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How to become a professional scripter?


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Greetings community, I am creating this topic because I'm willing to become a professional scripter. However, I couldn't find any guide or something which can assist me to become a professional one. So that, I'm asking you this question: How to become a professional scripter? By the way, the title says it all. I really want to assist MTA and do contributions to it. Hopefully, you assist me to contribute a lot and a lot to MTA, thank you in advance.

Regards, Mendozite.

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Hello @Mendozite .

The whole thing is about will and energy. The more you willing to learn it and the more energy you put in it, the better you get.

I wouldn't call myself a really professional scripter, but I can say I'm quite good. I started scripting MTA 3 years ago, it was like chinese, I didn't understand a single word. Put energy in it and become able to make some simple scripts, but I gave at at a point. Luckily 1 year after that, some of my friends wanted me to make a mod for him, so we started a project. It was 3 months 'til I got from Knowing nothing, to be able to make complex, whole mods.

The point is, you have to put energy in it, you have to be willing to learn it, and it can help if you set goals you want to reach. If you're scripts don't have a point, you won't learn a thing.

Use MTA WIKI, read the functions. Using wiki isn't bad, it doesn't mean you're not good. It means that you're good, beacuse you know where to look for the solution. When I work, wiki is opened the whole time.

Also maths is quite important for it. Almost every cool script has a lots of math in it.

Edited by StormFighter
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I've been involved with computers and programming since as long as I can remember - I was making my first :~ty HTML sites at the age of 7.

You can spend months, even years learning a single programming language; but one thing that really broadened my entire understanding of computing / programming was a computer science class that I took during my high school years.

Computer Science takes you back to the basics, it teaches you the standards / logic used throughout pretty much all programming languages. From variables to functions, arrays to expressions -  even taking the time to learn the difference between different data types, such as strings, floating points, integers and booleans - that'll make a huge difference to your general understanding of programming.

Just because you can put bits of code together and run it successfully doesn't make you a good or professional scripter. It's something that I see often on this forum in-fact. 

What makes you a good programmer is knowing exactly what your code does, and how to debug & fix your code as soon as a problem arises. This also means that being great in a certain programming language isn't all it takes - you need a good, logical brain too. Being able to come up with fresh & creative ways on how to achieve your "goals", and thoroughly thinking through your ideas.

I'd suggest you start with something like this https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Introduction_to_Computer_Science

Once you're confident with that, w3schools is a great website to start writing your first bits of code. Check out their HTML and Javascript tutorials (which includes their "Try it yourself" code editor in each example!)

Good luck.

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Thank you a lot, but I still facing another problem which that there is a second matter. But, it will be pointless if I say it here since it's related to a specific MTA server. Could you take a look of this topic: 

I'm feeling very bad in real life and I can't control myself,  even my hands were trembling all the time because of the confusion. Hopefully, you assist me of what I should do there since I did really do something bad intentionally, I just did that because I got threatened. Here is the truth of everything: https://pastebin.com/rWjsr8x7. Well, you're going to say: Sorry, but we can't force a X staff accept your ban appeal or something like that, but the administrator (The owner of the server) doesn't know why did I do that and I swear that I was just scared of them and I haven't at that time a solution except doing that action. I hope you assist me with choosing the right choice because I really need to back to that community.

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3 hours ago, Randomly said:

I couldn't see the source of the problem, but that is a forum. You can leave it if you feel bad while there.

The thing is some of the staff members there don't think that I'm feeling bad and they (staff members of that community) even make me feel worse and worse by telling me: Go kill yourself and I hope you get killed or suicide. I got surprised because of that and I wonder how a staff talks to me like that way. I just wanted to tell them that I want to come back play peacefully. However, they don't want to listem to me or something like that then peace.  

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4 hours ago, Mendozite said:

The thing is some of the staff members there don't think that I'm feeling bad and they (staff members of that community) even make me feel worse and worse by telling me: Go kill yourself and I hope you get killed or suicide. I got surprised because of that and I wonder how a staff talks to me like that way. I just wanted to tell them that I want to come back play peacefully. However, they don't want to listem to me or something like that then peace.  

Well. People have a bad habit of hurting others. Think about it. A community where the staff is so hateful, is a really bad community. I recomnend you to leave that community and the forum behind you and don't let those b***ards drive you crazy. If you feel bad or threatend, leave. For yourself.

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We don't see such topics here every day, I've never seen any similar to be honest. People like to hide behind their computers and talk :~ to and about others. They feel so mighty but in real life they're probably sad bastards with no friends or with social problems. Don't let anyone from the Internet make you feel bad. We play games to relax and have fun but with you it sounds like torture at this community. For any real life threats you should talk to your parents, friends and go seek your rights. 

And about scripting for MTA, you could start off by downloading resources from the community and seeing how they work. Then try to edit small stuff or add new functionality to it etc. Then in no time you'll start creating your first function, first resource etc. If you've got the will to learn, the imagination to create and are interested in this then there's nothing that can get in your way. :)

Good luck with everything! 

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