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Need Help With Ping Probs...

Guest [mafia]bob

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How to survive with high ping?

1. Change broadband service.

2. Play in US servers.

3. Play in servers with no script.

4. Play in linux based servers. (I have lower ping in most of them)

5. Dont play in 'Home based' servers.

5. Closing msn, downloads etc. may help too.

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Closing my downloads usually bring me from 500 ping down to 150 - 200. Can get it down about 100 more if I close MSN aswell (assuming the distanse between you and the server is small):

1. Shut down all internet activity, and make sure no-one else on the same connection consumes bandwidth

2. Make sure the distanse between you and the server is short

3. Toss your 56k ... jack some car ... export it at Easter Bay ... and get broadband ;)

I'm norwegian, and I play at norwegian / swedish servers only..

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My advice is to shut down all applications, not just internet apps. This means that your machine can put more processing power into running GTA and MTA. This doesn't make much difference if you have a super-duper PC though.

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My advice is to shut down all applications, not just internet apps. This means that your machine can put more processing power into running GTA and MTA. This doesn't make much difference if you have a super-duper PC though.

Haha, I usually leave MSVC++ .NET, mIRC, 3DS Max and all other applications up (except internet apps) I eventually have up when I go play MTA :D Got 2GB RAM, so it doesn't really matter ;)

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