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new FAQ

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  • MTA Team
I was just wandering why will it take 24 hours to write a faq. Will it be 24 pages long or something?
because i posted this post in the evening and i wouldn't want to work all night on it. I have a life u known. The last week the only thing i spend time on in my free time was MTA
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nice idea :)

and to all the people who are blaming the team for non-working software:

1. They develop the whole thing in their FREE time. It's not their job!!! They are not paid for it nor do they receive any other benefit from it! They do it because they like to do. And that is what you all should respect!

2. This software is in development stage atm. Noone forces you to install it. This is not a final version!! Every alpha version has lots of bugs that have to be fixed.

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I was just wandering why will it take 24 hours to write a faq. Will it be 24 pages long or something?

what is your problem man? Can you not wait even 24 hours for some answers to questions you could probably figure out on your own if you would read these forums??

He said WITHIN the next 24 hours. No it's probably not going to take him 24 hours to write the stupid thing, but damn dude, the guy has a life too I'm sure. Cut em some slack =)

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Well done on the FAQ tbh it explains everything u need to know BUT u need to make a full page intro banner for when u join this site and forum so that it tells the n00bs that there IS !! a FAQ and to go read it instead of just coming here N spamming the fuck out of the forums with BS like they do

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I was just wandering why will it take 24 hours to write a faq. Will it be 24 pages long or something?

:) heheh

I 2 think the guy is in for a bag of chips once and a while.

Suppose it was a mispaced question/(<>remarque), He regrets having it allready written.


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