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I like the idea of RPG in SA. I run RPG scripts on my server when its on. Of course they are mIRC ones (Because there isn't another way till blue is released) and people say how good they are though!

I think a lot of people would enjoy RPG, i'm all for it! And if anyone decides to make it ive me a shout and i will try my best to help in the coding.

Great suggestion :D

(Another thing that i wud want in an RPG is buy and sell property)

But asking the MTA team to built it straight in is the worng way, they already announced that you can make your own mods for it, i expect they just gonna add in a few small side games like in GTA3 then leave the rest to the server operators.

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  VRocker said:
But asking the MTA team to built it straight in is the worng way, they already announced that you can make your own mods for it, i expect they just gonna add in a few small side games like in GTA3 then leave the rest to the server operators.

Blue is just a "shell" for running mods. It's completely different to the previous versions. When you download MTA:SA, you download Blue and several default mods which make up the different game modes. The only mode we know about at the moment is a race mode. They haven't specified whether there will be a deathmatch mode in the first release yet.

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i think its an awsome idea i would love to play a rpg version of GTA and as u remmember gta 1 and 2 they had gang bases where u could get missions from im imagining it would be kidna like that maybe like the gang leader would command the other ppl like in half life natural selection

well anyway in UT there is a rpg mod if u didnt know q3 im not sure

im a big fan of rpgs and when i read what u said i think it would be very good but 1 problem wont there be not enough houses? maybe like i said before get 1 big gang base somewhere. where u would save and get objectives from teh leader

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i got a question

When u would want to do a drive by whne u get into a car u would go to the drivers seat but there is a driver and u want to get into the back seat would it work?

and there would probably be a vote to choose a leader and u could probably jsut come up and kill him hehe and take the leaders place that would be cool

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Untill you get a leadervsleader war, internal gang war for leader position. I could agree w/ votes, every 10-15 minutes one vote for leader should be done.. not more otherwise you get that constantly leader fight.

Well if ur not a driver but a gunner i suggest you switch seats yeah, cause the driver can shoot and steer :)

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do you guys ever played OFP

with the mission called the village or something...

were you have

a maffia group..

a gun handler

car handler

heli/plane handler

and the cops..

and the cops are just patrolling around to see that the maffia dont do stupid things.

if they get cuaght trying to raid a bank the police is allowed to capture the player and put them to jail..

so that the remaining maffia must try to get their m8's out of prison, by using guns that they buy at a gunstore..

but the police can ask to the player: "when a maffia guy comes in and want to buy a gun say it in the police channel"

so the gunguy has 2 options,

- wont get killed later by the maff cuz he betraid them

- lie to the police and sell a gun to the maffia,

this is a small explanation about what it is.

most of you know Operation Flashpoint, i cant say that the original game has anything to do with RPG, but this MP- mission was the best i ever played...

i read some posts about that clan/gang called sapd or something, same as

me, they like to just drive around and keep an eye on players...no DM no streetracing (maybe the corrupt cops ;) ).. just RPG-style checking civilians...

having a chat and stuff..

that's kinda cool...

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IMO - In a large gang/RPG style gamemode it sucks to have police .. mostly some stupid kiddy's join them and as a normal player i wont fire as i see a police officer .. who knows if they do the same. Strange things happen, ppl who didnt do nething will be put in jail and that sort of things.

If ur an Admin, and have some responsibility over the server, to make it welcome for others, being nice and all the ability to join police FOR ADMINS is nice .. thats my opinion. An admin knows not to mess around so much .. offcourse a bit since we all do that, but not like some 8-year-old-happy-to-pull-the-trigger-kiddys .. if u know what i mean ;)

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Anyways for RPG-Gamemode will hosts be able 2 close/open their bridges??? Just want 2 know.

Edit: The gangs, and the dealers should have drugs. When a cop see a drug dealer then the cop has 2 choices:

1. Send him to jail and pay the fine of $3,500.

2. Kill him (If he draws his weapon and aim it at the cop(s)

3. Set up the fine on #1. (optional choice)

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  Deathspike said:
The cop has to respect the law .. i doubt the player will :roll:

Not all cops in real life respect the law.

Anyway, to encourage the player to do so, you have to give them some kind of reward. For example, the fine could be paid directly to the player.

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not a bad idea but some ppl will go on a rampage so i think in rpg mode the (leader) must give money so player will buy weapons and so not all player will have weapons. That way theere will be less of noob players killing their own and going on a stupid rampage for no reason. or something like that (leader) giving money or guns...

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  PoisoN2003 said:
not a bad idea but some ppl will go on a rampage so i think in rpg mode the (leader) must give money so player will buy weapons and so not all player will have weapons. That way theere will be less of noob players killing their own and going on a stupid rampage for no reason. or something like that (leader) giving money or guns...

