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  1. Bună. Probabil cu toții putem cădea de acord asupra faptului că situația curentă a comunităților de roleplay românești, aici pe MTA, nu este una tocmai favorabilă. Tocmai din acest motiv, ne-am gândit să întocmim un chestionar care să acopere o serie de întrebări legate de această problemă, cât și de jucători în general. Scopul principal este de a folosi răspunsurile în vederea îmbunătățirii acestui segment numeros din comunitatea MTA. Vedem potențial în această platformă, însă considerăm că din păcate acest potențial nu este folosit cum trebuie de către comunitățile existente de roleplay. Desigur, cu toții vom fi înclinați să aruncăm explicații scurte bazate pe vârsta jucătorilor sau pe deținătorii ignoranți, înfometați de donații, lucruri pe care de altfel le cunoaștem deja și noi. Însă acest chestionar abordează cu mult mai multe subiecte. Acest chestionar solicită puncte de vedere și abordează subiecte care rareori (ori poate niciodată) au fost abordate și discutate pe comunitatea românească de MTA. Chestionarul este destinat tuturor jucătorilor români aflați pe comunitatea Multi Theft Auto dornici de a contribui la îmbunătățirea comunității de roleplay existente, indiferent de modul de joc pe care aceștia îl frecventează în mod principal. Apreciem implicarea tuturor celor care sunt dispuși să abordeze această problemă și își fac timp să completeze în mod serios acest chestionar. Deținătorii de comunități pot, dacă doresc, distribui acest chestionar către jucătorii aflați pe comunitatea lor și, implicit, ajuta la creșterea eficienței acestui chestionar - cu cât mai multe puncte de vedere, cu atât mai bine. Nu vă faceți griji, nu există mențiuni sau legături către propria noastră comunitate. Acest chestionar va fi accesibil pentru până pe data de 18 Ianuarie, 2018. (2 săptămâni) Completați formularul accesând acest link: https://goo.gl/forms/bksH3kvr8HPoVVHY2 Dacă această inițiativă dă roade, vom împărtăși rezultatele cu voi sub formă de statistici și subiecte de discuții pentru ca ulterior să poată fi abordate în mod deschis. Vă mulțumim! ?
    2 points
  2. -- server-side addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), function(_, playerAccount) local accountName = getAccountName(playerAccount) -- save the account name as data setElementData(source, "AccountName", accountName) end ) -- Use getElementData to get your account on client-side. If it helped you, leave like!
    2 points
  3. am working on dgseditor right now but am have exams right now am in engineering college it's so hard to finish it neer https://d.top4top.net/p_736t0n1p1.png i hope u will add math.floor when u returning position of the element and size it will be better than 9.9991999199 some thing like that
    2 points
  4. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اليوم جبت لكم سكربت يربط بين الشات حق العبة والشات حق الديسكورد كمثال ارسلت بالسيرفر test راح يوصل بالديسكورد YourName : test تحدد شات خاص بالديسكورد وراح ينكتب فيه كل شي والعكس صحيح اذا ارسلت بالديسكورد اي شي راح يوصل بالسيرفر [D] YourName : اي شي رابط السكربت : http://gsul.me/8ElZ كامل الشرح موجود بالرابط **
    1 point
  5. Opening January 1st, 2018 (( Based now in Bone County, Fort Carson. )) Introduction to the Republic of San Andreas The above is merely a snippet of the world being created for our server, with the full story of it being found here. We at Legacy take great pride in developing a roleplay experience unique to our own community, in an attempt to stand out from the many servers operating on a similar familiar to the next server. Our Administration Team divided and with proper delegation work hard to ensure you the player, that Legacy Roleplay is the server that you can feel comfortable enough to make a home for yourself. A few features of our server can be found below; UCP and Script Features And much much more... Why should I play Legacy? Well, there isn't one reason we at Legacy believe you should roleplay with us, but a multitude of reasons we shall sum up in bullet points. Friendly and Responsive Staff. Our staff is responsive to the needs of the community, and you can be sure to always find a voice of reason within the team if you ever have a dispute or concern that you feel needs to be brought up. An IC State Government. All affairs for government and legal factions will fall under the direction of an IC State Government as detailed here. Factions will actually have internal budgets, and the IC State Government will be in charge of matters relating to funding, removals, etc to avoid OOC administration in cases it's unnecessary. Bills are also voted regularly as can be seen here. A full outline of it can be found here too. Actions have consequences. PS runs out of money, then they'll have to take IC actions like striking, or other means to get money if the government won't provide more. Vehicles getting destroyed also have zero OOC protections, so if they get destroyed they are deleted. The point is, OOC protections on things do not exist in Legacy. If it happens, it will be dealt with ICly. A dynamic not commonly seen