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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/08/17 in all areas

  1. عايزنا ازاي نصدق انك مبرمجها بنفسك و انت اصلا بتطلب طلب ذي ده راجع كودك و قولي كدا وش فايده اللوب ما دام انت ما تباه للكل ؟
    2 points
  2. Save timer start tick to some variable, and get remaining time using getTimerDetails, from that you can calculate progress.
    2 points
  3. Hello, I am sharing all my scripts as I am not interested in scripting for MTA again so this is another one. You can add more maps on shared/maps.lua. I have added an option for spawn handling, by default it's disabled but if you want to activate this handler you need to change the line in shared/maps.lua to SPAWN_HANDLER = true. Script allows players to create rooms so that other could join. PvP mode has only 1 weapon option while TDM gives 3. I couldn't test the script as it's not a one man thing but I'm pretty sure it'll work just fine. Although if you run into any problems you can just reply to this topic and I'll try to fix it as soon as I'm available. Enjoy! INSTALLATION The script has 3 parties so you need to start engines first, then infobox and then duel. Download link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=14770
    1 point
  4. @#BrosS نفسي تكبر تصرفاتك تصرفات طفل صغير و كلامك كمان وحاب اطمنك انه مش يعني حاط صورو بقرة وكاتب كم هي جميلة رح تضحك كل المنتدى , بالعكس انت نزلت من عينهم وصرت حم*ر ,اعقل
    1 point
  5. RESOLVED function detach(source) detachElementFromElement(source) end function bindset(source) bindKey(source, "F2", "down", detach) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, bindset) Thx, @DonOmar
    1 point
  6. وعليكم السلام , اولاً الجريد ليست ماهو شيء بسيط بنسبة لأغلب المبتدئين ! وبما انك ماتعرف للويكي بيكون صعب انك تفهم للجريد ليست من الاساس ! لازم تطور مهاراتك وتتعلم بانواع واشياء ثانية , ثم تتعلم للويكي مو لازم تفهم الانقليزي اطلب شرح او ترجمة من شخص او من الاعضاء تفهم طريقة عمل الويكي وكل شيء وان شاء الله بتنجح , !
    1 point
  7. Problem Solved, he was using TriggerEvent instead of TriggerClientEvent.
    1 point
  8. np I have made a mistake translations = { ["ا"] = "A" , ["ب"] = "B" , } function ArabicToEnglish(str) return str:gsub(".",translations) --I don't know whether this works end
    1 point
  9. translations = { ["A"] = "ا" , ["B"] = "ب" } function ArabicToEnglish(str) for k,v in pairs(translations) do str = str:gsub(v,k) end return str end translations = { ["ا"] = "A" , ["ب"] = "B" , } function ArabicToEnglish(str) str:gsub(".",translations) --I don't know whether this works return str end
    1 point
  10. I don't know what triggers onRequestRegister but I suppose a GUI Button so that would be the source of your event so in regteam you're setting a team for your button. Might be false since I can't see the onRequestRegister as trigger part
    1 point
  11. guiComboBoxGetItemText ( c1 , "Desert egale" ) ازاي انت عايز تجيب التكست واحطط التكست وبعيدن اصلآ المفروض تدي الأمر دا اسم علشان تقدر تستخدمه بص علشان تجيب التكست بتاع الأختيار الي الاعب مختاره لازم الأول تجيب الأختيار دا عن طريق امر guiComboBoxGetSelected ( element comboBox ) كدا local item = guiComboBoxGetSelected ( c1 ) local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText ( c1 , item ) -- او ممكن كدا local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText ( c1 , guiComboBoxGetSelected ( c1 ) )
    1 point
  12. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19782148/lua-substitute-list-of-characters-in-string
    1 point
  13. Original: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=1873 Stolen: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=13415 DONE The same user stealing resources. I think the user should be blocked from uploading. Staff answer: True, he's now banned from community.
    1 point
  14. والله شرح كفو و ما عليه زوود ابداً
    1 point
  15. Hey, me and my team are participating in a contest made by Greenpower, IET F24+, sponsorised by Siemens, where we need to build and design an electric car, competing with two other teams on a race in September. Of course, not only the race matters, but our ideas, designs, teamwork and PR matter equally. If we are the first, we'll get to compete in the International Race, on the Rockingham Motor Speedway in the UK, versus teams all over the world. This is the first time the contest comes in Romania, and Siemens Romania decided to choose only 3 teams, only from our very city and highschool. It would be great to win this and to become the ambassadors of this race in our country, expanding it in every city. Why do I ask for your help you might ask? As I said, not only winning the race matters, but other factors too. One of them being publicity, so we need to get as much likes and activity on our newly made Facebook page. So I'm asking you to like and follow our Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/FireWheelsGreenpowerF24/) and stay in touch with our project. We will be really thankful and it will help us a lot in winning the contest. So, don't forget, please like our FB page and stay in touch with us. We thank you a lot, Firewheels team.
    1 point
  16. Hello , my nickname is ScreaM, and i got banned last week for DDoS, Sorry for that, i hope i get unbanned soon!
    1 point
  17. Next time please include your serial (9D4898D737711F0D420745306905A0E2). You were reported by admins of server Trinity freeroam for DDOS'ing them, you admit it here and apoligize but I hardly think that's enough to get unbanned, as these acts are very malicious in nature; Maybe the ban can be commuted to temporary but for that please send a PM to @ccw and once again I think you won't easily get a new chance after doing something like this, as others also said. As you can send a PM to who I mentioned to try resolve it, I'm locking this topic. Edit January 2019: you have been unbanned after a late re-appeal. Edit 2: you have been re-banned (also on your second serial D61AEE621266CAC6719FACE16DEB7394) shortly after said unban, because you're under investigation of a new DDoS attack on player(s) from your server "R9 Freeroam". Refer to the PM you received.
    1 point
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