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NeXuS™ presents dxLib Introduction You want to work with dx functions, but you don't understand them? This is a script for you. You can create panels created by dx functions just like with GUI functions. Status IN DEVELOPMENT Sorry guys, its not finished yet, so I'm not publishing it. This is just a show off, that you'll get this in weeks. Whats done already Screenshots Syntax2 points
في اكثر من مواضيعك تحاول تاخذ الجاهز وتمشي واشوفك تخبص اكواد وتبي الناس تصححها لك تحط كود وتقول صح وش درينا حنا تبي نجرب عنك , انت صاحب الشغله ماحد مجبور يساعدك جرب اكوادك وشوف الدي بق لو فيه اخطاء واذا مافيه وماشتغل كودك حط المشكلة حقتك هنا وماراح يقصروا الشباب , لكن نظام كوبي باست ماراح يعطيك نتيجة2 points
You should check the username only. It would also be possible to simply flag the username column as unique and not check it at all. In that case the query will simply fail and just telling the user that it didn't work is sufficient enough.2 points
NeXuS™ presents dxScrollText Introduction Do you want to make a scrollable text? It's easy with just a helper. Status IN DEVELOPMENT It's still IN DEVELOPMENT but it's published. Screenshot Usage Go ingame, put the file inside resources, start it, and press F7. After it, create your panel, by left clicking and dragging, and press enter. If you are done with that, start typing, and press enter. Voala, it's done. Download MTA:SA Community Link (At the moment, the download link is unavaible, because the resource got suspended by sbx320. I'm talking with him in PMs, to sort this out. If you need the ready resource, hit me up here with a PM, and I'll send it to you.) Syntax - Source code2 points
This is a script that allows NPCs to find their own roads and paths without any predefined locations, all that is required is proper material mapped road Cols, and you're set. Currently, it's in really early stages, thus it's prone to wrecks, but even since this video I've vastly improved it. Video of it in action (Excuse the low quality, I have a crappy computer) By using multiple rays it's able to guide itself around tracks at a reasonable speed unlike previous attempts by other people this one is based off material type meaning as long as grass, rock, or something else other than a road surrounds the track it can find its way without walls. In the future, it could allow dynamic NPC races with little to no setup.1 point
A few months ago we decided to set up a project called Countryside RP (CRP). I am theoretically the founder of the whole project, but in my opinion the current staff are all founders of the project, there would not be a project without them. We have been managing the forums, discord channel and some small features since the creation date. We also started sculpting the server, I can tell you it is fun to do but might be quite boring sometimes. Besides the history and all, I will tell you a few things about the project. The server of Countyside RP is based in the area of San Andreas County; most likely Red County, Bone County and Flint County. Tierra Robada County and Whetstone County are included as well. All towns and counties are connected between town halls, all town halls are working under the San Andreas County Government. The Sheriff's Department and Fire Department take care of protection, emergency medical services and fire. There are many things to do, for example: go fishing, work for the postal delivery or go clean some streets. Hang out with your friends, marry your dear fiance(e) or create a faction which might turn out into a well-based company. You can make your own choices: live under a bridge with your homeless mates or focus on making career and enjoying the happy-family feeling. We are currently working with a free server and free forums, which will change in the future when we are nearby the grand opening. We would like to see you on our forums to help us to improve the project on the field of development or administration, suggestions and criticism is welcome. We are also looking for people to support us on the field of administration, factions, management and development. Do not hestitate to contact me on discord or the forums if you are interested! You might want to take a look on our forums or join our Discord server, you can contact us from here or just PM me. Pictures might come soon, we just wanted to tell you something about the project. The grand opening, as we call it, is far away, but we will keep you posted about the latest updates. Enjoy your time on MTA, peace out! Cronus, Community Manager Sipapi, Assistant Community Manager Emma, Head of Staff Mike, Head of Factions Blueline, Head of Administrational Affairs1 point
Working on a texture script which would work on every car, that's why it takes a bit of time tho.1 point
It's already done. Just doing some final things to make sure everything works just as it should.1 point