in servers. Dynamic Weapon and Drug Supply System - This is all explained here. We're here to roleplay, and rather then spawning things out of thin air for people to have them we're taking the initiative to create roleplay with it in a manner consistent with the server story to make it fun and inclusive for everyone. Lack of unintelligent trolls or intolerable behavior. With our Character Creation system, no longer will you have characters regularly disregarding their life and making new characters in seconds. Every character must have a backstory, and must be approved by an admin on the UCP before even connecting to the server. Ensuring that we keep a standard of professional english, and intelligent roleplayers while weeding out the bad. Immersive roleplay experience. As can be seen in this topic. We have worked hard to create a world that allows us the freedom we need to do as we wish, without restrictions of the real life world in all aspects which can at times serve as an unnecessary hindrance in the types of roleplay we wish to engage in. Fully fleshed out Legal Virtual Market and Illegal Virtual Market. Along with systems to give players free businesses that are player-run. Full IC Lore, for how Saint Andrews came to be. Bug fixes are quick, and can be easily tracked by players here. We value roleplay, over stat-whoring. Jobs have cooldowns to prohibit the endless grinding of jobs, in order to encourage players to seek out roleplay opportunities to make money. Many, many, more. We cannot in this small post, detail all the neat mechanics behind the scenes, but we at Legacy really value creativity in our roleplay. And we do not wish to unnecessarily hinder potentially mindblowing types of roleplay that in most cases would be restricted by numerous OOC regulations, bias, or other reasons that lead to you having an unsatisfying experience. Additional Screenshots ]] ' ' Pass the Information Website: http://legacyroleplay.net/ Forums: http://forums.legacyroleplay.net/ Discord: http://discord.gg/ZddCPxp We hope that you will join us and stay with us for all your roleplay needs. Thank you for reading, and see you at Legacy Roleplay!
    1 point
  6. "And no script made on MTA or SAMP is copyrighted/trademarked as the one who would hold that is Rockstar Games since this is their platform. So technically under international law, nobody owns anything here. Rockstar does. Just a small course in how the law works." As far as I am aware, just because you paint a picture in someone's garage doesn't make it the garage owner's picture. The author of a piece of code has the copyrights in all cases except when that author is doing the piece of code for his employer who is paying him for his work.
    1 point
  7. function darDinheiro(player, cmd) givePlayerMoney(player, 1000) outputChatBox("#0077ffVocê recebeu dinheiro de " .. getPlayerName(player), player, 255,255,255, true) end addCommandHandler("dinheiro", darDinheiro) Use o 3º parâmetro para especificar o jogador que vai receber o dinheiro.
    1 point
  8. You are right. Go to this link https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/ToggleControl and check out the examples.
    1 point
  9. Pattern matching could be a solution here local slot1 = getElementData(localPlayer, "slot1") if slot1:match("key:%w") then
    1 point
  10. Dúvidas quanto ao script vc deveria ter postado na área de Programação em Lua. Voltando ao seu problema, ele está dizendo que não foi possível encontrar o seu script gui.lua, verifique o seu meta.xml. Se estiver lá e continuar dando erro, poste aqui o meta.xml utilizando a ferramenta <> do fórum.
    1 point
  11. Not quite sure if I understand but it looks like you're trying to check if "slot1" contains any key and then proceed with some code. There are different ways you can probably approach this. First is a table, which would be smarter because it is faster than element data and element data is not very safe. If this is the server side I think you should be fine but still personally I'd go with an actual table. What you can do is just simply check if any element data exists on "slot1" by just doing if getElementData (localPlayer, "slot1") then --draw key image in inventory else --slot 1 is blank end if you set the "slot1" data to nil or false setElementData("slot1", nil) then it will return false and execute the second part of your code. If this is not what you meant, please try to explain your issue a bit more.
    1 point
  12. Se não me falha a memória, parece que isso tem mais haver com o seu arquivo meta.xml, pode postar ele aqui?
    1 point
  13. If someone tried to use it, let us know your experience
    1 point
  14. يمديك تحمل المود اللي قمت بصنعه انا يقدر يساعدك راجع التعليق ذا ما بيحتاج شرح بتجيك الاكواد جاهزة حاليا شغال على تطويره وتفعيل نظام الاباء +التعديل لكن مشغول جدا بمذاكرتي للاختبارات النهائية فاعذروني جامعه مب زي الثانوية المود اللي صنعته نفس guieditor بيفيدك باذن الله راجع التعليق اعلاه
    1 point
  15. @Blast3r never mentioned anything about copyright lol, he just said it's not original using old scripts that just edited. Either way good luck.
