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Cop Colt45 animation


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Hello guys!

You may know that the cop peds in GTA SA singleplayer hold the pistol (Colt45) in a different way than gang members and the player himself. So I searched a little bit and found this:


However, I don't know how soon this will be implemented. My question is, is there any way right now of making the player hold ONE 9mm pistol with TWO hands, like a singleplayer cop? I already tried some things (setWeaponProperty() and setPedAnimation()) but None of these really worked (setWeaponProperty() makes the player shoot the pistol in the air and setPedAnimation() makes the cop colt Animation, but AFTER the shot).

Could anyone help me? I'm pretty down because I need just THIS Feature for a RPG script and I don't think that the suggestion I posted above will be implemented in near future...



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There is 3 methods to do it:

1) Using custom animation  which MTA:SA doesn't support yet.

2) Change the properties of deagle then replace Deagle mod (DFF,TXD) to make it look like colt.

3) Change the player animation onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch > Create a custom weapon > Use bone attach resource to attach it to the player > Bind key (mouse1,mouse2) > setWeaponState to change the custom weapon state > many other things ....

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  On 07/09/2016 at 22:04, Walid said:

There is 3 methods to do it:

1) Using custom animation  which MTA:SA doesn't support yet.

2) Change the properties of deagle then replace Deagle mod (DFF,TXD) to make it look like colt.

3) Change the player animation onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch > Create a custom weapon > Use bone attach resource to attach it to the player > Bind key (mouse1,mouse2) > setWeaponState to change the custom weapon state > many other things ....


Thanks for your response!

Now, I still have three open question to the individual solutions:

1. Is it even possible in any way or are is there just no official support?

2. I once saw multiple guns with deagle animation and properties on a DayZ server (Colt Python, Glock,...)  How can I do that?

3. And how can I make the player have a crosshair, but the animation doesn't stop?

Thanks for every word!

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