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This will fulfill your need x,y = guiGetScreenSize() DogCreate = {} addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() -- window DogCreate.Window = guiCreateWindow(x/2-248/2, y/2-284/2, 248, 284, "", false) --button DogCreate.BuyButton = guiCreateButton(0.14, 0.79, 0.71, 0.18, "Purchase Dog", true, DogCreate.Window) --main label DogCreate.WindowLab = guiCreateLabel(0.03, 0.13, 0.92, 0.10, "Dog Creator", true, DogCreate.Window) --editbox label DogCreate.NameLab = guiCreateLabel(0.05, 0.29, 0.24, 0.10, "Name:", true, DogCreate.Window) DogCreate.BreedLab = guiCreateLabel(0.05, 0.40, 0.24, 0.10, "Breed:", true, DogCreate.Window) DogCreate.ColorLab = guiCreateLabel(0.05, 0.52, 0.24, 0.10, "Color:", true, DogCreate.Window) --radiobutton DogCreate.MaleRadio = guiCreateRadioButton(0.34, 0.68, 0.15, 0.06, "M", true, DogCreate.Window) DogCreate.FemaleRadio = guiCreateRadioButton(0.53, 0.68, 0.15, 0.06, "F", true, DogCreate.Window) --editbox DogCreate.NameBox = guiCreateEdit(0.38, 0.29, 0.53, 0.08, "", true, DogCreate.Window) DogCreate.BreedBox = guiCreateEdit(0.38, 0.39, 0.53, 0.08, "", true, DogCreate.Window) --combobox DogCreate.DogColorCombo = guiCreateComboBox(0.38, 0.50, 0.53, 0.08, "", true, DogCreate.Window) guiRadioButtonSetSelected(DogCreate.MaleRadio, true) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(DogCreate.ColorLab, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(DogCreate.ColorLab, "center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(DogCreate.BreedLab, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(DogCreate.BreedLab, "center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(DogCreate.NameLab, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(DogCreate.NameLab, "center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(DogCreate.WindowLab, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(DogCreate.WindowLab, "center") guiWindowSetSizable(DogCreate.Window, false) guiWindowSetSizable(DogCreate.Window, false) guiSetAlpha(DogCreate.Window, 0.88) guiSetProperty(DogCreate.Window, "CaptionColour", "FF000000") end ) and also now to make you understand what it is x,y = guiGetScreenSize() -- for example yours 1920X1080 --to fit in all resolution fx,fy = 1920,1080 --below step will divide x into fx pieces and y into fy pieces lx,ly = x/fx,y/fy --lx ,ly now contains a value posX,posY = lx*400,ly*300 width,height = 400,300 --now lx*(as you divided your screen in 1920 parts horizontally so you can go till 1920) -- increasing will go ahead of screen --now ly*(as you divided your screen in 1080 parts verticall so you can go till 1080) -- increasing will go beyond screen --effect of width and height -- if you have created font size greater than the width it will clip the text horizontally that is what in your gui is happening -- if you have created font size greater than the height same as above addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local font = guiCreateFont( "segoeui.ttf",72 ) -- for example and (second arguement is size of font) local lbl = guiCreateLabel (posX,posY,width,height,"lol my example text", true ) -- change posX,posY to test and also it might clip guiSetFont( lbl, font ) end) -- now relative time -- Imagine your screen is divided into 10 parts horizontally -- so 1920/10 = 192 -- so 0.1 = 1920 * 0.1 = 192.00 -- Imagine your screen is divided into 10 parts vertically -- so 1080/10 = 108 -- so 0.1 = 1080 * 0.1 = 108.00 -- so for width and height same as case above for relative posX,posY = 0.4,0.3 width,height = x*0.4,y*0.3 addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local font = guiCreateFont( "segoeui.ttf",72 ) -- for example and (second arguement is size of font) local lbl = guiCreateLabel (posX,posY,width,height,"lol my example text", true ) -- change posX,posY to test and also it might clip guiSetFont( lbl, font ) end) well i am not good in making people understand but .. Test and give reply read my above message1 point
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هنا الاخ ايكو بيرسل للجميع مجرد استلامك للحساب علطول غير الباس ورد ابو سولو استلمت؟ @Abu-Solo1 point
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@Daniels69 Well, I'd rather understand what the main issue here before posting some random script. The guy wants to draw a text on the vehicle which exists on the 3D world, not to create custom vehicle names for certain vehicles.1 point
this guy is a perfect replacement for @Bilal1351 point
المشاركين في السيرفر : @Master_MTA ( مبرمج ) @#Soking ( مبرمج ) @#_iMr.[E]coo ( مبرمج ) @#BrosS ( مبرمج ) @Abu-Solo ( مصمم مابات ) @iRamX ( مبرمج ) @MR.NaiF-MTA ( مبرمج / مصمم مابات ) @#bazooka ( مصمم مابات ) @AchrefF ( فريق التطوير )1 point
الفلوس تلعب بالنفوس ومن غيرها نغوص في وهم الدروس ونتعب ونحوس حسبي الله على الفلوس1 point
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة Lua هذا القسم مخصص فقط للمشاكل و الشروحات المتعلقة باي لغة برمجية بإستثناء قوانين هذا القسم كالتالي : يرجي عدم إنشاء موضوع واحد لجميع المشاكل , علي سبيل المثال ( اي مشكلة لديك يمكنك الإستفسار عنها بهذا الموضوع ) وما الي ذلك و هكذا ( Java - ممكن مساعده؟ ) يجب وضع اسم اللغة التي تواجه فيها مشكلة بجانب اسم الموضوع , علي سبيل المثال في حال تمت الإفادة وبعد فترة من الوقت تريد الإستفسار عن سؤال اخر بنفس اللغة البرمجية يرجي منك إنشاء موضوع اخر وعدم التكمله بنفس الموضوع السابق * القوانين قابلة للتعديل في اي وقت ونرجو منكم الإلتزام بقوانين القسم وبالتوفيق للجميع1 point
The window is already movable, and sizable. If you wish to, you can turn those off, by using dxWindowSetMovable and dxWindowSetSizable functions. And yes, DEV means it's WIP.1 point
NeXuS™ presents dxDrawScrollingText Introduction Do you want to make a scrolling text? It's easy with just a function. Status IN DEVELOPMENT It's still IN DEVELOPMENT but it's published. Screenshot Usage example exports.dxDrawScrollingText:dxCreateScrollingText(500, 400, 100, "Test scrolling text", 60) (This is shown on the screenshot.) Download MTA:SA Community Link Syntax nil dxCreateScrollingText ( float x, float y, float width, string text, int pixelPer60 ) Source code1 point