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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/03/17 in all areas

  1. "onPlayerLogin" getAccountData setAccountData getTeamFromName setPlayerTeam "onPlayerQuit" getPlayerAccount isGuestAccount getAccountData setAccountData هذا لو تبيها اذا سجل دخوله كأول مره واذا تبيها اول مره يدخل السيرفر فـ تحتاج للسكل
    2 points
  2. طيب وكيف نظامكم من ناحية التواصل ومن ناحية البرمجه؟ ومتى الوقت؟
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. executeSQLQuery ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS aTable ( aSerial , aData )' ) addEventHandler( 'onPlayerQuit' , root , function ( ) local aData_ , aSerial_ = ( getElementData ( source , 'Launcher' ) or 0 ) , getPlayerSerial ( source ) local aSQL_ = executeSQLQuery( 'SELECT * FROM aTable WHERE aSerial = ?' , aSerial_ ) return ( ( ( #aSQL_ == 0 ) and executeSQLQuery( 'INSERT INTO aTable VALUES ( ? , ? )' , aSerial_ , aData_ ) ) or executeSQLQuery( 'UPDATE aTable SET Launcher = ? WHERE aSerial = ?' , aData_ , aSerial_ ) ) end ) addEventHandler( 'onPlayerLogin' , root , function ( ) local aSQL_ = executeSQLQuery( 'SELECT * FROM aTable WHERE aSerial = ? ' , getPlayerSerial ( source ) ) for Index in ipairs ( aSQL_ ) do setElementData ( source , 'Launcher' , aSQL_ [ Index ] [ 'aData' ] ) end end ) ماجربته لاني جوال شوف لو في خطء قلي
    2 points
  5. @#_iMr.[E]coo ما فهمت طلبه في البداية والاخ راسلني بالخاص وفهمت مشكلته وكملت معه
    2 points
  6. Server Discontinued. Sorry to see TrueLife go, but look forward to our new project! For more information into the closure of TrueLife, please PM me!
    1 point
  7. This is a script that allows NPCs to find their own roads and paths without any predefined locations, all that is required is proper material mapped road Cols, and you're set. Currently, it's in really early stages, thus it's prone to wrecks, but even since this video I've vastly improved it. Video of it in action (Excuse the low quality, I have a crappy computer) By using multiple rays it's able to guide itself around tracks at a reasonable speed unlike previous attempts by other people this one is based off material type meaning as long as grass, rock, or something else other than a road surrounds the track it can find its way without walls. In the future, it could allow dynamic NPC races with little to no setup.
    1 point
  8. Server side addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), function() setElementData(source, "halhatatlan", true) end) addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), function() for i, k in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData(k, "halhatatlan", true) end end) Client side function halhatatlansag() if getElementData(source, "halhatatlan") then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, halhatatlansag) addCommandHandler("godmode", function() setElementData(localPlayer, "halhatatlan", not getElementData(localPlayer, "halhatatlan")) outputChatBox("#FF0000[INFO]#FFFFFF Halhatalanság " .. (getElementData(localPlayer, "halhatatlan") and "bekapcsolva" or "kikapcsolva") .. ".", 0, 0, 0, true) end) Works just totally fine for me.
    1 point
  9. Buddy, you don't understand my post above at all. He thought he wrote if getElementData(...) == true then with if getElementData(..., ..., true) then So if he wanted to write if getElementData(...) == false then he would just write if getElementData(..., ..., false) then So before he thought that this is the way he would do it, I corrected his code, so he doesn't think that he is checking the elementdata with that true as the last argument.
    1 point
  10. var getElementData ( element theElement, string key [, inherit = true] ) You probably want to do this: getElementData(someElement,someKey,false) since getElementData(someElement,someKey,true) === getElementData(someElement,someKey) hope i've been clear
    1 point
  11. Replace line nr 2. with if getElementData(source, "halhatatlan") then
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Your problem in your code was a huge mistake. if jatekos and not indok and getElementData(admin, "gm", true) then local jatekos = getPlayerFromName(jatekos) kickPlayer (jatekos, admin, "Ismeretlen indok.") if indok and getElementData(admin, "gm", true) then kickPlayer (jatekos, admin, indok) end end First it checks, if you wrote anything in the "jatekos" arg. If yes, it goes by, and check if there is no "indok" set before, if there is nothing set to indok, it goes by. After it, checks for admin priviliges (I suppose), if you have, again, it goes by. After it's in the true part, it checks for the palyer by just name, and tries to kick him. (Which could lead to an error, if there is no one up on the server with that name. After the player got kicked, it checks for the "indok" arg, which CANNOT BE SET, because you checked at your first line if the "indok" arg doesn't exist. Which leads to that the if statements true part won't be triggered because it will be if false and true then -> if false then (false and true equals false, for the AND operator, you need two TRUE args to be passed to return TRUE.) And btw, if the script actually got somehow into that part (but it'll never), the player would be already kicked, and there is no way to kick a player who is not online.