    1 point
  16. You're using a leaked gamemode (OwlGaming, a more recent leak as successor of Valhalla) which has built-in backdoors. The backdoors are found in multiple compiled-and-encrypted script files (not just in a single resource), and contain a SQL write procedure to dump the database and name all players ''Danoon_My_Ass'', etcetera. Several commands allows any outsider (non-admin) to elevate his access and do that to the DB. However, here we're not supporting leaks so I can at most give you that hint, only because criminal damage is being inflicted to you and not because I sympathise with leakusers. Using a leaked gamemode is wrong and may even be subjected to consequences, but seen the amounts of servers using a oG leak (thus vulnerable), I couldn't abstain from sharing with you what really happened. The good news is, that because said script files are also encrypted, no one knows the backdoor's commands but maybe a former head dev from the leak's origin and eventually who he shared it with, so me posting this yields no more risks than already is present, despite the amounts of vulnerable leak-using servers. You're not entitled to any (script) support while using a leaked gamemode, so this will be the last thing said on this subject. However, you could use information from this post to identify script files enabling the backdoor. @salah7boss
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. We appreciate your support, hope to see you around on Saturday ! stay tuned
    1 point
  19. Maybe knowing the background of both sides will help you understand why that is. Serverside(code): Running on another computer/server (or application if hosted on the same pc). Clientside(code): Every player(his computer) is called a client. Between two sides there is something called ping. This it the communication delay between the client(your pc) and the server. You must have seen it in games. So if you are executing code clientside, other players will not see the result, because it is are only running on your machine. And if you are executing code serverside, other players will see the changes, because the server tells every player that something has changed. When you use a function serverside there there will be a delay before every client/player will see that something has changed. Which is related to the ping as well as to the internet speed. Also some client functions have the same result as serverside functions. Like setElementPosition or setElementRotation if you use them on a player. The player(you) are streaming your position/rotation to the server. So if you change your position clientside, the server will catch up slowly because of the streaming. But if you use these functions clientside on objects, other players will not see it changed, because objects aren't streamed like players are. Yet, I think serverside should always be in control of position and rotation because it might cause lagg or de-sync.
    1 point
  20. العفو بالتوفيق يا بعدي اعذرني كانت سهو مني لاني ما جربته
    1 point
  21. Velocity هو التسارع فهمت علي مب السرعة اللي هي يسمونها عجلة السرعة يعني تعرف القانون اللي يقولك f=ma a:عجلة السرعة اللي التسارع اما انت تتكلم عن speed speed=l/t l:مسافة t:زمن فهمت علي في فرق في حين ان التسارع يساوي a=f/m f:القوة m:الكتلة شرايك بالله مدرس خصوصي فنان هههههه
    1 point
  22. O que vc já tentou fazer? Vc vai precisar das funções de onPlayerLogin, onPlayerWasted, setElementPosition, setElementModel, giveWeapon, setPedArmour. Além de guiCreateButton, onClientGUIClick, triggerServerEvent.
    1 point
  23. function Cortina1() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( source ) if ( vehicle ) then local pos = {getElementPosition( vehicle )} local object = createObject( 1000, pos[1], pos[2], pos[3] ) attachElements( object, vehicle, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -90 ) end end addEvent("PonerCortina", true) addEventHandler("PonerCortina", root, Cortina1)
    1 point
  24. Sim. Usando as seguintes funções: getTickCount - Fazer verificação de tempo. É melhor do que usar setTimer, pois o tempo ainda pode ser contado entre as sessões independente se for demorado ou não. AclGroupAddObject - Adicionar o jogador na ACL VIP. AclGroupRemoveObject - Remover o jogador da ACL VIP. IsObjectInACLGroup - Verificar se o jogador está ou não na ACL VIP. SetAccountData - Colocar o tempo restante do VIP na conta do jogador para salvar entre as sessões. GetAccountData - Receber o tempo restante do VIP da conta do jogador para saber se o VIP já acabou ou não. AddCommandHandler - Colocar os comandos que você quer que o jogador use, por exemplo /viptime GuiCreateWindow - Criar o painel para você gerenciar os VIPs. As demais funções dos outros elementos GUI também estão nesta página. Eventos: onPlayerQuit, onPlayerLogin, onPlayerLogout. Espero ter ajudado. Boa sorte.
    1 point
  25. Debes usar setTimer y colocar los milisegundos que tienen cada hora. Una hora tiene 3600000 ms. PD: me gusta como se ve el servidor, aunque odio el anime :l
    1 point
  26. Hey Peeps, this is gonna be the last version of this Multigamemode. I tried to make it running as smooth as possible. If you are using an ealier version on your server, or working on some own project using parts out of this script, I strongly recommend you to update or compare the parts you used, since I did a lot of changes/fixes, that you shouldn't miss. Also, its fully uncompiled now, so you have control about anything. There is probably still enough stuff that could be improved/fixed or made in a better way, but thats up to you. I also included some Maps and a needed ACL file so you can try it out right away. If you find bugs, things you don't like, or stuff I didn't do the best way, have fun changing anything you want. You are not allowed to sell it. Pictures: Download: http://rghost.net/57420126 Bonsai
    1 point
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