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MTA freezing every three seconds.



I've been using a laptop for 4 years already and MTA worked flawlessly all that time, the laptop had 4GB RAM, Dual-Core 2GHz and a shitty Intel HD Graphics integrated card. 5 days ago, I bought a new PC, which has 4GB RAM, Quad-Core 3.2GHz and an Nvidia dedicated graphics card + an Intel HD Graphics integrated card. Yesterday I've installed MTA SA and ran it on my local server so I could continue developing, but seems like my game freezes and unfreezes every 3 seconds accompanied by the loading spinner at the bottom. It's unplayable now, and I don't understand what the hell is happening, also, sometimes when I restart my MTA it doesn't show the splash screen but it shows MTA as a process on the task manager, until I restart Windows entirely, then it works again. My OS is Windows 8.1.

NOTES: I'm using the Nvidia default graphics card to play the game, using 1920x1080 and two monitors.

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EDIT: The virtualized OS works perfectly with MTA on my new PC, so yeah, definitely a problem of my OS and and nothing to do with the actual hardware.

Then you could just try all the remaining steps that I summed up (including rebuilding the service store as I listed it, using a .bat) and drivers I listed (refer to all my posts and just skip the ones that didn't work, such as DISM or SFC) if this doesn't fix your OS then you'll need to re-install it. But it's worth a shot performing all of them, step by step, to see if it can save you the effort of completely re-installing Windows.

For convenience i'll just list it again: (trying to fix the service that lets the system call fail MTA is struggling with, creating the problem)

1: register the service component SignDrv.dll by commandprompt as admin > '' regsvr32 signdrv.dll ''

2: fix the service;

- Go to Run > services.msc > find Windows Management Instrumentation, rightclick > properties, stop the service and set it Disabled.

- Run the following in commandprompt: '' Winmgmt /salvagerepository '' after that also '' Winmgmt /resetrepository ''

Now open a text file, paste in the following content:

@echo off 
sc config winmgmt start= disabled 
net stop winmgmt /y 
cd %windir%\system32\wbem 
for /f %%s in (‘dir /b *.dll’) do regsvr32 /s %%s 
wmiprvse /regserver 
winmgmt /regserver 
sc config winmgmt start= auto 
net start winmgmt 
for /f %%s in (‘dir /s /b *.mof *.mfl’) do mofcomp %%s 

Save the text file as fix.bat (selecting All file types) then run the fix.bat as Administrator from where you saved it.

After the .bat script completes, restart your PC and see if it worked

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Alright, I'll give it a try as soon as I come back home.

As if you didn't come home yet..

You are the one who kept bumping this topic many times from December 2015 to now (few times each month), having collected more than 50 replies, and also made a Mantis bug report to try get priority, and then when you get more support you slack and are gone.

No offense, but for me this marks the end of all efforts in writing here. If you cannot keep up with support instructions then don't try to keep your issue topic alive, not now and not in a few months again.

Good luck with solving your problem

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