    1 point
  14. يب يا اخي وليه ما تجيبله شاهي وقهوه وشف بالله عشان يزبط الاداء عطه 2 سيجاره وراس شيشه وخليه يعيش يبوي توكل على الله الله يهديك استغفر الله حاول يبن الناس شوي ونقولك تعال خلنا نسوي مساج لاصابع يدك عشان سويت نسخ ولصق
    1 point
  15. Already made https://discord.gg/EzDfAvq
    1 point
  16. btw with this, you dont need to enter the player full name better to use this one for getting player name: In your script : local jatekos = getPlayerFromName(jatekos) with this you can use local jatekos = getPlayerFromPartialName(jatekos) function getPlayerFromPartialName(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end
    1 point
  17. obrigado mais um conhecimento que vou usar pra diversas coisas. TÓPICO FECHADO!
    1 point
  18. addEvent("playPickup",true) addEventHandler("playPickup",root, function() playSound("drops/pickuped.wav") end) function MarkerHit ( hitPlayer, matchingDimension ) if hitPlayer == localPlayer then playSound("drops/pickuphit.wav") end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), MarkerHit )
    1 point
  19. اخوي .. حاول تخلي هذا شيء في ببالك ( الاستسلام ليس بالسقوط اكثر من مره بالـ بعدم النهوض مره اخرى ) وانت استسلمت بسرعة .. لاتخاف تقدر ترجع .., حاول تتعلم اساسيات البرمجة مثل .. كيف تسوي ملفات برمجية وأين تحطها ^ ترانا كنا مثلك مستعجلين بس نبي المود جاهز بس الحين تتطورنا وتعلمنا حاول تتعلم اسرع مننا , قعدنا شهور وايام ندور عالطريقة ولقيناها بس أنت استسلمت بسرعة .. عشان مانخرج من سياق الموضوع شوف اساسيات البرمجة ثم تعلم وين تضع الملفات وكيف تنصنع وتعلم عالويكي .. بعد كذا بتلاقي انك اتجزت شيء سهل جداً ..
    1 point
  20. function kirugas(admin, parancs, jatekos, ...) local indok = table.concat({ ... }, " ") if not getElementData(admin, "gm", true) then outputChatBox ("#A1D490[King of the Kill]#FFFFFF Nincs jogod a parancs használatához.", admin, 255, 255, 255, true) end if not jatekos and getElementData(admin, "gm", true) then outputChatBox ("#A1D490[King of the Kill] #FFFFFFHibás szintaxis. Helyes: #A1D490/"..parancs.." #86B5DB[játékosnév] [opcionális indok]", admin, 255, 255, 255, true) end local jatekos = getPlayerFromName(jatekos) if jatekos and not indok and getElementData(admin, "gm", true) then kickPlayer (jatekos, admin, "Ismeretlen indok.") elseif indok and jatekos and getElementData(admin, "gm", true) then kickPlayer (jatekos, admin, indok) end end addCommandHandler ("kirugas", kirugas)
    1 point
  21. @Master_MTA افهم طلبه يبيه اول مره يسجل دخول وحتى لو بمود ثاني لان الحدث "onPlayerLogin" راح يتفعل عند استخدام الفنكشن logIn
    1 point
  22. @Master_MTA اصلا الفكرة معتمدة ع الحفظ وانا معطيه الاكونت داتا ويقدر يستخدم السكل عشان يستخدمه عند دخول الاعب @Killer Project سواه كان بالمود التيم او لا راح في الحالتين صحيح
    1 point
  23. Serverside: local aw1 = {} local aw2 = {} local aw3 = {} local aw4 = {} function createAllWater() --x, y, z theWater = createWater(609, 151, -100, 609, -606, -100, 1527, 129, 4, 1527, -533, 4) setWaterLevel(1, theWater) if theWater then print("Water is work") print(theWater) end end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), createAllWater ) function helpwater() outputChatBox( "aw1 = bottom left" ) outputChatBox( "aw2 = bottom right" ) outputChatBox( "aw3 = top right" ) outputChatBox( "aw4 = top left" ) end addCommandHandler("helpmew", helpwater) function addwater1(player, cmd) local x, y, z = getElementPosition( player ) table.insert(aw1, x) table.insert(aw1, y) table.insert(aw1, z) print(x) print(y) print(z) outputChatBox( "Position 1 set" ) end addCommandHandler( "aw1", addwater1) function addwater2(player, cmd) if