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  1. السلام عليكم اخواني اليوم معنا مود العاجل ميزات جديد اللمميزات :- 1- يمكنك وضع اختيصارات في العاجل ويمكنك وضعهم بدون اعادة كتابتهم 2- سجل للعاجل (لوق) . يمكنك تعديل زر فتح الوحة + الاختيصارات من ملف (Client_Settings). يمكنك تعديل رتب المسموح لهم فتح الوق + الي يفتح لهم العاجل من ملف (Server_Settingss) . صور للتوضيح :- شكل العاجل : لوحة العاجل الوق الخاص بالعاجل رابط التحميل : http://www.mediafire.com/file/t72r83btawtk3a1/Msg-MR-Mosa.zip
    3 points
  2. A good streaming method but as you know it's like SAMP. BOOM! Crash.
    1 point
  3. Expected: if ( getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) == 1 ) then
    1 point
  4. if ( getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) == 1 then
    1 point
  5. Here... -- SERVER addEvent( "onZombieSpawn", true ) function RanSpawn_Z ( gx, gy, gz, rot, zDimension) local safezone = 0 local allradars = getElementsByType("radararea") for i = 1, #allradars do local theradar = allradars[ i ] if getElementData(theradar, "zombieProof") == true then if isInsideRadarArea ( theradar, gx, gy ) then safezone = 1 end end end if safezone == 0 then if table.getn ( everyZombie ) < newZombieLimit then if not rot then rot = math.random (1,359) end randomZskin = math.random ( 1, table.getn ( ZombiePedSkins ) ) local zomb = createPed( tonumber( ZombiePedSkins[randomZskin] ), gx, gy, gz ) if zomb ~= false then setElementDimension( zomb, zDimension or 0 ) setElementData ( zomb, "zombie", true ) table.insert( everyZombie, zomb ) setTimer ( function (zomb, rot) if ( isElement ( zomb ) ) then setPedRotation ( zomb, rot ) end end, 500, 1, zomb, rot ) setTimer ( function (zomb) if ( isElement ( zomb ) ) then setPedAnimation ( zomb, "ped", chaseanim, -1, true, true, true ) end end, 1000, 1, zomb ) setTimer ( function (zomb) if ( isElement ( zomb ) ) then setElementData ( zomb, "status", "idle" ) end end, 2000, 1, zomb ) triggerClientEvent ( "Zomb_STFU", getRootElement(), zomb ) end end end end addEventHandler( "onZombieSpawn", getRootElement(), RanSpawn_Z ) -- CLIENT addEvent( "Spawn_Placement", true ) function Spawn_Place(xcoord, ycoord) local x,y,z = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer() ) local playerDimension = getElementDimension( localPlayer ) local posx = x+xcoord local posy = y+ycoord local gz = getGroundPosition ( posx, posy, z+500 ) triggerServerEvent ("onZombieSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), posx, posy, gz+1, playerDimension ) end addEventHandler("Spawn_Placement", getRootElement(), Spawn_Place)
    1 point
  6. You equip the grenade, it becomes 1 of 0. Equip it again, it is 1 of 1, but if equipped by the second time does not diminish the grenade and does not increase grenade (equiped). After that, you throw the first one and equip it again to get 1 of 1, and so infinitely without spending more grenades. Another grenade bug, it does not take damage, it only makes it bleed. To be able to kill, you have to equip grenade again, getting 1 of 1, this way it takes damage.
    1 point
  7. What do you mean, explain step by step 'bout the grenade bug.
    1 point
  8. ماخطر على بال شخص منكم ان الريتورن في اللوب يوقفه كله ؟ يعني فرضنا جاب اللاعبين ومسك لاعب م معه داتا على القاعدة, وش يصير يوقف اللوب كله على اللاعبين ؟ الزبدة انا هالمشكلة مرت عندي وتورطت فيها كثير لين عرفتها + تفضل جرب ذا dataName ="اسم الداتا" addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", resourceRoot , function ( ) local aPlayers = getElementsByType ( "player" ) if ( #aPlayers ~= 0 ) then for _ , v in ipairs ( aPlayers ) do local aPlayersSerial = getPlayerSerial( v ) local Select_ = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM `TABLE` WHERE serial=?', aPlayersSerial ) if ( type ( Select_ ) == 'table' and #Select_ ~= 0 ) then setElementData( v , dataName , Select_ [ 1 ][ 'point' ] ) end end end end ) ; addEventHandler ("onResourceStop", resourceRoot , function ( ) local aPlayers = getElementsByType ( "player" ) if ( #aPlayers ~= 0 ) then for _ , v in ipairs ( aPlayers ) do local aPlayersSerial = getPlayerSerial( v ) local aData = getElementData ( source , dataName ) if ( aData and aData ~= false ) then local Select_ = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM `TABLE` WHERE serial=?', aPlayersSerial ) if ( type ( Select_ ) == 'table' and #Select_ == 0 or not Select_ ) then executeSQLQuery ('INSERT INTO `TABLE` (serial,point) VALUES (?,?)', aPlayersSerial, aData) else executeSQLQuery ('UPDATE `TABLE` SET serial = ? , point = ?', aPlayersSerial , aData ) end end end end end ) ;
    1 point
  9. You have a two errors over there: not closing the function scope and using else when there is no if-scope to else (you shouldn't close the if-statement before the else). So simply move the end after the else scope, and remember to end the function as well. addEventHandler("onClientVehicleCollision",getRootElement(), -- function scope starts function (theHitElement) -- if-statement scope starts if theHitElement == nil then setVehicleDamageProof (source, true) else setVehicleDamageProof (source, false) end -- if-statement scope ends end -- function scope ends ) You can also do the same thing with less code: addEventHandler( "onClientVehicleCollision", root, function( theHitElement ) setVehicleDamageProof( source, not theHitElement ) end ) Do note, that doing any of this will make the vehicle damage proof to any damage from the world at any given time. So it'll not only be protected from jump damage, but also crashing into light poles and buildings and so on. Just so you know.
    1 point
  10. Используйте библиотеку классов от sbx320. GitHub: https://github.com/sbx320/lua_utils Документация: https://github.com/sbx320/lua_utils/wiki/classlib Пример реализации того, что вам нужно. https://github.com/sbx320/lua_utils/wiki/registerElementClass
    1 point
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