the user to view the drone's camera. First person / Third person drone monitor. /drone - starts drone /droned - stops drone MEDIA https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=130561 point
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1 point
i said you already hamza go through mta sa wiki you will get all from there ,you can learn basics from there start reading all functions through wiki and you will get ideas how to do !!1 point
1 point
I already gave you the methode to built that. You only have to edit it in terms of your needs...1 point
O erro acontece pois você está tentando obter o nome de um true (valor booleano) em vez de um jogador. Além disso, você não declarou em lugar nenhum thePlayer, isso significa que o getElementData ali sempre será false. E também não entendi pra que serve esse isVehicleNoNeed, que também não foi declarado em lugar nenhum e portanto não funciona. Uma pergunta: Essa mensagem do chat deve aparecer somente no chat do jogador que digitou /hab? Ou deve aparecer no chat de todo mundo?1 point
1 point
هههههههههههههههه العجبني في كلامك # احنا مو في سنة 2011 خليتني اضحك يغمى على خلاص هههههههههههههه1 point
local getDistanceBetweenPointAndSegment3D = function (pointX, pointY, pointZ, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) local A = pointX - x1 local B = pointY - y1 local C = pointZ - z1 -- local D = x2 - x1 local E = y2 - y1 local F = z2 - z1 -- local point = A * D + B * E + C * F local lenSquare = D * D + E * E + F * F local parameter = point / lenSquare local shortestX local shortestY local shortestZ if parameter < 0 then shortestX = x1 shortestY = y1 shortestZ = z1 elseif parameter > 1 then shortestX = x2 shortestY = y2 shortestZ = z2 else shortestX = x1 + parameter * D shortestY = y1 + parameter * E shortestZ = z1 + parameter * F end local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pointX, pointY,pointZ, shortestX, shortestY,shortestZ) -- return distance end 3D version of this one: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetDistanceBetweenPointAndSegment2D Useful for detecting if something is between 2 points.1 point
You know, it's kind of funny. 4 months ago, before I came back to MTA I thinking about going straight to FiveM (an MTA """"equivalent"""" mod for GTA V) because I thought MTA was dying. Until I found out there are servers that get more concurrent players than most Call of Duty games, .1 point
Hello everyone, not to long ago I started working on one of my scripts, it's ages ago I started on it as U can see in the video, however, I decided to continue working on the script. I've always wanted to run a Festival event in-game before but never really pulled it off, lack of interest, lack of people and so on. I started a couple of years ago to animate one song manually, but if everyone wasn't synced with the track it got desynced for some clients. I thought of different ways to do it but ended up dropping it till not too long ago when I thought about it again. I started integrating wave-data to fetch the bass, pitch etc. This is what I came up with, let me know what u think, rate it, give me your feedback. All though note this video was taken early in the development of the sound data being fetched. Music's from a live stream as well, meaning no clients will ever be desynced. P.S, since I closed down my server, I'm considering to finish this script and release it to the public based on feedback.1 point
1 point
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أقدم اليوم إعتزالي التام, وتشرفت بمعرفتكم جميعاً رسالة إلى كل شخص غلطت عليه.. أعذرني 2012 - 2018 أخوكم / خالد0 points
That indentation didn't help all that much.. Anyway, what is the issue now? You should learn how to debug properly.. see this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Debugging.0 points
0 points
انت ما حطيت حرف تاني عشان كذا بختار A والكلمة Abo-Solo sabotages the forum because he hates it once المعنى : ( يقوم Abo-Solo بتخريب المنتدى لأنه يكرهه مرة ) الحرف التالي (X)0 points