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We all start with limited money,go around and buy houses/hotels/resturants/shops/etc.Each place having it's own worth,while other players can buy your places.You can tax players for them using your house if they need it,charge players for using your hotel and resturant as each player would be forced to regularly sleep and eat.Without them sleeping or eating,their hit points will decrease and they can't run,which would give another player a chance to rob them,or something.They would need to sell their places in order for their upkeep,or hope some player goes and sleeps/eats/etc. in their building.You would even have to pay at a unbought property,but the cash would go to the bank.You can buy guns at the shops,even get some tattooes and a haircut if you got the spare cash.The pass GO would be hard to implement though,maybe once a in-game week you get a $200 welfare check lol.Also if you die,you have to pay for hospital bills.Luxury tax,i don't know how to impliment.Also the Community chest and the other one would add great variety in the game if that is possible.Maybe that could be treated by someone winning the lottery or something.You could buy lottery tickets,and if it wins you draw a card from either the community chest or the other one depending on what lottery ticket you buy.

It won't be just like monopoly as you can't role dice and control how people move,but more of a real-time monopoly game.Of course this game mode could only be possible with san andreas,but god it would be fun!

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Actually thats a great idea.

I was going to post a suggestion about role play, how players can have jobs, like being a taxi driver for example and charging ppl money or what not.

All that falls perfect with role play!

If there could be a system where people can trade money in the game, or if the server client can keep track of money, or have a webpage generated from the server client and have users login and see their balance and decide who to give their money to etc... even to buy a house or what not.

The Monopoly and the Role Play I beleive would mix well together.

Its all dreams for now, but I know some people rather Role Play than just DeathMatches once and a while.

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Deathmatching can be fun at times,but very boring.I like to pretend, especially in this type of game.

A role playing should be a different type of game mode to where you can level-up,and lose experience when you die.Though the way gta:sa is set up,i don't think it's possible to have hit points and experience points,but i don't know.There is so much that is possible with gta:sa it's not even funny.

I just would like to see the next Gta game be a mmorpg game,i don't believe in paying to play a game,but i think i would with a gta:mmorpg

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Ours for example let's you buy houses, sell cars, rob people, arrest people for cash, and pay people who do you favours or a job :oops:

That is awesome!!!

I am sure glad to see that some do take interest in the views like ours on this particular subject of Role Play or MMORPG and along those lines.

Lets keep pushing and help MTA find its way :D

Sure it might not be soon but hey, lets make ourselves heard ;)

Actually MTA Team, would you actually consider a Role Play Mod or RPG Mod to be inserted into the Server Client and be able to choose from like Deathmatch, Stunts or Role Play/RPG when creating a server?

Btw this suggestion is for GTA:SA

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I doubt we'd ever develop an RPG mod ourselves as it'd be a huge piece of work - just look at how many suggestions there are for RPG mods on here - bringing all these ideas together would be hard work and we've got pleanty to do on the core. We'd might be happy to support another team in developing an "official" RPG mod, though. Obviously, anyone could develop an RPG mod using the SDK and some hard work :)

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I doubt we'd ever develop an RPG mod ourselves as it'd be a huge piece of work - just look at how many suggestions there are for RPG mods on here - bringing all these ideas together would be hard work and we've got pleanty to do on the core. We'd might be happy to support another team in developing an "official" RPG mod, though. Obviously, anyone could develop an RPG mod using the SDK and some hard work :)

Thanks :D

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Id love to see a car dealership that spawns u a car when u want to buy it, and to buy a hose and have controls over the property like entrance fees and permissions of the land.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess some of you have played Star Wars Galaxies or World of Warcraft. I think SA is a big enough world to actually be able to make something similar with the Blue SDK with tons of online missions (coop and not), tons of different roles etc... Since the mods are DLL's and can basically do whatever any windows program can do, it will be easy to make the mod extendable (thus creating a new API for the mission developers) with new missions available to the players of a server each week if someone's up for some real mission-making, and even new islands outside (with missions) SA if someone dares. A Blue mod can basically control the networking down to the smallest details, so lots of optimalizations + making the player not know where the other players are until you are in a specific radius from him can actually make it support a huge number of players.

Well, I don't know why I'm saying all this, it's just a great thought I had, which actually will be possible to make :)

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possible unless every player decides to meet at a certain location :-P

at which point GTA would crash because the game can only handle so many actors being loaded at a time :-P

but yeah, the SDK we release is fully extensible, the only limit is really within the limits of the GTA engine.

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possible unless every player decides to meet at a certain location :-P

at which point GTA would crash because the game can only handle so many actors being loaded at a time :-P

but yeah, the SDK we release is fully extensible, the only limit is really within the limits of the GTA engine.

Hahaha, yep, I thought of that too. Wonder how ie. Galaxies manages that... there are often tousands of players in one server.. if everyone meets at one place no video card could really maintain the FPS at a reasonable rate.

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  • 2 months later...
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