Ya but what if the person dies? Then the person wouldnt buy a weapon and then creates a problem: How can a person gets his weapon and money back if he died in a hospital and have $0?


  PoisoN2003 said:
there probably wouldnt be a hospital they woudl resurect in the gangs base

Just like the grand theft auto online that was created by byond (its a 2D game. Not much of a 3D action game.)

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I have been reading a lot and just have one question... I might have missed you guys answer it, perhaps in a different thread. But since this is the main thread for RPG I'll ask here...

Have you considered to what effect the player limitation in one server will have on the RPG style? What makes a world breathe is the fact that there are abound amounts of people, all with diverse opinions and such. To have an actual world you need multiple gangs, etc. But because the more players there are, the worse the 'lag' will be, how badly would this effect the ability to RP?

I thought it would be best to have less servers, as more people would play on each. But then there would be too many people, so that isn't the way to solve it, I guess...

Don't want to make it seem like I'm just coming in here and stomping on people's dreams, I'm all for the RPG style gameplay of GTA: SA. Hopefully will also get a few friends into it and a few friends out of it. Just wondering if this has been considered... Couldn't find any threads on it.


  ChrML said:
making the player not know where the other players are until you are in a specific radius from him can actually make it support a huge number of players.

Unless this is the answer I'm looking for... :lol::oops:

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Being an old school Roleplayer, I figured I'd pop a few words in here.

While SA does have some RPG elements (Weapon Skills, Functional Skills, Stats and Missions), it's basically a huge shooting gallery, which tends to break any Roleplaying one can attempt to do into two routes, kill or get killed. Hack and Slash is NOT Roleplaying, and from what I've seen of the MTA community, it's not roleplaying-focused. It's all about the kills, who you kill, how often you kill and what you kill them with.

To impliment a fully functional MMO style game (Which is what I see your ideas being) would be a huge undertaking and the mass mindset of the MTA community would have to shift. Your suggestions are nice, I can see you put alot of thought into balance and playability, but it all boils down to the same two routes in MTA; Killing or getting Killed. You respawn and go do it again.

I've tried roleplaying on the so-called RPG servers before and I was kicked because I went to assassinate a specific individual who killed me recently. I was firing at only him amongst a crowd of people, being very specific about who I was shooting at and then suddenly "ding! You have been kicked from the server!". Anyone I spoke with from an in-character standpoint ignored me, and on yet another RPG server, I was threatened they would hack my ISP if I didn't stop fighting and instead left them alone to !sell cars and !buydrugs.

MTA is an action based game, with very very minor RPG elements. Now I haven't been up to par on my MTA:SA research, but I don't think they'll be setting things up to where your character stats and outfits are saved on the server (Thus creating a continuous flow of improvement over time). I think it's more likely they'll just max out the skills and give people classes with weapons and a spawnpoint or spread pickups around the map.

An MMORPG of Grand Theft Auto has been as much a dream of the gamers out there as a Multi-player version of Grand Theft Auto was, especially after they started finding leftover code for Multiplayer in GTA III. If there's going to be a massive server based MMO game, it's going to have to come from Rockstar themselves. Hosting a 12 man server on your machine at home doesn't compare to the hardware power you need to run a full fledged MMO.

As a small gamemode, I can see your ideas working, but you need (from what I'm reading, and I could be misunderstanding some of the thoughts) lots of people in the server at the same time to actually put them to use. You need a driver to spawn a vehicle for you, you need a gunner to bring in the heavy weapons, you need another gang around to fight against or you need an admin to be there to start up some kind of antagonist against you. Otherwise you're left with the standard "Look, something moving over there, let's go kill it". Let's not forget, there won't be Peds and other NPC's in MTA; Blue or not.

I like your ideas, it seems well balanced, I just don't see the MTA community being able to digest it. And any true Roleplayers that are on these forums already know what happens when D00ds and Roleplayers are in the same vicinity... It's not pretty. (Guenivere DAOC RP server, anyone?)

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We believe that blue will bring a significant shift in our role in development of the mod. We hoep this will allow other developers to develop whatever they like and reach out to other gaming communities such as RPG.

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i know someone have a 100mbit server in Amsterdam...

with a 64 bit CPU,

1 gb ram

and 250 gb hdd

....isn't that enough to host alot of ppl,

or does it also depend on how much the mta:server can hold before it maybe can go "unstable"

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  eAi said:
We believe that blue will bring a significant shift in our role in development of the mod. We hoep this will allow other developers to develop whatever they like and reach out to other gaming communities such as RPG.

Can there be an add-on so that anyone who creates a MTA: SA server will use the Add-on to play RPG with MTA: SA?

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