aw1[1] == nil then outputChatBox( "Use in order please. /aw1 /aw2 /aw3 [/aw4] optional." ) else local x, y, z = getElementPosition( player ) table.insert(aw2, x) table.insert(aw2, y) table.insert(aw2, z) print(x) print(y) print(z) outputChatBox( "Position 2 set" ) end end addCommandHandler( "aw2", addwater2) function addwater3(player, cmd) if aw2[1] == nil then print("/aw1 /aw2 /aw3 /aw4") else local x, y, z = getElementPosition( player ) table.insert(aw3, x) table.insert(aw3, y) table.insert(aw3, z) print(x) print(y) print(z) outputChatBox( "Position 3 set" ) end end addCommandHandler( "aw3", addwater3) function addwater4(player, cmd) local x, y, z = getElementPosition( player ) table.insert(aw4, x) table.insert(aw4, y) table.insert(aw4, z) print(x) print(y) print(z) outputChatBox( "Position 4 set" ) end addCommandHandler( "aw4", addwater4) function completeWater(player, cmd) if aw1[1] == nil then outputChatBox("Need to do first 3. /aw1 /aw2 /aw3 ") aw1 = {} aw2 = {} aw3 = {} aw4 = {} elseif aw4[1] == nil then outputChatBox("Triangle Maded.") local thisWater = createWater( aw1[1], aw1[2], aw1[3], aw2[1], aw2[2], aw2[3], aw3[1], aw3[2], aw3[3]) triggerClientEvent ( getRootElement(), "setWater", getRootElement(), thisWater ) aw1 = {} aw2 = {} aw3 = {} aw4 = {} else local thisWater = createWater( aw1[1], aw1[2], aw1[3], aw2[1], aw2[2], aw2[3], aw3[1], aw3[2], aw3[3], aw4[1], aw4[2], aw4[3]) triggerClientEvent ( getRootElement(), "setWater", getRootElement(), thisWater ) outputChatBox("Square Maded.") aw1 = {} aw2 = {} aw3 = {} aw4 = {} end end addCommandHandler("awc", completeWater) Clientside: function setWaterHeight(water) setWaterLevel(water, 20) end addEvent("setWater", true) addEventHandler("setWater", getRootElement(), setWaterHeight) Only works for the triangle water though. Square isn't working. I'll update if I find out why. Change '20' on the clientside script for the height you want.
    1 point
  24. والله كل شي مفتوح لكم لكني افكر في فكره حلوه وهي ان كل واحد على حسب الوقت الفاضي فيه يخش السيرفر ويبرمج بس بالنسبه للمود اللي برمجه يجي باول ملف السيرفر مثلا او الكلنت ايا كان ويكتب وظيفة المود ويكتب وش سوا واخر التحديثات بحيث لما يخش احد يعرف وين وصل تطوير المود ويكمل عليه وبكذا يكون ما ضيعنا وقت ولا وش رايك؟
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. no you mean guiGridListSetItemText if you wanna use guiGridListSetItemData you should know something about guiGridListGetItemData the function guiGridListSetItemData used for set data on the item wich you just created it with guiGridListAddRow in the loop so the difference between guiGridListSetItemData and guiGridListSetItemText is the visible the function guiGridListSetItemText is visible you can see it but the function guiGridListSetItemData is invisible it's look like setElementData i hope u understood me +_+
    1 point
  27. i see what you did guiGridListSetItemData( skinselect, Row, 1, v[2] ) would mean to get the Item data in the table skins and place it in the second column in each row according to the skin in the table.
    1 point
  28. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وظيفة سارق البيوت , طبعا انا نشرتها من قبل لكن كان فيها بقات وتم تصليح ذي البقات, الوظيفة باختصار تروح للبيوت يلي عندهم علامة حمراء وتدخل البيت, بعدها تسرق تلفاز وتروح للماركر الاخضر وتبيع التلفاز, اذا كنت تبي تتخلص من التلفاز اكتب في , المود مو مشفر, الرابط DropTV اف 8 http://cut-urls.com/MMUSXFh
    1 point
  29. ماينفع تستخدم setPlayerSkin Please use setElementModel This function changes the skin of a player. الكلام دا من الويكي لازم تستخدم setElementModel
