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$ sign


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having a $ sign in ur mta nickname can be a very big problem, if you know how to, u can get admin pass etc. out of it if ur running scripts.

I find that hard to believe. I've always thought the $ being restricted was a result of it causing parsing issues, similiar to how apostrophes cause syntax problems in MySQL.

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having a $ sign in ur mta nickname can be a very big problem, if you know how to, u can get admin pass etc. out of it if ur running scripts.

I find that hard to believe. I've always thought the $ being restricted was a result of it causing parsing issues, similiar to how apostrophes cause syntax problems in MySQL.

with the old !note/!notes script u could note a mIRC/MTA:mA Command to make it show other peoples IPs etc. thats why most scripts now banned $s in !commands and wen u join the server

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It's jsut all parsing problems. It could lead to code insertion like in the !note case. It's all about mIRC not be able to escape character very easily. So disallowing them is a quick-and-dirty solution, and it does work :)

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