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Gate help


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Hello everybody i made a gate script but now i want to make it a clan base on dayz gamemode but everybody can open it i use the regular group system witch comes with dayz 

the code 

local gate = createObject ( 8378,1064.3000488281,1771,19.700000762939,0,0,0 ) 
local state = 0      
function move() 
    if state == 0 then  
        moveObject ( gate,4000,1064.3000488281,1771.0999755859,40.099998474121) 
        state = state + 1 
    elseif state == 1 then   
        moveObject ( gate, 4000,1064.3000488281,1771,19.700000762939) 
        state = state - 1 
 addCommandHandler("gate", move ) 


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local gate = createObject ( 8378,1064.3000488281,1771,19.700000762939,0,0,0 ) 
local state = 0      
function move(thePlayer) 
    if getElementData(thePlayer, "group") == "Your group name here" then
       if state == 0 then  
           moveObject ( gate,4000,1064.3000488281,1771.0999755859,40.099998474121) 
           state = state + 1 
       elseif state == 1 then   
           moveObject ( gate, 4000,1064.3000488281,1771,19.700000762939) 
           state = state - 1 
 addCommandHandler("gate", move ) 


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u welcome


local opencommand = "gate"  --open command
local closecommand = "gate1" --close command
local ACL = "Server Owner" --acl

local GateObject = 3036  --object
local OpenTime = 6000 --opening second
local rotX, rotY, rotZ = 0, 0, 90 --rotations 
local Defx, Defy, defz = 2055, -1697, 14.199999809265 --closed position 
local opx, opy, opz = 2055, -1697, 10  --opened position

--create the gate (DO NOT EDIT) 
local ggate = createObject ( GateObject, Defx, Defy, defz, rotX, rotY, rotZ)

function gateopen ( p )
    if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)), aclGetGroup(ACL)) then
        moveObject (ggate, OpenTime, opx, opy, opz)
        outputChatBox("gate open", p,0,255,0,true)
        outputChatBox("u dont have permission", p,0,255,0,true)
addCommandHandler( opencommand, gateopen)
function gateclose ( p )
    if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)), aclGetGroup(ACL)) then
        moveObject (ggate, OpenTime, Defx, Defy, defz)
        outputChatBox("gate closing", p,0,255,0,true)
        outputChatBox("u dont have permission", p,0,255,0,true)
addCommandHandler( closecommand, gateclose)


Edited by MilOG
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1 hour ago, Dimos7 said:

local gate = createObject ( 8378,1064.3000488281,1771,19.700000762939,0,0,0 ) 
local state = 0      
function move(thePlayer) 
    if getElementData(thePlayer, "group") == "Your group name here" then
       if state == 0 then  
           moveObject ( gate,4000,1064.3000488281,1771.0999755859,40.099998474121) 
           state = state + 1 
       elseif state == 1 then   
           moveObject ( gate, 4000,1064.3000488281,1771,19.700000762939) 
           state = state - 1 
 addCommandHandler("gate", move ) 


How can we even make the script work for you, tell us if your group system have export functions. If yes, then put it here.

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Well, I suppose you can then call this instead of that getElementData in the reply above.

if ( not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( thePlayer ) ) and ( isGangMember( 'yourGangName', getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( thePlayer ) ) ) ) then
    -- Your gate script

You will need to execute the gate script inside the DayZ resource, as otherwise it'll not be able to find the isGangMember function that is included in the resource.

Edited by myonlake
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14 hours ago, myonlake said:

Well, I suppose you can then call this instead of that getElementData in the reply above.

if ( not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( thePlayer ) ) and ( isGangMember( 'yourGangName', getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( thePlayer ) ) ) ) then
    -- Your gate script

You will need to execute the gate script inside the DayZ resource, as otherwise it'll not be able to find the isGangMember function that is included in the resource.

An easier method will be to do it like this:

local gang = getElementData(player, "gang") or false;
local thegang = "THEGANGNAME";

if (gang and gang == thegang) then
	-- Move the gate!

Also no need to run in DayZ, it can be a stand alone resource.

Sorry haven't seen the posts above :)xD 

Edited by Tekken
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7 hours ago, Tekken said:

An easier method will be to do it like this:

local gang = getElementData(player, "gang") or false;
local thegang = "THEGANGNAME";

if (gang and gang == thegang) then
	-- Move the gate!

Also no need to run in DayZ, it can be a stand alone resource.

Sorry haven't seen the posts above :)xD 

Sure, you can do that, but that kinda takes away the whole point of having functions in scripting languages in general. What if that element data key changes? You'll need to replace that everywhere. That's why we use functions. And instead of doing all that weird code, you can simply just write this and it'll do the same thing.

if ( getElementData( thePlayer, 'gang' ) == 'yourGangName' ) then
    -- Your gate script
Edited by myonlake
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