    1 point
  30. You can edit your post after it's read by one of us and fixed bud. Maybe think before commenting. @Tails
    1 point
  31. He's trying to compile his code... not share it with the world.
    1 point
  32. try it shinshop = createMarker(-673, 916.4, 11,"cylinder",2.0,0,255,0,255) local Skins = { { "CJ", 0 }, { "Hippie", 1 }, { "Division Sheild", 17 }, { "Division fumigator", 18 }, { "Division incinerator", 19 }, { "Rich Woman", 55 }, { "Tall Balla", 104 }, } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() skinwindow = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 527) / 2, (screenH - 608) / 2, 527, 608, "Kewizzle's Skin Shop", false) guiWindowSetSizable(skinwindow, false) guiSetProperty(skinwindow, "CaptionColour", "FFDDEA14") guiSetVisible( skinwindow, not guiGetVisible( skinwindow ) ) skinselect = guiCreateGridList(99, 29, 324, 490, false, skinwindow) guiGridListAddColumn(skinselect, "Skin Name", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(skinselect, "Skin ID", 0.5) purchase = guiCreateButton(99, 529, 155, 61, "Buy Skin $500", false, skinwindow) guiSetFont(purchase, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(purchase, "NormalTextColour", "FF00F940") cancelbuy = guiCreateButton(269, 529, 154, 61, "Cancel", false, skinwindow) guiSetFont(cancelbuy, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(cancelbuy, "NormalTextColour", "FFF90000") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", cancelbuy, CloseWindow) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", purchase, function() local Select = tonumber( guiGridListGetItemData( skinselect, guiGridListGetSelectedItem( skinselect ), 1 ) ) if ( Select and Select ~= '' ) then triggerServerEvent( "setClientSkin", localPlayer, tonumber( guiGridListGetItemData( skinselect, guiGridListGetSelectedItem( skinselect ), 1 ) ) ) CloseWindow() end end) for _,v in ipairs( Skins ) do local Row = guiGridListAddRow( skinselect ) guiGridListSetItemText( skinselect, Row, 1, v[1], false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( skinselect, Row, 2, v[2], false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData( skinselect, Row, 1, v[2] ) end end ) you must create 2 columns in grid list
    1 point
  33. ما في شي اسمه رد سخيف في اللي قاله الاخ @Abu-Solo مافي احد رح يقدر يشرح لك الفرق الكامل بين الثلاث انواع لأنو فيه ناس تحب الهجولة و ناس تحب الحرب إلخ ... لكن انت تقدر تدخل كل السيرفرات وتتعمق فيها اكثر وتعرف وش الفرق بينهم وما فيه فرق بين سيرفر عربي وسيرفر اجنبي ترا ما رح يطردوك اذا دخلت سيرفر اجنبي
    1 point
  34. اهئئئئئ :(((((((((((((((((((((((
    1 point
  35. function getPlayerByIP ( aIP ) if ( type ( aIP ) == 'string' ) then for _ , aPlayers in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do if ( getPlayerIP ( aPlayers ) == aIP ) then return aPlayers end end end return false end مادري اذا مفيد ولا لا هو وظيفته يجيب الاعب من الاي بي حقه
    1 point
  36. حبيب قلبي اقدر تعبك لكن الحين ماحد يبي يشتري مود هيك مجوهرات لان النت مليان بيه شوف شي مو منشور وابتكر فكرة جديدة بالتوفيق ومو قصدي احطمك
    1 point
  37. تقدر تدخل لقاعدة البيانات من لوا بدون المشوره ذي فايدة php تستخدمها مع فنكشن callremote لو تبي تعرض اسماء اللاعبين الموجودين في السيرفر الان في الموقع وكذا او انك تتحكم بحساب اللاعب من الموقع اشياء زي كذا يعني
    1 point
  38. I see. If the problem returns, you can also try the other solutions listed here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/78081-32-bit-windows-crashing/ ontop of just the 3GB switch.
    1 point
  39. Do you mean you want that the text shows the ID too?
    1 point
  40. I don't believe you connected to the correct server, as ours is offline currently as our login-panel, account and other resources are being edited. You would've also been given a ALPHA Lockout message when you registered your account. However, I do encourage you to keep up to date with the project and updates as they are released. We are currently in the process of deciding how our Government will truly be laid out, and with what powers are granted to whom. Hope to see you on our forums! (Once I fix them...)
    1 point
  41. It's funny to see how multiple bots turned out.
    1 point
  42. عواااااااااااااااء إوااااااااااااااء
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. i have edited it read above just change lx*(below 1700)
    1 point
  45. Well it would be well the union seeing it from that point I join the opinion
    1 point
  46. Please be more specific about the staff you're looking for, is it managing, scripting, modeling, etc, as the pinned topic in this section states.
    1 point
  47. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AR/getCamera
    1 point
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