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Wastage of Servers and players


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just found this and bloody hell man, the reason people like me make our own servers is that those huge servers are usually complete :~; people flock to them because they want to see the same crap everywhere. I use MTA as a sand box where I can do pretty anything I damn well please, and I'm not going to just give up and head to a bigger piece of a :~ just because of lack of players.


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On 8/7/2017 at 10:18, LopSided_ said:

Woah, hold on there a minute bud. Just slow down ;)

Why should empty servers be shut down? The thing that doesn't make sense is that you're not the one paying for that server to be running, so what does it matter?

I'm finding it hard to follow the logic of your other argument too; getting everyone to play on the popular servers, because those servers with few players are "a waste of time".

People like to play in their own little communities, some of which have been around for over a decade now. Also I'm afraid that pushing the entire MTA playerbase to choose between a few servers just really isn't practical - I'm not even going to explain why, just try to think about it.

Agree. My server is mostly empty, but stays hosted, as it is not public, but for my development. It would just get shut down? Lol

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