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Playerbase declining


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Anyone else noticed lack of players in mta recently, most of players are leaving mtasa i think. SAES rpg only gets around 15 -30 players which used to get around 100

and also CIT 200-300 sometimes 500 but not like before. I think players are moving to other games, its sad that mtasa is losing playerbase

There is not a single populated TDM  server 

Edited by rageking11
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  • MTA Anti-Cheat Team
9 hours ago, Simple01 said:

It's something normal, better games are getting on. GTA V multiplayer non official platform is out. Players are looking for something new, they're not looking for the same gamemodes in all the servers.

MTA outruns GTA:V by playercounts, so does it with many top 10 multiplayer games worldwide.

This topic is just gut feelings, MTA still tops off multiplayer gaming charts despite that it doesn't become public knownledge that easy.

Check here: http://mygaming.co.za/news/pc/104633-more-popular-than-gta-v-online-welcome-to-multiplayer-gta-san-andreas.html


GTA 5: Consistently placed in Steam’s top ten bestselling games, the game reaches a peak of around 50,000 active users daily.

It’s not the most popular open-world crime game on PC however, not by a long shot.

That title goes to the now 11 years old GTA: San Andreas and its two absolutely massive multiplayer mods, reports RockPaperShotgun.


'' (that's right, gaming media now start picking up the fact MTA owns many ''top rated'' multiplayer games by large) ''


If anything changed recently in how many players MTA attracts, it only became more. Went from average 15,000 simultaneous players on CEST evenings to more around 21,000.

Just naming a few servers you know, looking at them at times random for you that fit, doesn't tell much if anything about MTAs general popularity.

Besides that.. Judging by the counts you name and my knownledge of their average counts I'm pretty certain you're checking in a dip timezone/time. It's for example rare that the named servers get counts so low as you call.

Go check your examples up on game-state.com and look on the playercount graphs around the clock.

Edited by Dutchman101
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5 hours ago, Khadeer143 said:

MTA sa are most constantly famous! Yea gta v is just released but 60% r trying just see how the game is becoz in some country ita hrd to run gtav in there pc becoz of ram and grpahics those 40% r swtiching to mta or wwe or anyother games 


May I get that in english?


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